You should get a colonoscopy if you have two ありふれた symptoms, even if you're under 50: 最高の,を越す GI 癌 doctor

  • A 結腸 癌 doctor 明らかにする/漏らすd two uncommon 調印するs of the 病気?
  • He said that having these 調印するs could 令状 getting a colonoscopy?
  • READ MORE:?Is THIS what's 原因(となる)ing the rise of 結腸 癌 in young people?

Doctors are 警告 people under 50 to be on the 警戒/見張り for two symptoms ― まっただ中に an 前例のない rise in 結腸 癌s in young 患者s.

Dr James Cleary, a gastroenterogist and oncologist, said 疲労,(軍の)雑役 and unintended 負わせる loss could be 調印するs of the 病気 which is often called a 'silent 殺し屋'.

He advised that people get a colonoscopy if they 苦しむ the symptoms - and not to be put off by age.

結腸 癌 can grow and spread for years without 存在 (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd because the symptoms are 解任するd as other things.

But 事例/患者s are 推定する/予想するd to 二塁打 in people under 50 by the end of the 10年間 - and by that point, it will be the 主要な 原因(となる) of deaths in the US.?

Doctors have warned that if you have anemia and unintended weight loss, you should get a colonoscopy to check for colorectal cancer

Doctors have 警告するd that if you have anemia and unintended 負わせる loss, you should get a colonoscopy to check for colorectal 癌

Data from JAMA Surgery showed that colon cancer is expected to rise by 90 percent in people ages 20 to 34 by the year 2030. Doctors are not sure what is driving the mystery rise

Data from JAMA 外科 showed that 結腸 癌 is 推定する/予想するd to rise by 90 パーセント in people ages 20 to 34 by the year 2030. Doctors are not sure what is 運動ing the mystery rise

Doctors are still working to unravel the 原因(となる) of this mystery 疫病/流行性の, though unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, and alcohol 消費 have often been 非難するd.?

Gastroenterogists have now said that にもかかわらず 結腸 癌 審査 not 存在 recommended until age 45, young people with symptoms like anemi a and unintended 負わせる loss should get a colonoscopy anyway.?

Dr Cleary, from Dana-Farber 癌 Insitute in Boston, told?商売/仕事 Insider: 'If you're having one symptom, you should think about getting a colonoscopy, but if you're having two of these, statistically speaking, your chances are higher, and you really should go get a colonoscopy.'??

A colonoscopy is a 実験(する) where a doctor 挿入するs a 柔軟な tube with a camera on the end into the rectum.?

The exam is meant to look for 結腸 changes like inflammation and growths called polyps, which are clumps of 独房s forming along the 結腸 lining. These are usually 害のない, though some can slowly develop into 癌.?

まっただ中に 関心s over the rising 率 の中で younger adults, in 2021, the US 予防の Services Taskforce lowered the 審査 age from 50 to 45 years old.

One of the most startling symptoms is 血 in your stool or when you wipe. 有望な red 血 is 'newer' and comes from the end of the 結腸, 近づく the rectum. This can often be mistaken for hemorrhoids, 特に in young people.

That 血 loss can result in アイロンをかける 欠陥/不足 anemia, Dr Cleary 公式文書,認めるd. Additionally, he said that bleeding can happen on a microscopic level, so 患者s would not be aware of it.?

Bowel cancer can cause you to have blood in your poop, a change in bowel habit, a lump inside your bowel which can cause an obstructions. Some people also suffer with weight loss a s a result of these symptoms

Bowel 癌 can 原因(となる) you to have 血 in your poop, a change in bowel habit, a lump inside your bowel which can 原因(となる) an obstructions. Some people also 苦しむ with 負わせる loss a s a result of these symptoms

A 2020 survey from Colorectal Cancer Alliance found that?many patients with colorectal cancer symptoms were initially misdiagnosed or dismissed

A 2020 調査する from Colorectal 癌 同盟 設立する that?many 患者s with colorectal 癌 symptoms were 最初 misdiagnosed or 解任するd

Losing 血 can lead to anemia because the 団体/死体 is shedding red 血 独房s, which 含む/封じ込める アイロンをかける.??

アイロンをかける 欠陥/不足 anemia is most ありふれた in menstruating women and vegetarians, as they are いっそう少なく likely to get enough アイロンをかける-rich foods. The 条件?and can lead to 疲労,(軍の)雑役, 証拠不十分, pale 肌, chest 苦痛, 冷淡な 手渡すs or feet, and brittle nails, によれば the Mayo Clinic.?

'When someone is 設立する to have アイロンをかける 欠陥/不足 anemia, I think the important question is always going to be "why is the person having アイロンをかける 欠陥/不足 anemia?"' Dr Cleary said.?

'And if you really can't come up with a good 原因(となる), that person really should を受ける a colonoscopy.'

Unintended 負わせる loss is another 調印する that you may be in need of a colonoscopy, Dr Cleary said. This is because 結腸 癌 can lead to changes in bowel habits, such as 増加するd diarrhea.?

一貫した diarrhea means that the 団体/死体 is digesting food too quickly to 吸収する calories or nutrients. Additionally, 結腸 癌 can lead to nausea and stomach 苦痛, 減ずるing appetite and 原因(となる)ing you to eat いっそう少なく.

Dr Cleary said that he tends to see unintentional 負わせる loss in late-行う/開催する/段階 結腸 癌. 'It is usually pretty 重要な, 10 to 20 続けざまに猛撃するs over six months to a year,' he said.

専門家s have also 警告するd that 狭くする stools can be a 調印する of 癌, as they could be 予定 to tumors or other obstructions 封鎖するing the 結腸. However, more 一般的に, the 時折の pencil-thin poop could just be a 調印する of constipation or a 条件 like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).?

癌s of the 結腸 and rectum are the third most ありふれた type in the US and the third 主要な 原因(となる) of death in both men and women.

The American 癌 Society (ACS) 見積(る)s about 153,000 colorectal 癌 事例/患者s were (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in 2023, 含むing 19,500 の中で those under 50 years old. Some 53,000 people are 推定する/予想するd to die from the 病気 this year.

専門家s are still 自信のない what is behind this 疫病/流行性の, though 最近の 熟考する/考慮するs have made strides.?

研究 published earlier this month even 設立する that 患者s with the KRAS 突然変異, which makes the 癌 more 積極的な, had higher levels of the bacteria fusobacterium, clostridium, and shewanella.?

The 研究員s 公式文書,認めるd that these bacteria can 増加する inflammation and 原因(となる) tumors to grow faster.?