Most ありふれた meal requested after giving birth is a burger, new 熟考する/考慮する 明らかにする/漏らすs

Anyone that's given birth will tell you that it's no 平易な feat, with a lot of new parents ravenous after 配達するing a baby.

And rather than a 非難する-up meal or posh picnic, most new mothers want a burger and 半導体素子s after giving birth.

The new 熟考する/考慮する, 行為/行うd by Burger King and Mumsnet, 設立する that 39 per cent of women 調査するd would have 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるd a succulent burger with crispy fries as their first meal after giving birth.

Of those luckier 井戸/弁護士席 fed mothers, they had even said that their meal had been so restorative and delicious that?they momentarily forgot all about exhausting ordeal of just having given birth.?

The chain 調査するd 2,000 mothers for the 研究, and 設立する that most mothers had left the 配達するing room dreaming of more than just getting a good nights kip.?

Most mothers will tell you that giving birth is no easy feat - so it's no wonder so many are left craving a feast afterwards

Most mothers will tell you that giving birth is no 平易な feat - so it's no wonder so many are left craving a feast afterwards

BurgerKing surveyed 2,000 mothers for the research, and found that most mothers had left the delivering room dreaming of more than just getting a good nights kip

BurgerKing 調査するd 2,000 mothers for the 研究, and 設立する that most mothers had left the 配達するing room dreaming of more than just getting a good nights kip

?It also 設立する that 55 per cent of mother said they were left feeling '絶対 ravenous' after giving birth and 41 per cent said they'd been dreaming of something more mouth-watering during their birth 旅行 and were disappointed with what they ended up refuelling themselves with.

A smaller fraction, 21 per cent, were lucky enough to get their teeth stuck into something more delectable, having felt 十分に 補充するd after their 地位,任命する-birth meal. ?

The 調査する by Burger King is part of a (選挙などの)運動をする to 祝う/追悼する the incredible 成果/努力s of new mothers, celebrating their 業績/成就 with a 非難する-up meal to remember.

The (選挙などの)運動をする was 明かすd on 26 September to 同時に起こる/一致する with the day in which the most babies are born in the UK.?

Pictures 大(公)使館員d to the (選挙などの)運動をする 明らかにする/漏らす three 極端に 満足させるd looking new mothers 沈むing their teeth into a succulent Burger King 挟む, 権利 after giving birth.

And 41 per cent said they'd been dreaming of something more mouth-watering during their birth journey and were disappointed with what they ended up refuelling themselves with

And 41 per cent said they'd been dreaming of something more mouth-watering during their birth 旅行 and were disappointed with what they ended up refuelling themselves with

Pictures for the campaign were released on 26 Septemebr
The mothers involved in the campaign were some of those who immediately turned to the franchise in their time of momentous craving

The mothers 伴う/関わるd in the (選挙などの)運動をする were some of those who すぐに turned to the franchise in their time of momentous craving

The mothers involved in the campaign were some of those who immediately turned to the franchise in their time of momentous craving

The mothers 伴う/関わるd in the (選挙などの)運動をする were some of those who すぐに turned to the franchise in their time of momentous craving

The mothers 伴う/関わるd in the (選挙などの)運動をする were some of those who すぐに turned to the franchise in their time of momentous craving.?

Pictured are new mothers next to a time stamp of the exact time their babies were born.?

With a baby under in one 手渡す and a burger in the other, the mothers are pictured literally の近くにing their 注目する,もくろむs in bliss as they take a bite of a 井戸/弁護士席-earned burger.

Justine Roberts, CEO of Mumsnet said: 'Mumsnet 使用者s frequently tell us that the food they ate after giving birth tasted better than anything else they'd ever eaten.?

'They're 部隊d in the 見解(をとる) that new mums deserve to be indulged with whatever they fancy for their first 地位,任命する-birth meal (and pretty much everything else ever onwards)'

One of the mothers that featured in the (選挙などの)運動をする, said: 'After a very long day, having a burger really 攻撃する,衝突する the 位置/汚点/見つけ出す. I couldn't think of anything better at that moment in time. It went 負かす/撃墜する a 扱う/治療する!'