



Historyporn pics

Japanese female pearldiver ca. 1900 [506x660]

Japanese 女性(の) pearldiver ca. 1900 [506x660]


Skeleton of a Japanese atomic bomb victim, Nagasaki, Japan, by Bernard Hoffman, September

骸骨/概要 of a Japanese 原子の 爆弾 犠牲者, Nagasaki, Japan, by Bernard Hoffman, September 1945 [1017 × 1280] (NSFW)


"The Most Beautiful Suicide" taken by Robert Wiles. Evelyn McHale jumped

"The Most Beautiful 自殺" taken by Robert Wiles. Evelyn McHale jumped from the Empire 明言する/公表する building in 1947.[500x667]NSFW


This pic of Angela Merkel LITERALLY belongs in r/historyporn. [606 x 800] NSFW. (x-post

This pic of Angela Merkel LITERALLY belongs in r/historyporn. [606 x 800] NSFW. (x-地位,任命する from r/pics)

HistoryPorn, pics

American troops find a boxcar full of bodies at the liberation of the Dachau concentration

American 軍隊/機動隊s find a boxcar 十分な of 団体/死体s at the 解放 of the Dachau 集中 (軍の)野営地,陣営, April 29th 1945 [1024x762]


American Civil War POW. [312x783]

American Civil War 捕虜. [312x783]


John Lennon, historyporn.. literally

John Lennon, historyporn.. literally


Salvador Dal? painting Amanda Lear, by Yul Brynner, 1971. [1000x667]

Salvador Dal? 絵 Amanda Lear, by Yul Brynner, 1971. [1000x667]


African Americans collecting bones of soldiers killed at the Battle of Cold Harbor

African Americans collecting bones of 兵士s killed at the 戦う/戦い of 冷淡な Harbor 近づく the Confederate 資本/首都 of Richmond, Virginia in April 1865. [2506x1899]


A member of the US Army sprays disinfectant over the bodies of Jonestown victims

A member of the US Army sprays 消毒薬 over the 団体/死体s of Jonestown 犠牲者s before placing them into plastic 団体/死体 捕らえる、獲得するs for 除去 to Georgetown - 1978 [1500x2028]


Mary Ann Vecchio kneels over the body of Jeffrey Miller after he was shot by the

Mary Ann Vecchio ひさまづくs over the 団体/死体 of Jeffrey Miller after he was 発射 by the Ohio 国家の Guard, Kent 明言する/公表する, May 4th, 1970. [628x488]


A German soldier holds a camera, standing in front of a destroyed British Mark IV

A German 兵士 持つ/拘留するs a camera, standing in 前線 of a destroyed British 示す IV (女性(の)) 戦車/タンク and the 燃やすd remains of its 乗組員 in 1917. [1024 × 809]


"American soldier standing over bodies of Japanese attackers he has just killed

"American 兵士 standing over 団体/死体s of Japanese 攻撃者s he has just killed after they 試みる/企てるd a suicidal 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 during the fighting on Buna Beach", by George Strock, Buna, Papua New Guinea, 1943 [1030 × 1280] (NSFW)


A Parisian Cabaret Artist from 1900 - [1970x3250]

A Parisian Cabaret Artist from 1900 - [1970x3250]


25 years ago today, I shot this historic image of the Tiananmen Massacre [1314 x

25 years ago today, I 発射 this historic image of the Tiananmen 大虐殺 [1314 x 1705]


Gangster Irving Ashkenas lies dead after he was slain by members of Murder, Inc.,

ギャング(個々) Irving Ashkenas lies dead after he was 殺害された by members of 殺人, Inc., outside a hotel in upstate New York 1936 - [1200x941]


Burial of an unknown child. This unknown child has become the icon of the world's

Burial of an unknown child. This unknown child has become the icon of the world's worst 産業の 災害, 原因(となる)d by the US 多国籍の 化学製品 company, Union Carbide, 2 December 1984, Bhopal, India. [559X800]


Official police photograph of the murder scene of Mary Kelly, who believed to be

公式の/役人 police photograph of the 殺人 scene of Mary Kelly, who believed to be the 5th and final 犠牲者 of Jack the Ripper, London, 1888 [500x368]


A legionnaire with a knife in his hand, surrounded by other French Foreign legionnaires

A 軍隊の一員 with a knife in his 手渡す, surrounded by other French Foreign 軍隊の一員s and 兵士s after he killed an Algerian 反逆者/反逆する who was getting ready to throw a 手渡す 手りゅう弾 at a restaurant in Algiers, in 1956. [1055 x 667]


Frank Embree about to be lynched, Fayette, Missouri, July 22, 1899, see comment.

