

3DPowerTools: simple, intuitive 3d modeling in AutoCAD with a powerful 3D solid and surface editor, interactive shaded dragging, transparent 軌道, and intuitive 反対する 巧みな操作. Download a 解放する/自由な 裁判,公判 見解/翻訳/版 for 3D architecture and 3D 工学.

発表するing 3DLighting!
A 解放する/自由な plug-in for AutoCAD, MDT, and ADT

3DPowerTools transforms AutoCAD into a powerful modeling 一括.

Mailing 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)
3DPowerTools: $195 fully-機能の 裁判,公判 解放する/自由な lighting plug-in

  • CADENCE Magazine (May 2000): "What the folks at 3DPowerTools Inc. have come up with is an incredibly practical slew of 創造, editing and visualization 機能(する)/行事s that AutoCAD has never 供給するd out of the box and that 3D modelers have been waiting on for years .... My reaction after working with this 一括 for the first two hours is to say, "I can't believe it; it's finally happened." Read more
  • CADALYST Magazine (January 2000): "3DPowerTools 速度(を上げる)s up the design 過程 by 供給するing vertex-editing and quick 直面する-editing 道具s. It also 追加するs excellent new 軌道 道具s such as 中心 軌道, which is absent in AutoCAD ...." Read more
  • Drew's M-CAD 関係: "This is just my humble opinion of one good valued 3rd Party 新規加入 to Mechanical Desktop 4. Drew's 率ing: 5 星/主役にするs .... I 高度に recommend it!" Read more

What 使用者s are 説:
  • "My reaction after 実験ing with it for 15 minutes -- WOW!"
    -- our first 支払う/賃金ing 顧客
  • "宗教上の Mackerel is this thing going to be hot once it's 解放(する)d!! We (News Group Junkies) have been 叫び声をあげるing for this functionality in MDT."
    -- Quinn Zander
  • "Wow, this is really 悪賢い!

    Take a good, の近くに look at 3DPowerTools: it's got some very 悪賢い features, like 存在 able to dynamically constrain movement of 3D 反対するs along the X, Y, or Z direction, and it also 作品 類似して to MAX in 製図/抽選 反対するs dynamically.

    I'm definitely going to 会社にする/組み込む this into my 3D usage!"

    -- Robert Grandmaison
  • "The 道具s are 平易な to use and should be 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるd by both novice and hard-核心 ACAD 使用者s!"
    -- Nino Caldarola
  • "広大な/多数の/重要な 職業 you guys. Here are 2 dwgs that I had my 工場/植物 経営者/支配人 do. He has never tried to work with 3D before; he thought it was too 複雑にするd. I had him try 3DPowerTools and in a couple of days he created these 2 dwgs and now loves 3D."
    -- Buzz Harris
  • "I have been working with AutoCAD for 14 years waiting for true 3D 能力 for my (弁護士の)依頼人s. Finally, I have it."
    -- Richard Weiss, AIA, Architect, 33 Inverness Way, Inverness, CA
  • "I think 3DPowerTools is a 広大な/多数の/重要な 道具 for the 普通の/平均(する) designer."
    -- John Rankin


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Reproduction or copying of images is 禁じるd.




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