Transgender woman, 17, spent £15,000 in TWO YEARS to look like Kim Kardashian - 含むing wearing a waist trainer for 20 HOURS a day

  • Kairah Kelly, 17, from Middlesborough, North Yorkshire, was born male but felt there was 'something 行方不明の' and (機の)カム out as transgender two years ago
  • Teen has since spent a staggering £15,000 on Kardashian-奮起させるd makeover
  • She even wears a waist trainer for 20 hours a day にもかかわらず it 存在 '窒息させるing'?
  • She is not 始める,決める to start hormone blockers before gender reassignment 外科

A transgender 十代の少年少女 who modelled herself on Kim Kardashian has spent a staggering £15,000 on transforming herself into the reality 星/主役にする.

Kairah Kelly, 17, from?Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, was born male but felt there was 'something 行方不明の' until she (機の)カム out in 2015 and began imitating her favourite celebrity.

Now, after spending thousands on lip fillers, hair 拡張s, make-up and designer shoes - and wearing a '窒息させるing' steel-boned waist trainer for 20 hours a day - Kairah says she finally feels '解放する/自由な'.

She explained: 'It's shocking how much I have spent on my new look, but it is so 価値(がある) it. I feel like the person I was always meant to be.'

Kairah Kelly, 17, from Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, aged 12
Kairah Kelly now

Kairah Kelly, 17, from Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, 老年の 12 (left) and now (権利). She has undergone a Kim Kardashian-奮起させるd makeover in two years, spending £15,000

Transgender teen Kairah Kelly, pictured, has spent thousands on her dramatic makeover including lip fillers, hair extensions and makeup - but insists she hasn't had breast implants

Transgender teen Kairah Kelly, pictured, has spent thousands on her 劇の makeover 含むing lip fillers, hair 拡張s and 構成 - but 主張するs she hasn't had breast implants

Kairah's bruised lips after having lip fillers. The teen has spent a total of £3,840 on
 fillers to boost her pout, in addition to thousands on hair extensions, makeup and designer shoes

Kairah's bruised lips after having lip fillers. The teen has spent a total of £3,840 on fillers to 上げる her pout, in 新規加入 to thousands on hair 拡張s, 構成 and designer shoes

Inspiration: Kairah Kelly's idol, Kim Kardashian (pictured in June this year). The transgender teen has spent thousands on hair, makeup and designer shoes to look like the star

Inspiration: Kairah Kelly's idol, Kim Kardashian (pictured in June this year). The transgender teen has spent thousands on hair, 構成 and designer shoes to look like the 星/主役にする

Kairah's £15k Kim Kardashian makeover

Hair 拡張s: £800

Lip fillers: £3,840

構成: £4,800

Designer shoes: £5,250

Waist trainer: £20?



Until September 2015, Kairah was known to friends and family as Tyler, にもかかわらず spending most of her life struggling with her 身元.

にもかかわらず living as a boy, she would enjoy wearing 構成, nail varnish and heels in the privacy of her family home and her closest friends were girls.??

老年の 11, she (機の)カム out as bisexual before 明らかにする/漏らすing he was gay to family and friends two years later.

But after watching a ビデオ about a transgender woman, Tyler realised she was 罠にかける in the wrong 団体/死体.

She then confided in a friend who helped Tyler break the news to her mum 訓練生 nurse, Angela Kelly, now 32.

Kairah Kelly, from?Middlesbrough, aged 13 before transitioning into a woman. Since she started modelling herself on reality star Kim Kardashian two years ago, Kairah has spent an eye-watering £14,710 on her look

Kairah Kelly, from?Middlesbrough, 老年の 13 before 移行ing into a woman. Since she started modelling herself on reality 星/主役にする Kim Kardashian two years ago, Kairah has spent an 注目する,もくろむ-watering £14,710 on her look

Kairah aged 14. She has since undergone a dramatic makeover funded through advertising and promoting beauty and fashion products on Facebook, and says she feels more confident that she ever has before

Kairah 老年の 14. She has since undergone a 劇の makeover 基金d through advertising and 促進するing beauty and fashion 製品s on Facebook, and says she feels more 確信して that she ever has before

Kairah Kelly, from Middlesbrough, was born a boy but always felt she was in the wrong body. She has since splashed £800 on hair extensions since 2016, £3,840 on lip fillers, £4,800 on make-up and £5,250 on seven pairs of designer Christian Louboutin shoes

Kairah Kelly, from Middlesbrough, was born a boy but always felt she was in the wrong 団体/死体. She has since splashed £800 on hair 拡張s since 2016, £3,840 on lip fillers, £4,800 on make-up and £5,250 on seven pairs of designer Christian Louboutin shoes

Kairah used to experiment with makeup and nail varnish before transitioning into a woman.?Kairah has also worked hard on shrinking her waist from 28 inches down to 22 inches using a waist trainer

Kairah used to 実験 with 構成 and nail varnish before 移行ing into a woman.?Kairah has also worked hard on 縮むing her waist from 28 インチs 負かす/撃墜する to 22 インチs using a waist trainer

Kairah's lips before having fillers. Speaking about her dramatic makeover, she said:?I don't care about the money, I finally feel like my true self. I get my fillers done every four months as my pout is what helps me feel like me'

Kairah's lips before having fillers. Speaking about her 劇の makeover, she said:?I don't care about the money, I finally feel like my true self. I get my fillers done every four months as my pout is what helps me feel like me'

In September that year, Tyler published a 地位,任命する on Facebook 発表するing that she identified as transgender and was changing her 指名する to Kairah, before returning to school the に引き続いて year as a girl.

