'I've finally 受託するd I might never be a mum': Kylie Minogue opens up about her 最近の 分裂(する) and how she's realised she can't have everything

  • Kylie recently 分裂(する) from her boyfriend and 経営者/支配人 and is starting afresh
  • She says that she's come to 条件 with the fact she may never be a mother
  • She is busier than ever with her 役割 on the 発言する/表明する and her album 解放(する)

By anyone's 基準s 2013 was やめる a tumultuous year for Kylie Minogue.

Not only did she 分裂(する) from 35-year-old Spanish model Andr?s Velencoso last October after five years, change her 管理/経営 team and then lose the assistant who'd been her 権利 手渡す for more than a 10年間, she also 調印するd up to be a 裁判官 on The 発言する/表明する, a daunting first 下落する into the world of live TV talent shows.

Even so, it's a surprise to learn she chose to spend New Year's Eve at home on her own.

Scroll 負かす/撃墜する for ビデオ

Kylie says she is coming to terms with the fact that motherhood may not be on the cards for her

Kylie says she is coming to 条件 with the fact that motherhood may not be on the cards for her

'I've never done that before,' she says. 'I felt, "No, I don't want to go anywhere. I really don't want to feel like I've got to go to a party because that's what I'm supposed to do." I couldn't wait to just not be bothered on New Year's Eve and just 焦点(を合わせる).

'I was thinking about the previous year, 認めるing everything that had happened and really 事業/計画(する)ing for this year. I've never been so still and 焦点(を合わせる)d. There's a lot of noise, everywhere I go there's stuff. So I'm feeling やめる centred now which is really good and I feel like I've 設立する 安定した ground - at least for the moment!

'I was 決定するd that last year was going to be a big year of change. Everything in my life changed. After having the same 経営者/支配人, an Australian, for 25 years, I got new 管理/経営 in LA. Americans work very 異なって to Brits and Australians, so it was like trying to learn a new language.

Kylie with her co-judges, Ricky Wilson, Sir Tom Jones and WILL.I.AM, on The Voice

Kylie with her co-裁判官s, Ricky Wilson, Sir Tom Jones and WILL.I.AM, on The 発言する/表明する

'Then my assistant, who'd been with me for 12 years, moved 支援する to Australia. So I was 基本的に floundering around on my own, trying to keep my 関係 going. He [Andr?s] was very supportive throughout that, 肉親,親類d of 認めるing that I 手配中の,お尋ね者 a 分離 - not from him but from the old ways that I had. I'm sure that had something to do with our break-up.'

Her 職業 on The 発言する/表明する 同時に起こる/一致するs with the 解放(する) of her first studio album in four years, Kiss Me Once.

At 45 she's still 確信して enough to parade in a negligee in the ビデオ for the first 選び出す/独身 Into The Blue, which is about 存在 alone and seems to be an 主張 that it's 承認する not to be in a 関係.

So is that how she feels now? '井戸/弁護士席 I hope so, さもなければ I'm 本気で not 承認する,' she laughs. 'I didn't 令状 the lyrics but amazingly they just fit my life at the moment. I was still in a 関係 when I 記録,記録的な/記録するd it, so it must be 運命 because the song's coming to life more with my 現在の でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる of mind.'

Kylie's appearance on The Voice coincides with her latest album release - Kiss Me Once

Kylie's 外見 on The 発言する/表明する 同時に起こる/一致するs with her 最新の album 解放(する) - Kiss Me Once


In the past Kylie's said she goes for コンビナート/複合体 men, which could be a euphemism for difficult and volatile. INXS singer Michael Hutchence, for example, who committed 自殺 in 1997, and who said his favourite hobby was 'corrupting Kylie'.

Then there was model James Gooding, who sold the story of their 事件/事情/状勢 to a newspaper.

Even French actor Olivier Martinez, who she went out with from 2003-2007 and who stood by her when she underwent 治療 for breast 癌 in 2005, has a fiery 味方する that (機の)カム out recently after a fracas with his wife Halle Berry's ex-partner that landed him in hospital.

Does she still go for the difficult type? 'I do, but that's not to say my last boyfriend wasn't コンビナート/複合体. He was a 最高の, 最高の straight-up nice guy and I think I definitely learnt from him that you can date a nice, caring guy.'

