

3dpowertools downloads


3DPowerTools transforms AutoCAD, Mechanical Desktop, and Architectural Desktop into powerful and intuitive modeling 壇・綱領・公約s with the に引き続いて features:

640Kb / ~3 minutes at 56K
  • Interactive Shaded Dragging
    All 3DPowerTools 命令(する)s 供給する 即座の feedback by showing you the results of the 命令(する) as it proceeds. This feedback occurs in the 現在の shading 方式. Modeling in AutoCAD is now more intuitive than ever.
  • Transparent 軌道
    Change the viewpoint in the middle of any 命令(する). With this feature alone, you will be more 生産力のある.
  • 延長するd Modeling 能力s
    成し遂げる 次第に減少するd extrusions with 独断的な extrusion directions and 次第に減少する angles. Create blends between two sections. Create threads and other helical sweeps. Create pyramids and elliptical 反対/詐欺s with 独断的な 次第に減少する angles.
  • 延長するd Visualization 能力s
    軌道 about an 独断的な 中心 point. 軌道 while 持続するing "up". 成し遂げる transparent shademode and 発射/推定 changes.
  • Mesh Editor for Solids and Surfaces
    Our innovative, UCS-解放する/自由な mesh editor 許すs the direct 巧みな操作 of 直面するs, 辛勝する/優位s, and vertices on both solid and surface models.
  • Intuitive 反対する Positioning and Orienting
    Experience fully shaded positioning, orienting, and 規模ing of 反対するs with both freeform and axis-constrained translations and rotations. Interactive dimensions 陳列する,発揮する the distance translated or the angle 回転/交替d.
  • Edit in 視野 発射/推定
This download is a fully-機能の 30-day 裁判,公判. 3DPowerTools 作品 only with AutoCAD 2000, Mechanical Desktop 4.0, Architectural Desktop 2.0, and more 最近の 見解/翻訳/版s of these 製品s. If you have problems downloading, try using FTP instead of HTTP.

Join our mailing 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)
and receive a 解放する/自由な lighting 支配(する)/統制する plug-in.

  • Our ソフトウェア is meant to be used in shaded viewports. Be sure to try out our 道具s with Shademode 始める,決める to something other than Wireframe (use the "shademode" 命令(する) to do this).
  • 3DPowerTools 要求するs OpenGL support. If you are using Windows 95 without service pack 1, you will need to download and 任命する/導入する OpenGL. This executable is self-抽出するing; after 遂行する/発効させるing the とじ込み/提出する, copy all of the now uncompressed .DLLs into your windows\system directory.
  • You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to 見解(をとる) our 手動式の. If you do not have this on your system, you should download it.



ゥ2001 3DPowerTools, Inc. All 権利s reserved. Privacy 声明. 条件 of Use.
Reproduction or copying of images is 禁じるd.



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