Frank Embree about to be lynched, Fayette, Missouri, July 22, 1899, see comment. [450x652]


“Kerch resident P.I. Ivanova found her husband, who was tortured by the fascist

“Kerch 居住(者) P.I. Ivanova 設立する her husband, who was 拷問d by the 国粋主義者/ファシスト党員 executioners.”, by Dmitri Baltermants, Kerch Crimea, 1942. [1280x1004]


Investigators examine the body of Kurt Cobain, April 8, 1994. [740px × 481px]

捜査官/調査官s 診察する the 団体/死体 of Kurt Cobain, April 8, 1994. [740px × 481px]


Buchenwald, 1945 by Margaret Bourke-White. [1280x1335]

Buchenwald, 1945 by Margaret Bourke-White. [1280x1335]


Bodies of people trapped and burned as they fled through a street during the bombing

団体/死体s of people 罠にかける and 燃やすd as they fled through a street during the 爆破 of Tokyo, March 1945 [800x538]


Fans being crushed against the fence in the Liverpool enclosure at the Hillsborough

Fans 存在 鎮圧するd against the 盗品故買者 in the Liverpool enclosure at the Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield, England, 15 April 1989. 96 were killed and 766 負傷させるd. - [1970x1450]


WWII --- U.S. soldiers in combat with tank support (Germany - 1945) [1200x985]

WWII --- U.S. 兵士s in 戦闘 with 戦車/タンク support (Germany - 1945) [1200x985]


An American soldier gazes out in company with a dead German soldier and a Moaning

An American 兵士 gazes out in company with a dead German 兵士 and a Moaning Minnie [470x381]


On Christmas Day, 25 December, the Ceau?escus were tried before a drumhead court-martial.

On Christmas Day, 25 December, the Ceau?escus were tried before a drumhead 法廷,裁判所-戦争の. The Ceau?escus were 設立する 有罪の and 宣告,判決d to death by 解雇する/砲火/射撃ing squad. [1600x966]


US Army Medic looks up in desperation after continuous ressusitation efforts are

US Army Medic looks up in desperation after continuous ressusitation 成果/努力s are made on a dying solider, Vietnam 1967 [400x591]


A little Russian girl touches her dead mother just after the liberation of the Ozarichi

A little ロシアの girl touches her dead mother just after the 解放 of the Ozarichi 集中 (軍の)野営地,陣営 in Belarus, March 1944 - [1408x1896]


Seven horses of the Queen's Household Cavalry lie dead or dying after the IRA detonated

Seven horses of the Queen's 世帯 Cavalry 嘘(をつく) dead or dying after the アイルランド共和国軍 爆発させるd a nail 爆弾 while 兵士s were riding to Buckingham Palace to 参加する the Changing of the Guard 儀式, Hyde Park, London, July 20, 1982. Three 兵士s were k


Medical students with cadavers, date unknown. [1424x1107]

医療の students with cadavers, date unknown. [1424x1107]


Japanese soldiers murder a group of Allied Indian prisoners, WWII Asia. [800x546]

Japanese 兵士s 殺人 a group of 連合した Indian 囚人s, WWII Asia. [800x546]


Natives admiring an American Air Force F4-U “Corsair” plane somewhere in the

Natives admiring an American 空気/公表する 軍隊 F4-U “Corsair” 計画(する) somewhere in the 太平洋の of 1943. When they first met the Americans they thought they were from the heavens and 扱う/治療するd them as gods. [1024×745].


American soldiers take cover on the Nibelungen bridge over the Rhine River, as German

American 兵士s take cover on the Nibelungen 橋(渡しをする) over the Rhine River, as German 狙撃者s on the opposite bank of the Rhine take 目的(とする). Worms, Germany. 28 March 1945. [629×800].


Mark II female Tank Number 598 advancing with Infantry at Vimy Ridge [640 × 505]

示す II 女性(の) 戦車/タンク Number 598 前進するing with Infantry at Vimy 山の尾根 [640 × 505] April 12 1917


One of the photos unpublished until 2003 of a mass execution of French partisans

One of the photos unpublished until 2003 of a 集まり 死刑執行 of French 同志/支持者s of the Manouchian group, taken by an anti-Nazi, NCO hiding in the bushes at 開始する Valerien, Paris, February 21, 1944, see comment. [2316x1656]


19-year old Corn?lia ‘Corry’ van Baalen-Bosch, a member of the Dutch Resistance

19-year old Corn?lia ‘Corry’ 先頭 Baalen-Bosch, a member of the Dutch 抵抗 photographed in her 棺. She was 遂行する/発効させるd by the Germans on April 10, 1945, いっそう少なく than an hour before Canadian 軍隊s 解放するd the city of Deventer. [597 x 599]


A rescuer looks around in shock and horror, as he holds the lifeless body of a child

A 救助者 looks around in shock and horror, as he 持つ/拘留するs the lifeless 団体/死体 of a child in the 影響 of the 沈むing of the SS Eastland in the Chicago River, July 24, 1915. 844 乗客s and 乗組員 were killed - [1035x709]