Kylie Minogue with Andres Velencoso, who she once described as 'The one'

Kylie Minogue with Andres Velencoso, who she once 述べるd as 'The one'

Kylie pictured Michael Hutchence at the premiere of the film 'The Delinquents'
Kylie Minogue and ex boyfriend and model James Gooding

Old 炎上s: Kylie with Michael Hutchence (権利) who famously said his favourite hobby was corrupting Kylie, and with ex James Gooding who sold their 事件/事情/状勢 to a paper

Kylie Minogue with Olivier Martinez who supported her through her cancer treatment

Kylie Minogue with Olivier Martinez who supported her through her 癌 治療

But didn't she once say Velencoso was The One? 'Yes. But I've thought that a few times.'

Does she mean when she's in a 関係, she's in it 完全に? 'Yes. I do 落ちる rather hard.' So whose 決定/判定勝ち(する) was it to break up, I wonder. 'I'm not going to go into any of that,' she says 堅固に. 'I love 存在 in a 関係, except when you no longer should be in a 関係. But yes, I'm a romantic at heart. I love the idea of 株ing your 存在 more 深く,強烈に with someone. But I have enough to distract me when I'm not with someone.'

Even when she did think Velencoso was The One she would always 味方する-step questions about whether marriage was for her. She has, however, been open about wanting children. She seems to have finally come to 条件 with the fact that may never happen.

'I don't know how many more times I can say, if it happens, it happens. But I think maybe part of this でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる of mind I'm in, trying to be 静める and 受託するing and at peace with where I am, is really 認めるing that it just might not be written on the pages for me. You can't have everything, so I'd rather just 焦点(を合わせる) on what I have instead of what I don't have.'

Interestingly, three songs on the new album have variations of the word sex in the 肩書を与える. Maybe she's trying to tell us something.

'I'm trying to be 静める and 受託するing and at peace with where I am. You can't have everything, so I'd rather just 焦点(を合わせる) on what I have instead of what I don't have.'

'It's very noticeable, isn't it?' she says with a smile. 'There was a point about halfway through 記録,記録的な/記録するing when my (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 生産者 said, "We need a song that's sort of sexy!" Then, lo and behold, three (機の)カム in and I thought, "Can I have three songs with sex in the 肩書を与える?" 井戸/弁護士席, yes I can because I didn't want to lose any of them and they all work in different ways.'

So is she feeling sexier? 'I might be singing about it but I'm a 選び出す/独身 girl. So we'll see what the 未来 持つ/拘留するs. But I'm singing about it from the mountaintops!'

Not many pop 星/主役にするs 生き残る ten years in the 商売/仕事, let alone 25, but two years ago Kylie celebrated her 4半期/4分の1 century as both a pop and style queen.

One of the 推論する/理由s she's 生き残るd so long is that she's always reinventing her image or sound, keen to look 今後 rather than 支援する.

'I've always been very curious,' she says. 'I find it weird explaining when people say you've changed your look or you've changed this or that because to me it's 全く normal. Maybe if you're (頭が)ひょいと動く Dylan you'll wear the same thing for 20 years. But I like fashion and I like the 現在の wave of music. I like 存在 伴う/関わるd in and 存在 part of pop. I think if you're into pop, you're 利益/興味d in change.

'Celebrating 25 years was fantastic, but に向かって the end of that year I started thinking, "承認する, I've relived 25 years and done all the celebrating I need to do." I think that's where the ye arning to change started. I just 手配中の,お尋ね者 to have a clean 予定する. Essentially I'm doing the same thing: making 記録,記録的な/記録するs and selling my wares and entertaining. But it's good to have a different energy around. You don't want to be just going around and around. I 手配中の,お尋ね者 some freshness.'

The singer was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 but has since made a full recovery

The singer was 診断するd with breast 癌 in 2005 but has since made a 十分な 回復

She feels this new start is as 劇の as the one she experienced when she got 支援する into her career after 存在 診断するd with breast 癌 in May 2005.

She was in the middle of her Showgirl 小旅行する, but had to 削減(する) it short when she was 軍隊d to take 18 months off. 'I was 診断するd 中央の-小旅行する, so that was my challenge, to finish it. I couldn't help but feel like it was a new beginning. You know, my hair started to grow 支援する, I started to step 支援する into the real world and I wasn't having so many 医療の 任命s. I really felt like I'd got another chance. But this is very different. I feel like this is the beginning of the second half of my life.

