
Sally Jaques Robertson

DirectorB.COM MIPA.
"I quickly worked out that my passion in life wasn’t wearing a 控訴, carrying a 簡潔な/要約する 事例/患者 or crunching numbers but it was helping people. Helping people to understand, to learn and to navigate 商売/仕事 and 課税"

I began my career in 1999 as a young, naive & impressionable girl with 抱擁する ambitions to ‘make a difference’. I really had no idea what I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to do other than have a 職業 where I could wear a 控訴 & carry a 簡潔な/要約する 事例/患者!

I started at the University of Newcastle 入会させるd in a Bachelor of 商売/仕事 & 法律 and quickly got tired of the 十分な-time student lifestyle of partying, 熟考する/考慮するing and having no money. In my second semester at University, I decided I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to work and 熟考する/考慮する, I always needed to be busy. I 適用するd for three 雇用 positions that were advertised in the 地元の newspaper and received a call 支援する for an interview for all three positions.

I took a position as a 訓練生 accountant at a small 会社/堅い in Newcastle and I ended up staying with them until July 2009. The position seemed like an 平易な choice. The partners were young & fresh, and the offices were very stylish ? a good fit!

During my time with the 会社/堅い, I not only had the 適切な時期 to 進歩 as an 助言者 and 完全にする my Bachelor of 商業 and 法律 at the University of Newcastle but I also had the 適切な時期 to watch a small 会社/堅い grow into a successful 商売/仕事. I 進歩d from 訓練生 accountant to a 管理/経営 役割 and worked on a 広大な variety of (弁護士の)依頼人s.

I quickly worked out that my passion in life?wasn’t?wearing a 控訴, carrying a 簡潔な/要約する 事例/患者 or crunching numbers but it was helping people. Helping people to understand, to learn and to navigate 商売/仕事 and 課税. I have also 伸び(る)d an 受託 for all types of people and their personalities and have learned to adapt to my 環境 and the people around me to bring out the best in them.

I made the difficult 決定/判定勝ち(する) to leave the 会社/堅い i n July 2009 to 追求する a new challenge in a 協議するing 役割. This 協議するing 役割 quickly grew to me 選ぶing up a lot of 協議するing work and within months the 概念 for BASE was born. I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to create a 商売/仕事 that was not just based around the 伝統的な servicing of (弁護士の)依頼人s for accounting & 課税 and 法案ing per hour but 供給するing education and support to (弁護士の)依頼人s in an ever-changing 環境 of 税金 法律s, 複雑にするd 税金 問題/発行するs and endless 罰金s & 刑罰,罰則s and make it as simple as possible so that they can enjoy 存在 in 商売/仕事 rather than not sleeping at night from the 強調する/ストレス of it all.

"I didn’t want to do it better, I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to do it different."

BASE is young compared to most 会社/堅いs in the 産業 however within a short period of time we have built an impressive 大臣の地位 of (弁護士の)依頼人s. These (弁護士の)依頼人s 範囲 from our larger (弁護士の)依頼人s in the 資源? 部門s to our small (弁護士の)依頼人s in a variety of 産業s. All our (弁護士の)依頼人s are 平等に importantly to the BASE family and are 供給するd with service and education on a level playing field, we don’t class our (弁護士の)依頼人s によれば size or wealth. Some just need a little more attention than others!!

BASE also has a team of professionals whose energy & knowledge 連合させるd makes for an entertaining workplace. We all believe in the same philosophy and through leadership & hard work (and lots of fun) together I know we will make a difference.

There have been a few people that have been 影響力のある in this 旅行 and without their 無条件の support I would have never had the strength or courage to take this leap of 約束.

My children Sienna, Stella & 示す, you are both my inspiration. You 奮起させる me every day and 動機づける me to keep going so I can be someone you all look up too and 尊敬(する)・点. Everything I do, I do for you all.

My mum you are my number one fan. The only 推論する/理由 I believe in myself is because of you. You will never give up on me, this is something I have come to 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる now that I am a mother too.BASE is my 創造, and I am so very proud of what it stands for. I am now enjoying building the 商売/仕事, this growth 段階 is exciting and challenging.