The self-taught artist behind King Charles' first 地位,任命する-載冠(式)/即位(式) portrait: Jonathan Yeo, married to a former Hollyoaks 星/主役にする and the son of スキャンダル-攻撃する,衝突する ex-Tory MP Tim Yeo, has painted the likes of David Cameron, Tony Blair, Nicole Kidman and Idris Elba

The painter behind?King Charles' first 公式の/役人 portrait since he became 君主 is one of the world's most in-需要・要求する portrait artists - with plenty of 王室の and other famous (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限s to his 指名する.

Jonathan Yeo, 53, is behind the portrait of the King, 描写するing him in the uniform of the Welsh Guards' in a 炎 of scarlet and fiery red hues said to emulate the 移行 of a バタフライ as Charles を受けるs a metamorphosis from prince to 支配者.

It was 初めは (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d in 2020 but 完全にするd after Charles 上がるd to the 王位 に引き続いて the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, in September 2022.?

The bold and 高度に-賞賛するd work is not the first 王室の 事業/計画(する) he has undertaken - nor the first famous 直面する he has (判決などを)下すd in his unique style, which blends modern 数字表示式の techniques with those associated with 伝統的な 絵.

And in places, Yeo's own life story is as 利益/興味ing and winding as those of his 支配するs, who 範囲 from the likes of Tony Blair and David Cameron to Nicole Kidman, Idris Elba and Cara Delevingne.

King Charles unveiled the first completed official portrait of himself since the Coronation at Buckingham Palace? The painting is by the renowned artist Jonathan Yeo

King Charles 明かすd the first 完全にするd 公式の/役人 portrait of himself since the 載冠(式)/即位(式) at Buckingham Palace? The 絵 is by the renowned artist Jonathan Yeo

Charles stands at Buckingham Palace today next to Jonathan Yeo who painted the portrait

Charles stands at Buckingham Palace today next to Jonathan Yeo who painted the portrait

King Charles isn't the only royal Yeo has depicted, as he has also painted Queen Camilla and Prince Philip (pictured left to right: Veteran Geoffrey Pattinson, Jonathan Yeo and Queen Camilla)

King Charles isn't the only 王室の Yeo has 描写するd, as he has also painted Queen Camilla and Prince Philip (pictured left to 権利: 退役軍人 Geoffrey Pattinson, Jonathan Yeo and Queen Camilla)

A portrait released by Jonathan Yeo in 2008 of Prince Philip, who died in April 2021

A portrait 解放(する)d by Jonathan Yeo in 2008 of Prince Philip, who died in April 2021

A portrait by Jonathan Yeo of Queen Camilla in 2014 when she was Duchess of Cornwall

A portrait by Jonathan Yeo of Queen Camilla in 2014 when she was Duchess of Cornwall

Yeo was born on December 18, 1970, to British 政治家,政治屋 Tim Yeo and Diane Pickard.

Yeo 上級の was the former Tory MP for South Suffolk who 代表するd the 選挙区/有権者 from 1983 until 2015, when he was deselected by the party.

The MP had to 辞職する as 環境 大臣 under John Major in 1994 after it 現れるd that he had fathered a child with a 保守的な 議員, Julia Stent.

His extramarital 事件/事情/状勢 ran in stark contrast to the 伝統的な British families Major 賞賛するd in his '支援する to Basics' (選挙などの)運動をする at the 1993 保守的な Party 会議/協議会.

And the 政治家,政治屋 had talked up the need to '減ずる broken families and the number of 選び出す/独身 parents' - with such hypocrisy as his, he could not stay.?

Yeo 上級の was also later 巻き込むd in (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he helped a solar energy company boss to 準備する before the Energy and 気候 Change Select 委員会, of which he was then 議長,司会を務める.?

He lost a 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者 against The Sunday Times, which 報告(する)/憶測d the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs, after the 裁判官 支配するd the paper's 報告(する)/憶測ing had been '大幅に true'.

As a boy, Jonathan Yeo was educated at the 私的な Westminster School where he was often told off for doodling in class.

He was struck 負かす/撃墜する by Hodgkin's 病気, a form of 癌, in his twenties, and it was during his time 回復するing from the 条件 that he taught himself to paint.

にもかかわらず his 欠如(する) of formal training he 急上昇するd to international acclaim by the age of 30 with his work featuring in galleries across the world and the (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限s 注ぐd in.

The House of ありふれたs 指名するd him the 公式の/役人 artist of the 2001 総選挙: he created 絵s of the major party leaders - Tony Blair, William Hague and Charles Kennedy - in a work する権利を与えるd 比例する 代表.

His style of 合併するing 数字表示式の 巧みな操作 techniques with physical brushstrokes create 独特の 作品 that are すぐに 明らかな as his own.??

In 2007, he 明かすd a 議論の的になる collage of then-US 大統領 George W Bush, which (判決などを)下すd the 43rd leader of the 解放する/自由な world using 捨てるs of pornographic images of genitalia.

As King Charles's new portrait is debuted to the world, FEMAIL takes a look into the artist Jonathan Yeo (pictured), who has painted some of the world's most famous faces

As King Charles's new portrait is debuted to the world, FEMAIL takes a look into the artist Jonathan Yeo (pictured), who has painted some of the world's most famous 直面するs

Cara Delevingne and Yeo unveiling portraits of the actress at the?Jonathan Yeo Portraits' exhibition opening at the Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle in 2016

Cara Delevingne and Yeo 明かすing portraits of the actress at the?Jonathan Yeo Portraits' 展示 開始 at the Museum of 国家の History at Frederiksborg 城 in 2016

Yeo's later painting of Tony Blair, with its clear references to the Iraq war and Blair's legacy, divided opinion

Yeo's later 絵 of Tony Blair, with its (疑いを)晴らす 言及/関連s to the Iraq war and Blair's 遺産/遺物, divided opinion

He has nevertheless been commissioned to paint hugely influential figures including the Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai (above)

He has にもかかわらず been (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d to paint hugely 影響力のある 人物/姿/数字s 含むing the Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai (above)

Since then, he has painted the likes of Jude 法律, Lily Cole, Nicole Kidman, Sir Michael Parkinson and Cara Delevingne.

