EXCLUSIVEOnline 割引 蓄える/店 Temu has changed how you say its 指名する - and people aren't happy about it

割引 online shopping 壇・綱領・公約 Temu has changed its 指名する just one year after bulldozing into the Australian 小売 landscape.

A company spokesperson 確認するd they had changed the pronunciation of the brand to 'Teh-mu' にもかかわらず hard-開始する,打ち上げるing the 初めの pronunciation 'Tee-mu' with a US$7million (AUD$10.59million) 広告 during the 2023 最高の Bowl.

'As Temu continues to 拡大する into new markets globally, we want to 確実にする our brand 指名する has a 一貫した and memorable 贈呈 across different 地域s and languages,' the spokesperson told FEMAIL.

'After careful consideration, we 決定するd that the new pronunciation 達成するs this goal better.'

The 初めの 最高の Bowl 広告 featured a woman spinning around, showing off her Temu 購入(する)s to the tune of 'I like it, it's 地雷, the prices blow my mind'.

The new 宣伝, which is animated, features a catchy song about 'shopping like a 億万長者' and the new pronunciation of the brand 指名する.

Fans of the online retailer, which 開始する,打ち上げるd in North America in 2022 before 長,率いるing to Australia and New Zealand?and later Europe, were quick to notice the change.?

Many of them commented on the old ビデオ after 長,率いるing 支援する to 'see if they were 権利'.?

'I KNEW the pronunciation of tee-moo was changed!!! Now it's teh-moo, and it doesn't sound so fun anymore,' one woman said.

'Watching both 商業のs 支援する to 支援する is like traveling to a different 補欠/交替の/交替する universe,' laughed another.

'So I'm not the only one who searched for this! Good. We're not crazy,' a third 追加するd.

Others 解任するd the new pronunciation.

Discount online shopping platform Temu has changed its name just one year after bulldozing into the Australian retail landscape

割引 online shopping 壇・綱領・公約 Temu has changed its 指名する just one year after bulldozing into the Australian 小売 landscape?

'No 事柄 what I'll always pronounce Temu like tee-moo,' one shopper said.

The new 宣伝 was played four times during the 2024 最高の Bowl, costing an 概算の US$28million (AUD $42.34million).

But によれば Australian shopping 監視者 Choice, this is just pocket change for the Chinese-owned company.

About 1.26 million Australians shop on Temu each month and are on 跡をつける to spend a 連合させるd $1.3billion this year alone.

The company's success has been credited to their 積極的な marketing (選挙などの)運動をするs, 'gamification' of the shopping experience and 'impossible to (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域' prices.

But those same features have also repelled 顧客s with many (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the 製品s must be of a lesser 基準, or that the company must make money by selling data.

The Temu app is now 位置を示すd in 50 countries - with most of the goods 存在 made in and shipped from 中国.?

によれば Temu, its low prices are possible because it connects 消費者s 直接/まっすぐに with the factories that produce its goods 許すing it to 削減(する) out '多重の middlemen' and 配達する '卸売' prices.

The company says this 過程 構成するs a 'teaming up' hence the 指名する Temu and its 初めの pronunciation.