
Phoebe Wightman

操作/手術s 経営者/支配人

Phoebe joined the Base 商売/仕事 team as 操作/手術s 経営者/支配人 in October 2023. With 8 years of 献身的な service in the 財政上の 産業, Phoebe 誇るs a 強健な background in both 財政上の planning and accounting 部門s.

Her かかわり合い to (弁護士の)依頼人 success 向こうずねs through as she takes delight in 補助装置ing them in 達成するing their goals.

Phoebe’s 専門的知識 延長するs beyond 伝統的な 役割s, encompassing a strong 利益/興味 and 広範囲にわたる experience in 同意/服従 and 操作/手術s. Known for her innovative and 今後-thinking approach to 商売/仕事 and 会社/堅い 操作/手術s, Phoebe 終始一貫して 捜し出すs out creative 解答s to 運動 efficiency and 高める (弁護士の)依頼人 satisfaction.

Outside of the office, Phoebe enjoys …に出席するing live concerts or unwinding with friends over a glass of ワイン (or two).