A teenage boy stands beside his murdered family shortly before his own death by the

A teenage boy stands beside his 殺人d family の直前に his own death by the SS. Zboriv, ウクライナ共和国, 5th of July 1941. [800x500]


Communists being executed by Nationalists during the Chinese Civil War, the deed

共産主義者s 存在 遂行する/発効させるd by 国家主義者s during the Chinese Civil War, the 行為 存在 done with a 弾丸 to the 支援する of the 長,率いる, Shanghai, 1946-49 - [1280x1029]


Two Japanese Imperial Marines who killed themselves by placing their rifle muzzles

Two Japanese 皇室の 海洋s who killed themselves by placing their ライフル銃/探して盗む muzzles against their 長,率いるs and pulling the 誘発する/引き起こすs with their toes, rather than 降伏する to U.S. 海洋s, after the Japanese fought almost to the last man during the 戦う/戦い of T


Suicide on Wall Street during the great crash, 1929. [800x600]

自殺 on 塀で囲む Street during the 広大な/多数の/重要な 衝突,墜落, 1929. [800x600]


Marilyn Monroe on the set of Something's Got to Give, Page 33 (Roll 7, Frame 33),

Marilyn Monroe on the 始める,決める of Something's Got to Give, Page 33 (Roll 7, でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる 33), 1962 by Lawrence Schiller. [3000x1997]


Smoking hot Fanny Brice as a Ziegfeld Follies girl, c1910-1915 (colorized) [932 x

Smoking hot Fanny Brice as a Ziegfeld Follies girl, c1910-1915 (colorized) [932 x 1180]


A critically wounded Marine is given an on-the-spot transfusion by a Navy Corpman

A 批判的に 負傷させるd 海洋 is given an その場で/直ちに transfusion by a 海軍 Corpman on Cape Gloucester, 1944 [1531x1780]


Members of Colonel Hugo Mart?nez's Search Bloc celebrate over Pablo Escobar's body

Members of 陸軍大佐 Hugo 市場?nez's Search 圏 celebrate over Pablo Escobar's 団体/死体 on December 2, 1993[500 × 304]


a dead German soldier outside a dugout near Beaumont Hamel, November 1916 [800×585]

a dead German 兵士 outside a dugout 近づく Beaumont Hamel, November 1916 [800×585]


Nazi General Anton Dostler immediately after the execution, 1945 [1298x1600]

Nazi General Anton Dostler すぐに after the 死刑執行, 1945 [1298x1600]


Dead Georgian soldier with his dog. 1993. War in Abkhazia.[480X336]

Dead Georgian 兵士 with his dog. 1993. War in Abkhazia.[480X336]


The body of East German border guard Reinhold Huhn is photographed lying face down

The 団体/死体 of East German 国境 guard Reinhold Huhn is photographed lying 直面する 負かす/撃墜する just beyond the newly built Berlin 塀で囲む after 存在 発射 by a West German 国民 逃げるing with his family, June 18, 1962 [1600x765]


First Miss Soviet Union Beauty Pageant, 1988 [800 × 719]

First 行方不明になる Soviet Union Beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列, 1988 [800 × 719]


A Vietnamese policeman attempts to put out the fire as a Buddhist monk burns to death

A Vietnamese policeman 試みる/企てるs to put out the 解雇する/砲火/射撃 as a Buddhist 修道士 燃やすs to death in 前線 of Saigon's Roman カトリック教徒 Cathedral, Oct. 27, 1963 by Horst Faas [1200 x 800]


A German woman commits suicide during the Battle of Berlin. With the continuation

A German woman commits 自殺 during the 戦う/戦い of Berlin. With the 延長/続編 of the war, the 切迫した 敗北・負かす of Germany, and 恐れる of Red Army 報復s, 自殺 率s in Germany 急上昇するd to an 天文学の 規模 に向かって the end of the war. April 1


Nazis examine books confiscated from the Institute for Sexual Research before sending

Nazis 診察する 調書をとる/予約するs 押収するd from the 学校/設ける for 性の 研究 before sending them off to be 燃やすd. Berlin, 1933 [1651x1200]


Man beating the corpse with the chair in front of the crowd in event of Thammasat

Man (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing the 死体 with the 議長,司会を務める in 前線 of the (人が)群がる in event of Thammasat 大虐殺, 6 October 1976. [800*576]


American soldiers burying dead Lakota who were gunned down in the Wounded Knee Massacre.

American 兵士s burying dead Lakota who were gunned 負かす/撃墜する in the 負傷させるd 膝 大虐殺. South Dakota, 1891. [1843 x 1330]


Two captured German Fallschirmj?ger carrying a wounded British soldier who lost

Two 逮捕(する)d German Fallschirmj?ger carrying a 負傷させるd British 兵士 who lost his foot from a 地雷. 戦う/戦い of Anzio, Italy, 22 May 1944. [1179 x 1155]
