American life 見込み has 衝突,墜落d to its lowest level since 1996: Here's how long YOU can 推定する/予想する to live based on your 現在の age

Life 見込み in the US has 衝突,墜落d to its lowest level since 1996, 公式の/役人 data has 明らかにする/漏らすd.

The 普通の/平均(する) American born in 2021 can 推定する/予想する to live to 76.4 years,?によれば a 中心s for 病気 支配(する)/統制する?(CDC) 報告(する)/憶測 published this week.

In comparison, the 普通の/平均(する) child born in 2014 was thought to live to 78.9 years and in 2019,?78.8.???

It is the second 連続した year that life 見込み in the US has fallen, after 宙返り/暴落するing to 77.0 years in 2020. It is now at its lowest level since 1996, when it was 76.1 years. Before 2019, life 見込み was rising.

Covid-19?was the main 運動ing 軍隊 for the 急落(する),激減(する), the CDC 報告(する)/憶測d.?

In 2 021, the ウイルス was the third 主要な 原因(となる) of death in the country, behind heart 病気 and??- which continue to 持つ/拘留する 最高の,を越す 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs as the most ありふれた 原因(となる)s of death.

増加するs in 自殺s?and 殺人s, 加える a five-倍の 増加する?in 麻薬 overdose deaths over the past 10年間 - 燃料d by a rise in fentanyl 汚染 - have also 与える/捧げるd to the 拒絶する/低下する.

The CDC used the 国家の 中心 for Health 統計(学) life (米)棚上げする/(英)提議するs to calculate life 見込み.?

Life (米)棚上げする/(英)提議するs show how many more years a person is 推定する/予想するd to live for, depending on the year in which they were born.


Almost a 4半期/4分の1 of the world's 全住民 will be obese in いっそう少なく than 30 years, によれば 研究 published in May.

If obesity 傾向s continue, 22 per cent of people around the world will be 厳しく overweight by 2045, up from 14 per cent last year, a 熟考する/考慮する 設立する.

One in eight people, rather than today's one in 11, are also 推定する/予想するd to develop type 2 糖尿病, the 研究 追加するs.

Lead author Dr Alan Moses, from the Denmark-based 製薬の company Novo Nordisk, said: 'These numbers を強調する the staggering challenge the world will 直面する in the 未来 ーに関して/ーの点でs of numbers of people who are obese, or have type 2 糖尿病, or both.

'同様に as the 医療の challenges these people will 直面する, the costs to countries' health systems will be enormous.'

People with type 2 糖尿病 have an 普通の/平均(する) life 見込み of just 55 予定 to them 存在 at a much higher 危険 of heart attacks, 一打/打撃 and 腎臓 病気.?

Tam Fry, a health 選挙運動者 from the 国家の Obesity 会議 said the findings were '猛烈に sad'.


They are hypothetical 計算/見積りs based on 中央の-year 全住民 見積(る)s and how many people died every year.

For example the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する 見積(る)s the 普通の/平均(する) 100 year-old will live another one to two years based on the fact they have already made it to 100.?

The 減少(する) in life 見込み today is not as 厳しい as it was during the pandemic, but the 人物/姿/数字s are still 拒絶する/低下するing.?

によれば the CDC 報告(する)/憶測, men saw the biggest 拒絶する/低下する in life 見込み -?losing eight months of their lifespan between 2020 to 2021.

A baby boy born today can 推定する/予想する to live to 73 years and six months. Women will likely live to 79 years and four months -? seven months より小数の than those born in?2020.?

Women?are thought to live longer than men because of higher levels of estrogen, which helps 戦闘 life-脅すing 条件s such as heart 病気 by 減ずるing unhealthy cholesterol.

非,不,無-Hispanic Asian people remain?the?longest-living Americans, によれば the CDC 報告(する)/憶測, but their life 見込み dropped by a month to 83 years and one month.?

Hispanics' life 見込み also 拒絶する/低下するd by a month to 77.8 years - a 記録,記録的な/記録する low since life 見込み 見積(る)s by Hispanic origin were introduced in 2006.

The American Indian and Alaska?Native 全住民 experienced the greatest 拒絶する/低下する in life 見込み between 2020 and 2021, from 67.1 to 65.6 years.

黒人/ボイコット Americans' life 見込み dro pped to the lowest since 1997 - 71.2 years.

非,不,無-Hispanic American Indian-Alaska Native people had the lowest life 見込み of 65.6 years.?

Life 見込み dropped いっそう少なく の中で 黒人/ボイコット people than white people in 2021, partly 反映するing the higher (死傷者)数 of Covid on 少数,小数派s at the start of the pandemic.

The life 見込み for 黒人/ボイコット people in the US was 70.8 years last year, compared to 76.4 for white people.

This table shows the average number of years of life remaining for people who have reached a given age

This (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する shows the 普通の/平均(する) number of years of life remaining for people who have reached a given age

Life expectancy in the US has crashed to its lowest level since 1996, when it was 76.1 years

Life 見込み in the US has 衝突,墜落d to its lowest level since 1996, when it was 76.1 years

The Covid 危機 原因(となる)d the biggest 年一回の 減少(する) in life 見込み in 2020 since World War II.

Behind heart 病気, 癌 and Covid, unintentional 傷害s were the fourth-主要な 原因(となる) of death. These 含む unintentional 麻薬 overdoses, car 衝突,墜落s and 偶発の 落ちるs.

Almost 107,000 people died of a 麻薬 overdose last year, making a 50 per cent 増加する in overdose?death over the past two years.

麻薬 overdose deaths の中で US teens 二塁打d from 2019 to 2021 ― even as the use of illicit 実体s 拒絶する/低下するd.

Deaths 原因(となる)d by fentanyl - an 極端に potent synthetic opioid used as a cutting スパイ/執行官 in many street 麻薬s - 増加するd 182 パーセント.