いっそう少なく than a third of Americans are still worried about COVID-19, Gallup 投票 finds, にもかかわらず deaths from ウイルス 増加するing by 50% and new 事例/患者s by 31% over past week as new 感染性の 緊張する spreads

  • Only 31% of Americans are showing 関心 about the pandemic still, with いっそう少なく than 20% 報告(する)/憶測ing they are 'very worried' about Covid, a new Gallup 投票 finds
  • The number of Americans that 報告(する)/憶測 they are still social distancing and wearing masks has also reached its lowest point of the pandemic so far
  • For the most part, Americans are feeling 肯定的な about the direction of the pandemic and believe that things will 改善する in the 未来
  • 事例/患者s and deaths are 現在/一般に rising in America, though, with 感染s jumped 30% over the past week and ウイルス mortality 増加するing 38%?


Americans are starting to care いっそう少なく-and-いっそう少なく about the COVID-19 pandemic, even as 事例/患者s begin to rise once again in some parts of the country and 公式の/役人s in the White House 警告する that the country could be in for a rough 落ちる and winter months.

A Gallup 投票 published Wednesday 設立する that only 31 パーセント of Americans 報告(する)/憶測 存在 either 'somewhat worried' or 'very worried' about catching COVID-19, a three パーセント 減少(する) from 見解/翻訳/版 of the 投票 that was 行為/行うd in February. Within that group, 17 パーセント of Americans said they were 'very worried' about Covid still, a five パーセント 減少(する).?

The 投票 signals the 転換ing 明言する/公表する of the ウイルス as America approaches the summer months. In previous years, the warm 天候 months have come with large, 破滅的な ウイルス 殺到するs. In this year, though, a successful COVID-19 ワクチン and booster rollout 連合させるd with the more 穏やかな nature of the Omicron variant and its sub-緊張するs has left many feeling more comfortable with the ウイルス.

事例/患者s and deaths in America are rising as spring 移行s into summer, though. The nation is 記録,記録的な/記録するing 79,609 事例/患者s per day, a 30 パーセント 増加する over the past week, and 526 deaths? per day, a 38 パーセント rise.?

The 調査する was 行為/行うd in 中央の-April, when the 傾向 of 拒絶する/低下するing 事例/患者s that had 存在するd for nearly three months to that point coming off of the 中央の-January 頂点(に達する) of the winter Omicron 殺到する began to 逆転する.

関係者s were asked of their feelings about the pandemic, the ウイルス and what sort of personal mitigations 戦略s they were using - or ignoring - in their day-to-day life.

The 熟考する/考慮する also 設立する that 64 パーセント of Americans believed that the pandemic was 'getting better'. At the time of the 調査する, 事例/患者s had just dropped below 30,000 per day, making it one of the lowest points since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

Around 21 パーセント of Americans said they believed the 状況/情勢 was about the same, and only 12 パーセント believed it was getting worse. The last time this little 量 of Americans believed the 状況/情勢 was getting worse was summer 2021, when 事例/患者s were at a low point just before the 爆発 of the Delta variant.

These good feelings have led to some changes in 行為 同様に. Only 17 パーセント of Americans 報告(する)/憶測d that they were still social distancing, the lowest point of the pandemic so far. Just under a third of Americans said they have 避けるd large (人が)群がるs, a fifth 報告(する)/憶測d 避けるing public places and just 15 パーセント 避けるd small 集会s.

Those 人物/姿/数字s are also all pandemic-lows, Gallup 報告(する)/憶測s.

にもかかわらず 転換s in social distancing, Americans seem to be 粘着するing on to masks. The 投票 設立する that half of Americans still wear a 直面する mask in public places. While the 50 パーセント 人物/姿/数字 is also a pandemic low, it is 意味ありげに higher than the number of people 報告(する)/憶測ing they are still worried about the ウイルス.

The changing feelings on Covid are a 肯定的な 調印する for the 未来, but also come as 公式の/役人s 警告する that more pandemic 関係のある 脅しs are forming around the world.

The prevalence of the new BA 2.12.1 Covid 緊張する - the most 感染性の 見解/翻訳/版 of the ウイルス 存在 sequ enced by U.S. health 公式の/役人s - is continuing to grow, 公式の/役人s 報告(する)/憶測.

