My 隣人 shouted at me for hosting a BBQ while she was 乾燥した,日照りのing laundry in the garden - should I have 警告するd her in 前進する?

A woman has divided opinion after 明らかにする/漏らすing she was slammed by her 隣人 for hosting a barbecue without 警告 her first - as the smoke infiltrated her clean laundry.?

The 匿名の/不明の woman took to UK parenting 会議 Mumsnet?to ask whether she was wrong to host the event when her 隣人 had her 着せる/賦与するs on the washing line.?

She explained that the woman, with whom she has a 比較して 友好的な 関係, 嵐/襲撃するd out into the garden and 直面するd her over the 盗品故買者 during the party, 主張するing that she shouldn't have barbecues at all when a 隣人 has their washing out to 乾燥した,日照りの.

As she asked others for their opinion on whether or not she was in the wrong, she received mixed 返答s from other 会議 使用者s, with some 説 she'd done nothing wrong, 反して others told her she should have given her 隣人 fair 警告.?

A woman has spoken about how she was slammed by her neighbour for not pre-warning her about having a barbeque and claimed it had ruined her washing (stock image)

A woman has spoken about how she was slammed by her 隣人 for not pre-警告 her about having a barbeque and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd it had 廃虚d her washing (在庫/株 image)

She wrote: 'Last 週末 my family and I had a BBQ.?

'I was a bit taken aback by her トン but replied and said "I’m really sorry, I didn’t even think. Next time I’ll give you a knock and you can take your washing in."

'The に引き続いて day, I saw next door 隣人 - I wouldn’t say I know them very 井戸/弁護士席 but always polite and say hi, smiles etc.?

'This time however she looked mightily annoyed and said along the lines of "next time you decide to have a stinking bbq in your garden please let me know in 前進する, my washing was out 乾燥した,日照りのing and it got 廃虚d. I had to do the whole lot again". (It was a 基準 bbq, so yes bbq smells but nothing unusual).?

'She replied and said "No I won’t be taking my washing in, if I have washing out you won’t be able to have a bbq!" And she 嵐/襲撃するd off.

'Now, I’ll be honest it didn’t even occur to me to let the 隣人s know I was having a bbq but yes ok I see that in 未来 it would be courteous to let them know.

'But am I 存在 不当な to think that even if [my 隣人] has 着せる/賦与するs out I can have the bbq anyway?!'

使用者s took to the thread to 安心させる the woman that she was not in the wrong, with some even 説 that her 隣人 was stroppy.?

One 使用者 wrote: 'She sounds awful!! I have never pre-警告するd any 隣人 about a BBQ!'

Another said: 'I can see if my 即座の 隣人s have washing out so I do check, and I would let them know so that they could get the was hing in.?

'Your 隣人 sounds やめる stroppy though, she 明白に doesn't want you to BBQ whether she has washing out or not.'

The anonymous woman took to UK forum Mumsnet to ask whether she was wrong to have a barbeque when her neighbour had her clothes out

The 匿名の/不明の woman took to UK 会議 Mumsnet to ask whether she was wrong to have a barbeque when her 隣人 had her 着せる/賦与するs out

Users took to the thread to reassure the woman that she was not in the wrong, with some even saying that her neighbour was stroppy

使用者s took to the thread to 安心させる the woman that she was not in the wrong, with some even 説 that her 隣人 was stroppy

A third penned: 'No although some people get awfully sniffy about barbecues and other garden activities. I was at one once where the 隣人 始める,決める the 靴下/だます on us.'

A fourth commented: 'If she had explained and hadn't been 汚い about it I would be happy to 知らせる the 隣人s in 未来.?

'With an 態度 like that though I'd wait until the next time her washing was out and put the BBQ on.'

But others 同意しないd and thought the woman should have told her 隣人 about the barbeque in 前進する.?

One 使用者 wrote: 'I would probably text my 隣人 if I was about to start cooking and could see she had her washing out. She sounds bonkers though.'

Another said: 'If an 即座の 隣人 has washing out I’d 警告する them. Why wouldn’t you?'

A third penned: 'If you can see washing next door it would be 肉親,親類d to warm them.

Others disagreed and thought the woman should have told her neighbour about the barbeque in advance

Others 同意しないd and thought the woman should have told her 隣人 about the barbeque in 前進する

'Nobody wants to have to re-do an entire 負担 and those with breathing problems can be やめる 影響する/感情d by charcoal bbqs. Most people have gas now though don’t they?

A fourth commented: 'It does annoy me when 隣人s do this. I don’t eat meat and really don’t want my clean washing to smell of charred flesh.?

'盗品故買者s are all low enough to be able to see when people have washing out and it wouldn’t take 2 mins to knock the door to 警告する us.'

Another asked: 'It takes a 事柄 of minutes to slip a 公式文書,認める through the door pre 警告 of a BBQ or whatever. Why not do it in the 利益/興味s of good neighbourly relations?'

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