And from then, she wasted no time in emulating her 女性(の) 役割 model, swapping jumpers and tracksuits for skinny ジーンズs, skimpy dresses and colourful 最高の,を越すs.

After 追加するing 拡張s to her long blonde hair and wearing a 十分な 直面する of make-up, she is a dead ringer for Kim.

And since she started modelling herself on the reality 星/主役にする just two years ago, Kairah has spent an 注目する,もくろむ-watering £14,710 on her look.

She 基金s her expensive habit through advertising and 促進するing beauty and fashion 製品s on Facebook, and says she feels more 確信して that she ever has before.

Kairah Kelly, from Middlesbrough, with her mother Angela. The teen?admits wearing her corset-like top waist trainer 20 hours a day is not only painful but restrictive too

Kairah Kelly, from Middlesbrough, with her mother Angela. The teen?収容する/認めるs wearing her corset-like 最高の,を越す waist trainer 20 hours a day is not only painful but 制限する too

Kairah and mum Angela pose for a selfie. Kairah said:?'I admit I do digitally enhance some of my photos, but they are 80 per cent really me'

Kairah and mum Angela 提起する/ポーズをとる for a selfie. Kairah said:?'I 収容する/認める I do digitally 高める some of my photos, but they are 80 per cent really me'

Kairah on a night out with her mum Angela Kelly. After spending £15,000 on her makeover, she is currently in a relationship with a man she met online

Kairah on a night out with her mum Angela Kelly. After spending £15,000 on her makeover, she is 現在/一般に in a 関係 with a man she met online

Kairah Kelly, from Middlesbrough, is now 17 years old and has spent £15,000 in just two years on her Kim Kardashian-inspired makeover
Kairah's expensive makeover includes designer shoes and makeup

Kairah Kelly, from Middlesbrough, is now 17 years old and has spent £15,000 in just two years on her Kim Kardashian-奮起させるd makeover - 含むing designer shoes and 構成

にもかかわらず splashing £800 on hair 拡張s since 2016, £3,840 on lip fillers, £4,800 on make-up and £5,250 on seven pairs of designer Christian Louboutin shoes 同様に as £20 on the waist trainer, she says it is all 価値(がある) it.

'I don't care about the money, I finally feel like my true self,' she said. 'I get my fillers done every four months as my pout is what helps me feel like me.

'Without them I worry I am going to get 設立する out, that people will know I was born a man.'

Kairah has also worked hard on 縮むing her waist from 28 インチs 負かす/撃墜する to 22 インチs using a waist trainer.

But it has not been 平易な as Kairah 収容する/認めるs wearing the corset-like 最高の,を越す for 20 hours a day is not only painful but 制限する too.

Kairah Kelly, from Middlesbrough, shows off her new look after spending £15,000 transitioning into a woman - including a waist trainer, lip fillers and hair extensions

Kairah Kelly, from Middlesbrough, shows off her new look after spending £15,000 移行ing into a woman - 含むing a waist trainer, lip fillers and hair 拡張s

Transgender teen Kairah Kelly wears a waist trainer for 20 hours a day. She explained:?'I feel like I am being suffocated, but I know it is worth it. I want to have a tiny waist, just like Kim Kardashian and am willing to go through pain to achieve that'

Transgender teen Kairah Kelly wears a waist trainer for 20 hours a day. She explained:?'I feel like I am 存在 窒息させるd, but I know it is 価値(がある) it. I want to have a tiny waist, just like Kim Kardashian and am willing to go through 苦痛 to 達成する that'

Kairah in a recent selfie. She says her breasts have grown from flat-chested to a 32FF because the weight from her middle is redistributed to her upper and lower body by the waist trainer

Kairah in a 最近の selfie. She says her breasts have grown from flat-chested to a 32FF because the 負わせる from her middle is redistributed to her upper and lower 団体/死体 by the waist trainer

Kairah recently dyed her hair blonde
Two years after presenting at school as a girl, Kairah will start hormone blockers before preparing for gender reassignment surgery

Kairah recently dyed her hair blonde (pictured) and two years after 現在のing at school as a girl, she will start hormone blockers before 準備するing for gender reassignment 外科

'I feel like I am 存在 窒息させるd, but I know it is 価値(がある) it,' she said. 'I want to have a tiny waist, just like Kim Kardashian and am willing to go through 苦痛 to 達成する that.

'I 収容する/認める I do digitally 高める some of my photos, but they are 80 per cent really me.'

Now, two years after 現在のing at school as a girl, Kairah will start hormone blockers next month before 準備するing for gender reassignment 外科 in the next two years.

Kairah, who says her breasts have grown from flat-chested to a 32FF because the 負わせる from her middle is redistributed to her upper and lower 団体/死体 by the waist trainer, is also in a 関係 with a man she met online.

She said: 'We've only been together six weeks but it's going really 井戸/弁護士席. I told him before we even met up that I am trans, but he was so supportive.

'I don't want to give away any more 詳細(に述べる)s about him as it is such 早期に days, but I feel really happy. I am finally the true me.'

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