'Mostly I don't feel 45. I 現実に feel younger than I felt a few years ago. It takes a while for your 団体/死体 to adjust,' she says, referring to the canc er.

'This might sound too much but I can't find another way of 説 it. You have a 肉親,親類d of terror-memory of having gone through something so traumatic. Coming out of that I was 兵士ing on, 説, "I can do this, I can do this." But I was still 取引,協定ing with stuff in my system. 権利 now I feel there are still things to do, that's why I'm amping up. I can't say the ageing 過程 doesn't go through my mind from time to time. But distraction is a wonderful thing. I stay busy and I don't think about that stuff.'

Her 最初の/主要な distraction at the moment of course is The 発言する/表明する, where she's been a 発覚 since her debut in January was said to have 追加するd two million テレビ視聴者s to the ratings. 'So they say,' she says, rather sceptically. So she's not taking the credit then? 'No, I'm not,' she 主張するs. 'Because although I wasn't there in the other seasons, I'm told it's a different vibe this year.'

Kylie on the set of The Voice
Kylie on the set of The Voice

Kylie says she wants to be supportive and make people feel good in her 裁判官ing 役割 on The 発言する/表明する


She doesn't 言及する 直接/まっすぐに to Jessie J, the 助言者 she 取って代わるd, but there's an 関わりあい/含蓄 that her abrasive style didn't go 負かす/撃墜する 井戸/弁護士席 with the audience. 'I really like the fact that the warmth I feel, that everyone seems to feel, is translating and people are getting that when they're watching. It doesn't take away from the 演劇, you still have the ups and 負かす/撃墜するs and 新たな展開s and turns, but I'm not there to be bad 警官,(賞などを)獲得する. I like to make people feel good, to be true, 現実主義の and always supportive.'

'I'm not there to be bad 警官,(賞などを)獲得する. I like to make people feel good, to be true, 現実主義の and always supportive.'

She says that what we see on The 発言する/表明する is not a 業績/成果, it's the real thing. 'The 生産者s said, "The more you're yourself, the better it is." And I thought, "井戸/弁護士席, that's a weird thing to say, but 承認する." Now I realise you really have no 選択. If you 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 現在の yourself 異なって you'd have to be Meryl Streep, and I don't think Meryl was 利用できる.'

She says she's learnt stuff about herself too. 'I learnt that I'm a wriggler! 井戸/弁護士席, I've always known I'm a wriggler. I'm always moving and dancing. And I learnt I can do something I didn't know I could do, and that I can still have a brand new experience. Most of it is 広大な/多数の/重要な, though some of it has been difficult. It's not nice telling people, "No". I was fearful of that but I learnt it's 承認する to be yourself and を取り引きする it in your own way.'

Before she took on the 役割 she spoke to her sister Dannii, 極度の慎重さを要する that she might be treading on her toes. Dannii was 広範囲にわたって 定評のある to have been a successful 裁判官 during her stint on The X Factor from 2007-2010, and last year she became a 裁判官 on Australian X Factor.

'It wasn't advice as such but I did speak to her before I 調印するd on. I just 手配中の,お尋ね者 to make sure she was 承認する with it because she's the one with all the experience in that 円形競技場 and it's her patch. But she was 広大な/多数の/重要な. Really, really supportive and she thought I'd enjoy 存在 a 助言者. If I was nervous, she wasn't nervous for me.'

Kylie says that her and her sister Dani are closer than ever before

Kylie says that her and her sister Dani are closer than ever before

She and Dannii appeared in public together at the Brits last month, looking like they were loving each other's company.

'We're closer then ever now. I think because we're getting older. But also 特に through me 存在 ill. She was very much there for me. She's a mum now too and that must change everything. Since she's moved 支援する to Australia, when she comes to London she stays with me so we have better 質 time together. Shuffling around in the morning making cups of tea - not 正確に/まさに as you'd see us on the red carpet!'

I wonder what they talk about when they're alone together. 'Normal sister stuff... cooking, home, her boy. But she's one of the few people who I can tell very little about my life and my world and how I'm feeling, and I know she understands. She gets it.'