And the King is not the first 王室の to 提起する/ポーズをとる for him either. In 2014, he painted the then-Duchess of Cornwall Camilla, sitting pensively, clutching a pair of spectacles, (判決などを)下すd in thoughtful hues of blue and grey.

A 2008 (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, sees his regal features 描写するd in 封鎖するs of bold colour that にもかかわらず 伝える a lifetime of 王室の 義務 worn in his 表現.?

Queen Elizabeth II also asked him to draw Sir David Attenborough, with the resulting pencil sketch 逮捕(する)ing the presenter's 独特の 長,率いる of tussled hair as he looks into the middle distance.

Director of the Museum of 国家の History in Denmark, Mette Skougaard 述べるd Yeo as 'a pivotal 軍隊 in the revitalisation of figurative art in general and in the art of portraiture in particular.'

After 絵 the then-PM in 2001, Yeo was (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d to paint Tony Blair again in January 2008.

However, the artwork 描写するd a withered-looking Blair donning a red poppy - striking a chord with many 予定 its uncensored allusion to the Iraq War and Blair's 遺産/遺物 as PM.

に引き続いて the Blair and Bush 作品, critics were 関心d?Yeo had begun to 'other' the 政治家,政治屋s and celebrities he once used to paint.

Critics, 特に Jonathan Jones from the 後見人, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the artist was 試みる/企てるing to manipulate the ex-総理大臣's public image.

He 申し立てられた/疑わしい: 'Blair is a tacit co-conspirator who walked in wearing the poppy, then sat as 荒涼とした as he looks here, an 招待 to the artist to home in on that tell-tale paper flower.'

But he told the 財政上の Times in 2008: 'The Bush collage was a riposte. And there was a 確かな logic in that riposte. What is more puzzling is what happens after that.'

Yeo went on to create a 類似して racy collage of the late Italian 首相 Silvio Berlusconi する権利を与えるd Bunga Bunga, after the sex parties that were said to happen at the 政治家,政治屋's 私的な 郊外住宅s.

Other sexually graphic collages followed 描写するing moral 改革運動家 Mary Whitehouse, Playboy 創立者 Hugh Hefner, Sean Connery, one-time Alaskan 知事 Sarah Palin and portrait painter Lucian Freud.

These did not stop 招待s from dropping through his letterbox. Yeo has, in the last 10年間 or so, created striking portraits in a variety of styles.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt and Jonathan Yeo unveil the first official portrait of the former Danish Prime Minister in 2016

Helle Thorning-Schmidt and Jonathan Yeo 明かす the first 公式の/役人 portrait of the former Danish 総理大臣 in 2016

Jude Law, Lily Cole, Nicole Kidman, Cara Delevingne and David Attenborough have been among the artist's famous muses (pictured: the artist with Jeremy Clarkson)

Jude 法律, Lily Cole, Nicole Kidman, Cara Delevingne and David Attenborough have been の中で the artist's famous muses (pictured: the artist with Jeremy Clarkson)

Yeo is married to actress Shebah Ronay (pictured right with Lisa Williamson) who portrayed Natasha Andersen on Hollyoaks for five months

Yeo is married to actress Shebah Ronay (pictured 権利 with Lisa Williamson) who portrayed Natasha Andersen on Hollyoaks for five months

His 絵 of the actor Idris Elba shows the Luther 星/主役にする 描写するd shirtless, his gaze piercing the canvas; another, of iPhone designer Jony Ive, shows him as taking a selfie on the 装置 he helped to create.

Others followed: Pakistani girls' 権利s 選挙運動者 Malala Yousafzai, Kevin Spacey as both Richard III and his House of Cards alter ego Francis Underwood,?Breaking Bad 星/主役にする Giancarlo Esposito, the model Cara Delevingne.

'There's a tradition of theatrical portraits that doesn't happen so much these days, Yeo told the Evening 基準 about his 絵 of Spacey as the 悲劇の Shakespearean king.

'The thing with actors is you never やめる know where the character ends and they start. Hopefully, there's a big ambiguity.'

Yeo is married to the actress Shebah Ronay, who is probably best known for her 役割 in the 早期に days of Channel 4 soap Hollyoaks as Natasha Andersen.

She appeared on the soap for five months before her character was killed off in the programme's first big 問題/発行する-led storyline, when her drink was spiked at a party.

The pair have two daughters.?

He told The Times in 2016 of his home life: 'Shebah usually cooks and then I try and relax. I’m fully aware that I am doing my dream 職業 and that many artists aren’t so lucky. When I put my 長,率いる on the pillow, it’s one thing I’m always 感謝する for.'

によれば his website, Yeo おもに utilises 数字表示式の printing methods to bring his art to life.

However, he doesn't shy away from 手渡す-finishing his pieces with アクリルの paint, and varnish 同様に as adjusting the 数字表示式の images in the pre-printed 行う/開催する/段階 of the 過程.

After featuring in the Museum of 国家の History in Denmark 同様に as The Lowry Gallery in Salford, Yeo went on to be an art 顧問 for Soho House.

He was also featured on the 2010 Art 基金 Prize 裁判官ing パネル盤 同様に as the BP Portrait Prize.

He is 現在/一般に artist trustee of the 国家の Portrait Gallery.?