Move over, Einstein! People 株 their bizarre but GENIUS futuristic 発明s in hilarious social マスコミ craze

  • The 最新の craze 広範囲にわたる Twitter 伴う/関わるs futuristic problem-solving 発明s
  • While some 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスs look like a sure-解雇する/砲火/射撃 success others are more 疑わしい
  • One girl was 拍手喝采する for using Snapchat to help 選ぶ a colour at the nail salon
  • Another person threaded their phone 非難する cable through their shoes?

While most people are happy to live in the moment and embrace the かなりの 科学技術の 前進するs that 2017 is 申し込む/申し出ing, others prefer to be that one step ahead of the game.

The #3017 hashtag now …を伴ってs a plethora of tweets, memes and photos 存在 株d across social マスコミ by savvy 使用者s 納得させるd their genius problem-solving 発明s belong in the 未来.??

The 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスs 範囲 from shockingly simple ones - like a man who made a cheese toastie by popping two slices of bread with cheese slices on in a toaster - to more コンビナート/複合体 ones - like shoelaces that 二塁打 up as a phone charger.?

Many were tongue in cheek rather than serious, 含むing the 代案/選択肢 method of making a toastie, which could result in a 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and should not be tried at home.?

One man shunned the traditional toastie maker in favour of popping two slices of bread with cheese on top in his toaster sideways, in a move that's guaranteed to raise a smile, but should definitely not be emulated at home given the risk of fire

One man shunned the 伝統的な toastie 製造者 in favour of popping two slices of bread with cheese on 最高の,を越す in his toaster sideways, in a move that's 保証(人)d to raise a smile, but should definitely not be emulated at home given the 危険 of 解雇する/砲火/射撃

Forget normal shoelaces, this man is giving his phone a boost on the go with a portable charger made from his shoelaces - although dubious internet users suggest his device is far from practical?

Forget normal shoelaces, this man is giving his phone a 上げる on the go with a portable charger made from his shoelaces - although 疑わしい internet 使用者s 示唆する his 装置 is far from practical?

This chap is ahead of the game when it comes to track SUITS, championing the athleisure trend a little bit too literally

This chap is ahead of the game when it comes to 跡をつける SUITS, 支持する/優勝者ing the athleisure 傾向 a little bit too literally

A woman who couldn't decide what colour nail polish to choose at the salon invented her own ingenious hack using Snapchat's scissor tool. She took a picture of the nail colour, cropped it using the tool and then placed it on her own fingernail. Sharing the series of pictures on her Twitter page, user Emma Young had hundreds of replies congratulating her for such a simple solution

A woman who couldn't decide what colour nail polish to choose at the salon invented her own ingenious 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセス using Snapchat's scissor 道具. She took a picture of the nail colour, cropped it using the 道具 and then placed it on her own fingernail. 株ing the 一連の pictures on her Twitter page, 使用者 Emma Young had hundreds of replies congratulating her for such a simple 解答

A McDonald's fan combined two desserts from the fast food restaurant. By sandwiching a cookie and a McFlurry they made their very own ice cream sandwich

A McDonald's fan 連合させるd two desserts from the 急速な/放蕩な food restaurant. By 挟むing a cookie and a McFlurry they made their very own ice cream 挟む

Two friends who were very serious about their gaming session created the perfect way to stop any distractions from their opponents on a two-player game. Employing a cardboard box, they created a barrier on the television screen propped up using the person's head sat on the floor?

Two friends who were very serious about their gaming 開会/開廷/会期 created the perfect way to stop any distractions from their 対抗者s on a two-player game. 雇うing a cardboard box, they created a 障壁 on the television 審査する propped up using the person's 長,率いる sat on the 床に打ち倒す?

The person is sat facing away from their friends
But a quick trick with the moving back of the seat means he can join them
'We're all living in 2017, while Japan is out here living in 3017,' shared one impressed user

We've all experienced that moment when you can't find seats next to your pals on a train but the Japanese seem to have come up with a 解答. A ビデオ, 初めは 地位,任命するd on Instagram, shows flippable seats that 許す 乗客s to switch directions.?'We're all living in 2017, while Japan is out here living in 3017,' 株d one impressed 使用者

One person clearly tired of plain old tap water and not up for buying anything flavoured, took things one step further and spiced up a water fountain with a slice of lemon?

One person 明確に tired of plain old tap water and not up for buying anything flavoured, took things one step その上の and spiced up a water fountain with a slice of lemon?

Flirting in 2017 has reached completely new heights as one woman shared a snap of a card shaped in the style of a smartphone a man handed her when they met in a club and told her to get in touch

Flirting in 2017 has reached 完全に new 高さs as one woman 株d a snap of a card 形態/調整d in the style of a smartphone a man 手渡すd her when they met in a club and told her to get in touch

Multi-tasking has been taken a step further thanks to one person, who decided to have a bath and clean the dishes at the same time

Multi-仕事ing has been taken a step その上の thanks to one person, who decided to have a bath and clean the dishes at the same time

Choosing which breakfast cereal to have in the morning can prove to be a difficult decision. Instead, this person opted to have it all and then some with this bowl that has three different compartments

Choosing which breakfast cereal to have in the morning can 証明する to be a difficult 決定/判定勝ち(する). Instead, this person 選ぶd to have it all and then some with this bowl that has three different compartments

One girl didn't want to ruin her make up so used a pair of swimming goggles to protect her eyes while washing her hair. She even called herself a 'f****** innovator' in the images which came from Snapchat and were retweeted thousands of times by GlamourGoals

One girl didn't want to 廃虚 her (不足などを)補う so used a pair of swimming goggles to 保護する her 注目する,もくろむs while washing her hair. She even called herself a 'f****** innovator' in the images which (機の)カム from Snapchat and were retweeted thousands of times by GlamourGoals

Sometimes sitting on a couch and holding a tablet is just too much effort. This child decided that to conserve his energy, he would manoeuvre into a complex yet apparently comfortable position, whereby his head is lodged in between two sofas?

いつかs sitting on a couch and 持つ/拘留するing a tablet is just too much 成果/努力. This child decided that to 保存する his energy, he would manoeuvre into a コンビナート/複合体 yet 明らかに comfortable position, whereby his 長,率いる is 宿泊するd in between two sofas?

William Thompson is ahead of his time according to the person who shared his Facebook profile. Mr Thompson made good use of the cover photo on the social media site combining it with the profile picture space?

William Thompson is ahead of his time によれば the person who 株d his Facebook profile. Mr Thompson made good use of the cover photo on the social マスコミ 場所/位置 連合させるing it with the profile picture space?

Is this going too far? One man created his own custom fidget spinner and attached it to his gold grill for extra pizzazz?

Is this going too far? One man created his own custom fidget spinner and 大(公)使館員d it to his gold 取調べ/厳しく尋問する for extra pizzazz?

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