Of course, Kylie's also known for her risqu? outfits, most 悪名高くも the gold hot pants she wore in the ビデオ for Spinning Around in 2000. She (人命などを)奪う,主張するs now she was surprised to find out only after filming what the camera was really 焦点(を合わせる)ing on.

'I 現実に didn't know the 発射 was that tight when we were filming,' she says. 'I was probably 事実上の/代理 more up here,' she points to her 直面する, 'and they were concentrating more 負かす/撃墜する there! But it's like I'm 条件d. I walk around in the studio wrapped up beforehand, and when the red light goes on I do what I have to do... "That's showbiz!"' she says, throwing her 武器 open as if to disrobe. 'But I'm pretty comfortable doing most of that stuff, that's just who I am.

Kylie in her famous gold hot pants in 2000

Kylie in her famous gold hot pants in 2000

'I have the same hang-ups every girl has though,' she 主張するs . 'Maybe even more so いつかs when you've got to do photo shoots and ビデオs. I don't want to be photographed some days. I'll say, "I don't feel comfortable in this stuff." But it's my 職業 and I'll do my best to go through the grimace, to do what I have to do. Unless it's something I really don't want to wear, then it will just be, "That's not going to happen." But if it's something I think will look good I'll 押し進める through. I've always been pretty 解放する/自由な-spirited like that. I just hope it's always tasteful.'

Kylie's been 捜し出すing the attention of audiences since she was eight, 奮起させるd by Olivia Newton-John in Grease. And if she can't find an audience she'll 提起する/ポーズをとる for an imaginary one. 'That little girl who always 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 成し遂げる is still there,' she says, 'she hasn't left the building. In the past when I 港/避難所't been that busy I'd 運動 my friends mad. They'd say, "Can you just please go on a 行う/開催する/段階. The flea market in downtown LA is not the place to be 提起する/ポーズをとるing." I 提起する/ポーズをとる in my sleep! I'm a performer. How much of it is about needing love I don't know, but I think it becomes that because you get a taste for it. The love and energy you get 支援する is a beautiful thing.'

She's aware of a 傾向 to be over-caring, いつかs to her own detriment. 'I 普通は 瀬戸際 on 存在 more 関心d about others than myself. It's the people around me who want me to have a diva fit and I think, "Why? Why would I do that?"' Her natural emotional reflex is to put a 勇敢に立ち向かう 直面する on things and smile her way through. Even when she had 癌 her public 直面する was usually a smile. 'I've smiled through a lot of things,' she laughs.

'They say if you're feeling bad and you smile you can feel better. I'm not that extreme. It could be part of a defence 機械装置, or it could be that other people make me feel better. I don't know.'

Behind の近くにd doo rs, though, she 収容する/認めるs it was a different picture. '信用 me, I felt pretty 負かす/撃墜する. It 重さを計るd ひどく on me. I felt for my family that they'd feel so helpless and you don't want to be the person who's worrying them so crazily. I can't imagine what it's like to be a parent and have that happen to your child. So yes, I tried to keep a 勇敢に立ち向かう 直面する.

'My family are always there for me. They're the ones I'll go to and break 負かす/撃墜する in 前線 of. You have to have a safety 逮捕する in your life and 地雷 is them. I call them for happy things 同様に. My dad will have me in 涙/ほころびs if he comes to my show and I can see him and his grin is...'

She's momentarily lost for words. 'I know what my parents sacrificed for us, having a young family and no money, and Dad working 二塁打 職業s to 確実にする we had the most we could have. You can never 返す your parents, can you?'

As much as she enjoys the glamour of pop superstardom, she also craves a normal life. Because she's had 限られた/立憲的な success in America, 頂点(に達する)ing over ten years ago when her album Fever reached No 3, when she stayed there last year to 記録,記録的な/記録する Kiss Me Once she took 十分な advantage of 存在 able to do ordinary things without 存在 recognised.

'It was 広大な/多数の/重要な. I just had my car and I could 運動 to the studio, 運動 to the supermarket, everything was very 簡単にするd and I really enjoyed it. That might sound silly because it's just normal for most people but it's a 肉親,親類d of thrill for me.'

As she's 証明するd so 首尾よく on The 発言する/表明する, 深い 負かす/撃墜する Kylie Minogue's still a very normal girl at heart.

The 発言する/表明する, tonight, 7.15pm, BBC1. Kylie's album Kiss Me Once is out on Monday.

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