The 緊張する, which was first (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in New York last month, now makes up 42.6 パーセント of sequenced Covid 事例/患者s in America, the 中心s for 病気 支配(する)/統制する and 予防 (CDC) 報告(する)/憶測d on Tuesday. It is an 増加する from the 33 パーセント of 事例/患者s the 緊張する made up the 事前の week.

This newly (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd 見解/翻訳/版 of the ウイルス is a sub-lineage of the BA.2 'stealth' variant, which remains the 支配的な 緊張する as it makes up 56 パーセント of 事例/患者s. The new 緊張する is believed to have around a 27 パーセント growth advantage over its 前任者, and will likely take over as the nation's 支配的な 緊張する by the end of the month.

Every 選び出す/独身 Covid 事例/患者 sequenced by the CDC 落ちるs under the umbrella of the Omicron variant, with the Delta variant now having been 全く 消すd out by its 後継者.

The BA.1 緊張する of the ウイルス, which 原因(となる)d 記録,記録的な/記録する 事例/患者 突発/発生s across the world over the winter, now only makes up 0.6 パーセント of 事例/患者s in the U.S., as its sub-variant have almost 完全に overtaken it.

While the BA 2.12.1 緊張する has taken time to take over from the stealth variant as the 支配的な 緊張する 全国的な, it already makes up two out of every three 事例/患者s in the New York and New Jersey 地域 of the U.S., the CDC 報告(する)/憶測s.

It is the only 地域 of the country where the 緊張する is 支配的な. It is also the part of the country where 公式の/役人s first (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd this new 緊張する in the U.S.

The new 緊張する makes up nearly half of 事例/患者s, 48 パーセント, in the 中央の-大西洋 地域 of Virginia, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania, によれば the CDC.

It also makes up over 40 パーセント of 事例/患者s in New England and in the 深い south 地域s of America.

Like previous 緊張するs, this 見解/翻訳/版 of the ウイルス seems to be making its way across the country east-to-west, with prevalence dropping in その上の 西方の 地域s of the country.

In the Midwest, the variant makes up around one in three 事例/患者s, just as it does in the 広大な/多数の/重要な Plains 明言する/公表するs out west. BA 2.12.1 makes up いっそう少なく than one-in-four 事例/患者s in both the 南西 and the 太平洋の west, and only makes up 13 パーセント of 事例/患者s in the 太平洋の Northwest.

The Midwestern Plains are an outlier, with the variant making up 46 パーセント of 事例/患者s in 明言する/公表するs like Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri.

Newer 見解/翻訳/版s of Omicron may be on their way to America 同様に

There are growing 関心s about the BA.4 and BA.5 緊張するs of the ウイルス, which are now making ground in South Africa, 原因(となる)ing another 殺到する in the nation. The country was also the first to を煩う the 初めの 見解/翻訳/版 of Omicron in late November.

Last month, the World Health Organization 発表するd that it is 公式に 跡をつけるing the two 緊張するs of the ウイルス as 可能性のある 関心s.

A pre-print 熟考する/考慮する out of South Africa also 設立する that the two variants may have the ability to 避ける 免疫 to the ウイルス 供給するd by previous 感染.

That could be a 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な 関心 for 公式の/役人s, as the 大規模な spread of Omicron during the winter months - giving a 広大な 部分 of Americans 免疫 to the ウイルス in the 過程 - will no longer 保護する people going 今後, 開始 the door for yet another large 殺到する.

These new 脅しs have the White House worried that America could be in for a dark 落ちる and winter months in the second half of 2022.

A 上級の 公式の/役人 in the Biden 行政 told CNN that the White House is 現在/一般に 事業/計画(する)ing around 100 million 感染s of the ウイルス to occur during the 近づいている 落ちる and winter months - a time of the yea r where new 事例/患者 記録,記録的な/記録するs have been 始める,決める during both years of the pandemic.

For comparison, によれば Johns Hopkins University data, around 40 million Covid 事例/患者s were 報告(する)/憶測d in America from September 1 to February 28. While this is likely a 厳しい undercount because of the 高度に 感染性の, yet 穏やかな, nature of the Omicron variant, it means the White House believes 事例/患者 人物/姿/数字s could reach even その上の 高さs this year when compared to last.?

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