Anthony Albanese の近くにs the gap on Scott Morrison as preferred 首相 as 最新の 投票 明らかにする/漏らすs Labor is 主要な the race

  • Labor is 主要な in the 投票s in the 影響 of Sunday night's 選挙 審議?
  • Ipsos 投票ing 設立する Labor is 主要な a 57-43 result on a two-party preferred basis
  • Newspoll 設立する?Labor is at 39 per cent, with the 連合 slipping to 35 per cent
  • テレビ視聴者s of the 審議 were 平等に 分裂(する) 50-50 between Morrison and Albanese

Labor is ahead in the 投票s with いっそう少なく than two weeks until 選挙 day, as the second leaders' 審議 was 宣言するd a draw.

The 最新の results from two 投票s show Labor is the preferred party as 早期に 投票(する)ing begins from Monday.

Ipsos 投票ing 明らかにする/漏らすs Labor is 主要な a 57-43 result on a two-party preferred basis.

Labor has earnt its largest 利ざや in Newspoll since the beginning of its 選挙運動, 主要な by 39 per cent with support for the 連合 at 35 per cent.?

一方/合間 Anthony Albanese's 率ing has 増加するd three points to 42 per cent. Scott Morrison remains 辛うじて in 前線 after 落ちるing a point to 44 per cent.

The Labor Party have maintained a slight lead over the Liberal party following Sunday night's Channel Nine federal election debate

The Labor Party have 持続するd a slight lead over the 自由主義の party に引き続いて Sunday night's Channel Nine 連邦の 選挙 審議

On a two-party preferred 投票(する), Labor leads 54/4 6.

総理大臣 Scott Morrison and 対立 Leader Anthony Albanese went 長,率いる-to-長,率いる in the second leaders 審議 on Sunday night on Channel Nine.

テレビ視聴者s were 平等に 分裂(する) 50-50 between the two men 争う for the nation's 最高の,を越す 職業.

The Australian 選挙(人)の (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 is 勧めるing people to 計画(する) their 投票(する) まっただ中に the 背景 of the pandemic.

Ipsos polling reveals Labor is leading a 57-43 result on a two-party preferred basis while Newspoll found support for Labor is at 39 per cent, with the Coalition slipping to 35 per cent

Ipsos 投票ing 明らかにする/漏らすs Labor is 主要な a 57-43 result on a two-party preferred basis while Newspoll 設立する support for Labor is at 39 per cent, with the 連合 slipping to 35 per cent

About 550 早期に 投票(する)ing centres will be 操作の 全国的な in the lead up to 投票ing day.

選挙(人)の Commissioner Tom Rogers said にもかかわらず the AEC's planning, services could still be 衝撃d by Covid.

He said there were plenty of 投票(する)ing 選択s for people who couldn't turn up on 選挙 day.

'Australian 選挙s are in-person, community events held once every three years and built around 選挙 day, so if you can 投票(する) on 選挙 day then that's what you should do,' Mr Rogers said.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese went head-to-head in the second leaders debate on Sunday night on Channel Nine

総理大臣 Scott Morrison and 対立 Leader Anthony Albanese went 長,率いる-to-長,率いる in the second leaders 審議 on Sunday night on Channel Nine

'We ask for all Australians to be 患者. We have all learned to adjust our service 期待s throughout Covid.

'There will be some 列s which is why everyone needs to 計画(する) their 投票(する).'

Earlier Ipsos 投票ing 示すs Labor's 最初の/主要な 投票(する) has risen one point to 35 per cent, while the 連合's fell by three points to 29 per cent.

The 投票ing, published in the Australian 財政上の Review on Sunday night ahead of the 審議, has Labor 主要な the 連合 by 52 per cent to 40 on a two-party preferred basis.

This 代表するs a two per cent swing に向かって Labor in the fortnight since the previous 投票, the 報告(する)/憶測 said.

Newspoll 報告(する)/憶測d support for Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party is up from the 20190 連邦の 選挙 at five per cent while Clive Palmer's 部隊d Australia Party sits at a 一貫した four p er cent.

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