

3DPowerTools 製品 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状): simple, intuitive 3d modeling in AutoCAD with a powerful 3D solid and surface editor, interactive shaded dragging, transparent 軌道, and intuitive 反対する 巧みな操作. Download a 解放する/自由な 裁判,公判 見解/翻訳/版 for 3D architecture and 3D 工学.



3DLighting is a 解放する/自由な plug-in for AutoCAD, Architectural Desktop, and Mechanical Desktop. Using 3DLighting, you can 支配(する)/統制する the lighting in shaded viewports.



To use 3DLighting, you will need an authorization code. This code will be emailed to you when you join our mailing 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる). If you 購入(する)d AutoCAD 2000 or Architectural Desktop 2.0, you will need to download and 任命する/導入する a more 最近の 見解/翻訳/版 of the AutoCAD 3D graphics system (acgs.dll).

NOTE: You should download this update 関わりなく whether or not you 計画(する) to use 3DLighting. This update 含む/封じ込めるs 重要な bug 直す/買収する,八百長をするs and 業績/成果 enhancements. 使用者s of Mechanical Desktop and more 最近の 見解/翻訳/版s of AutoCAD and Architectural Desktop do not need this update to use 3DLighting.


Interactive 支配(する)/統制する of light direction

The 3DLight 命令(する) uses the familiar 軌道 paradigm to enable your 支配(する)/統制する of the light direction in each shaded viewport. You can you use this 命令(する) to more realistically ふりをする a light in your scene. Also, if you have unwelcome 最高潮の場面s on your 反対するs you can redirect the light to better visualize your model.

Click on the images below to see an animated デモ.



支配(する)/統制する intensity and color of lights

Each viewport has two lights: a directional light and an ambient light. With 3DLightColor, you can 明示する the intensity and color of both lights.

Click on the images below to see an animated デモ.


Light settings 固執する in the 製図/抽選 とじ込み/提出する

Any modifications to lighting made with 3DLight and 3DLightColor 固執する in your 製図/抽選 とじ込み/提出する. The next time this とじ込み/提出する is opened, your light settings will be 回復するd.



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Reproduction or copying of images is 禁じるd.