Sitting in 前線 of the TV for two hours a day raises your 危険 of bowel 癌 by 70%, scientists 宣言する まっただ中に sharp rise in 事例/患者s

  • 熟考する/考慮する looked at sedentary behaviours of nearly 90,000 US women??
  • Two hours a day was associated with a 70% 増加するd 危険 compared to いっそう少なく
  • Findings were 独立した・無所属?of 関係者s 負わせる and level of 演習

Sitting in 前線 of the TV for as little as one hour a day can 増加する your 危険 of bowel 癌, a 熟考する/考慮する has 設立する.?

Those who lazed in 前線 of the TV for two hours a day or more had nearly a 70 per cent 増加するd 危険.?

It's the first time sedentary behaviour has been identified as a factor to explain the sharp rise in 事例/患者s of bowel 癌 の中で those under the age of 50.??

International 研究員s said the findings 強調する/ストレス the importance of keeping active, even though the 協会s were 独立した・無所属 of a person's 負わせる or 演習 level.

Watching TV for as little as one hour a day can increase young people's risk of bowel cancer by up to 12 per cent, a study has found

Watching TV for as little as one hour a day can 増加する young people's 危険 of bowel 癌 by up to 12 per cent, a 熟考する/考慮する has 設立する

The 熟考する/考慮する, led by Dr Long?Nguyen at?Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard 医療の School, analysed TV 見解(をとる)ing times and other sedentary behaviours.?

A total of 89,278 American women in the Nurses' Health 熟考する/考慮する II were 含むd.?The 女性(の) nurses were 老年の between 25 and 42 years at the beginning of the 熟考する/考慮する in 1991.

There were?118 事例/患者s of young-onset colorectal 癌 - 含むing of the 結腸 and rectum - 診断するd over the two 10年間s of follow up.

More than one hour of sitting in 前線 of the box was associated with a 12 per cent 増加する in 危険 compared to those who watched いっそう少なく.

The findings were 一貫した の中で women who didn't have a family history of bowel 癌.

The 協会 was stronger for rectal 癌 in comparison to 結腸 癌.

'Colorectal 癌 (CRC) 診断するd before age 50 years, or young-onset CRC, is 増加するing globally with undefined etiology,' the authors wrote.?

'A sedentary lifestyle is an 現れるing 危険 factor for CRC after age 50 years, but its 役割 in young-onset CRC is unknown.


Bowel 癌 審査 is 申し込む/申し出d to those 老年の 60 to 74 in England, むちの跡s and Northern Ireland - but not anyone younger.?

The main 審査 method is the faecal occult 血 実験(する) (FOBT), which looks for hidden 血 in stools.?It is 地位,任命するd to people in the age 範囲 every two years ― they then 地位,任命する a 見本 支援する.???

Bowel 癌 is the UK's second biggest 癌 殺し屋 - around 16,000 people die from it each year.?

If caught 早期に, at 行う/開催する/段階 one, 患者s have a 97 per cent 生き残り 率 for at least five years, but discovered later, at 行う/開催する/段階 four, this 落ちるs to just 5 per cent for men and 10 per cent for women.

Former Tory health 長官 Lord Andrew Lansley 開始する,打ち上げるd a 審査 programme, called bowelscope, to (悪事,秘密などを)発見する 調印するs of 癌 for 55 year olds eight years ago. It was 予定 to be rolled out 国家的に in 2016 - but fell foul of 財政上の 削減(する)s.?

Bowel 癌 審査 starts at 50 in Scotland.?The 決定/判定勝ち(する) to start 10 years later in the 残り/休憩(する) of the UK has been the 支配する of 論争.

BBC news presenter George Alagiah 以前 said his bowel 癌 could have been caught earlier if the 審査 programme in England was the same as in Scotland.?

He was first 診断するd four years ago, at the age of 58; last Christmas he was told that the 癌 had returned and it’s now 行う/開催する/段階 four.


'独立した・無所属 of 演習 and obesity, 長引かせるd sedentary TV 見解(をとる)ing time, a surrogate for a more inactive lifestyle, was associated with 増加するd 危険 of young-onset CRC, 特に of the rectum.?

'These findings 供給する その上の 証拠 on the importance of 持続するing an active lifestyle.'

The findings, 報告(する)/憶測d in the 定期刊行物 JNCI 癌 Spectrum, 明言する/公表する that women who watched more TV were more frequently?postmenopausal, smoked more cigarettes, had a higher 率 of 糖尿病, more frequently used aspirin, were いっそう少なく 肉体的に active, and had 一般に poorer diets.

'We 観察するd no (疑いを)晴らす 増加する in 危険 for other forms of sitting at home, such as meal time or time spent at a desk,' the authors wrote.

Those with a 減ずるd 危険 of of bowel 癌 報告(する)/憶測d greater light intensity behaviours, such as standing or walking at work or home.

'This 熟考する/考慮する may help identify those at high 危険 and who might 利益 more from 早期に 審査,' said 熟考する/考慮する co-author Dr Yin Cao from Washington University School of 薬/医学.

'The fact that these results were 独立した・無所属 of BMI and physical activity 示唆するs that 存在 sedentary may be an altogether 際立った 危険 factor for young-onset colorectal 癌.'??

In 2018 alone, there were 1.8million new 事例/患者s of colorectal 癌 around the world and it cost 881,000 people their lives.

伝統的に, the 殺し屋 病気 - which is mostly preventable - is considered to only strike people who are over the age of 50.?

But more and more people in their 20s and 30s have been getting 診断するd with colorectal 癌s.

Obesity and the Western diet's high content of 過程d and fatty foods has been particula rly of 利益/興味 as the 原因(となる).?

For 42 countries, 含むing US, 中国 and Australia, deaths from 結腸 癌s are 始める,決める to 増加する by 60 per cent between now and 2035, によれば a 最近の International 機関 for 研究 on 癌 熟考する/考慮する.

In Europe, 率s of 結腸 癌 の中で adults 老年の between 20 and 39 have 発射 up by 7.4 per cent 毎年 between 2008 and 2016, によれば 研究員s.

Numbers of 事例/患者s have been?減少(する)s の中で older people, 大部分は as a result of 癌 審査 率先s.?

In 2018, the American 癌 Society lowered the age when it recommends people start getting 審査するd for colorectal 癌s from age 50 to 45.


Bowel, or colorectal, 癌 影響する/感情s the large bowel, which is made up of the 結腸 and rectum.

Such tumors usually develop from pre-cancerous growths, called polyps.

Symptoms 含む:

  • Bleeding from the 底(に届く)
  • 血 in stools
  • A change in bowel habits 継続している at least three weeks
  • Unexplained 負わせる loss
  • Extreme, unexplained tiredness
  • 復部の 苦痛

Most 事例/患者s have no (疑いを)晴らす 原因(となる), however, people are more at 危険 if they:?

  • Are over 50
  • Have a family history of the 条件
  • Have a personal history of polyps in their bowel
  • を煩う inflammatory bowel 病気, such as Crohn's 病気
  • Lead an unhealthy lifestyle??

治療 usually 伴う/関わるs 外科, and chemo- and 放射線療法.

More than nine out of ten people with 行う/開催する/段階 1 bowel 癌 生き残る five years or more after their diagnosis.

Unfortunately, only around a third of all colorectal 癌s are 診断するd at this 早期に 行う/開催する/段階.?

The 大多数 of people come to the doctor when the 病気 has spread beyond the 塀で囲む of the 結腸 or rectum or to distant parts of the 団体/死体, which 減少(する)ing the chance of 存在 首尾よく cured of 結腸 癌.?

によれば Bowel 癌 UK 人物/姿/数字s, more than 41 ,200 people are 診断するd with bowel 癌 every year in the UK.?

It 影響する/感情s around 40 per 100,000 adults per year in the US, によれば the 国家の 癌 学校/設ける.

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