警告s over 乱すing TikTok 'Tap Out' challenge which is 広範囲にわたる schools and putting children's lives at 危険 sees youngsters put one another in chokeholds until they pass out

Pupils have been trying out the deadly 'tap out' chokehold challenge?in a worrying 傾向 支援する in the スポットライト since the death of a student?at 吊りくさび Capaldi's former school, it was 明らかにする/漏らすd today.

Hamdan Khaliq died after he was 急ぐd to hospital after an 出来事/事件 at St Kentigern's 学院 in Blackburn, West Lothian, Scotland, on Tuesday.

Members of his family (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that he had died when a 'いじめ(る)' choked him as part of an online challenge. Police are 調査/捜査するing but are said to have 解任するd the theory as social マスコミ 憶測. The school has called it an '孤立するd 出来事/事件'.

MailOnline has 設立する a 重要な number of 'tap out' ビデオs 利用できる on TikTok.?

Annabel Turner, director of the Cyber 安全な Scotland group, has 警告するd parents to keep a careful 注目する,もくろむ on what their children are looking at online and 明らかにする/漏らすd children in several schools have been trying it.

Other 'tap out' videos are easy to find online? as online experts warned that schoolchildren have been trying it

Other 'tap out' ビデオs are 平易な to find online? as online 専門家s 警告するd that schoolchildren have been trying it

Ms Turner said: 'The Police have 明らかにするd that the challenge was not the 原因(となる) of his death. However, we are aware that children are very aware of the challenge at the moment and we have received 報告(する)/憶測s of them 事実上の/代理 it out. It is incredibly dangerous and children need to have the dangers of it explained to them plainly in a way they can understand. Please explain it to your child 明確に so that they know not to copy it but can also 警報 someone 緊急に if they see anyone else doing it'.

First 大臣's sadness after death of boy, 14

First 大臣 Humza Yousaf has sent his 弔慰s to the family of a 14-year-old boy who died at school.

Police say the 十代の少年少女 died in an '孤立するd 出来事/事件' at St Kentigern's 学院 in Blackburn, West Lothian, on Tuesday.

Fiona Hyslop, the 地元の MSP, raised the 出来事/事件 during First 大臣's Questions at Holyrood on Thursday.

She said the boy's family are 直面するing an 'unimaginable heartache', as she 強調する/ストレスd the importance of not 推測するing on the 原因(となる) and 保護するing their privacy.

Ms Hyslop also 勧めるd the First 大臣 to 確実にする any lessons learned from the boy's death are 器具/実施するd.

答える/応じるing, Mr Yousaf said: 'This is the worst 悲劇, anybody who is a parent will know there cannot be a wor se 恐れる, a worse nightmare, that any parent has than losing a child, so I cannot think what the family are going through.'

The community in West Lothian, 含むing the wider school community, has been '深く,強烈に, 深く,強烈に 影響する/感情d' by the death, the First 大臣 said.

He 追加するd: 'I would echo Fiona Hyslop's calls, both ーに関して/ーの点でs of not 推測するing on what has happened - there will be an appropriate 調査 and, of course, 絶対, lessons should be learned not just by the 地元の 当局 and 教育の 会・原則s but of course there may 井戸/弁護士席 be lessons for 政府 to consider 同様に.

'Fiona Hyslop's second call is so, so important. 同様に as going through what is every parent's worst nightmare, the family should be able to grieve in privacy and not have any その上の マスコミ 侵入占拠 or indeed 憶測 into what is the most unimaginable 悲劇.'


She 追加するd in a Facebook 地位,任命する: 'We have 直接/まっすぐに heard children talking about the challenge this week (含むing 言及/関連s to trying it) in our partner schools'.?

The parent 会議 at Broxburn 学院, which is nearby, wrote on social マスコミ: 'Our thoughts go out to the family today and we wish to 株 to 妨げる this 悲劇 happening to anyone else, a family are grieving today.

'Please 警告する your children not to play tap out (putting another child in a headlock until they tap to be 解放(する)d). It can have serious consequences.'?

The 'tap out' game - also known as the fainting game, hangman, elevator, and 灯火管制/停電 - is often played by groups of teens who partner up and 原因(となる) each other to lose consciousness.?

But it can also be played alone and there are 悲劇の 事例/患者s where young people have died while 存在 watched by friends online.??

The terrifying game first became a horrifying 傾向 around a 10年間 ago before 後部ing up again around two years ago. ビデオs can be 見解(をとる)d on several social 網状組織s 含むing TikTok,

Parents have been 勧めるd to speak to their children and 勧める them against trying it.

専門家s have also 警告するd adults to look for 調印するs that young people have had a go at the deadly game, 含むing 厳しく bloodshot 注目する,もくろむs, 示すs on the neck, (民事の)告訴s of たびたび(訪れる) 厳しい 頭痛s and disorientation after spending time alone.

In 2022 a?grieving mother 明らかにする/漏らすd how her son died in 前線 of his friends while 試みる/企てるing a deadly TikTok choking challenge.

Leon Brown, of Cumbernauld, Scotland, was just 14-years-old when he was 設立する unresponsive in his bedroom.

His heartbroken mother, Lauryn Keating, 問題/発行するd a 警告 to fellow parents after her son's friend 明らかにする/漏らすd he had 手配中の,お尋ね者 to replicate the choking game after seeing it on the ビデオ-株ing app.

The mother of Archie Battersbee (人命などを)奪う,主張するd her young son?was taking part in an online 灯火管制/停電 challenge before he died. Although the 検死官 said there was 'no 証拠 he took part in '灯火管制/停電 challenge'.?

Hamdan Khaliq's death has 荒廃させるd his family and the 地元の community.

Kentigern's 学院, where singer 吊りくさび Capaldi?and comedian Fern Brady were once pupils, said there had been an '孤立するd 出来事/事件' within the grounds. 証言,証人/目撃するs 報告(する)/憶測d seeing Hamdan having a seizure.?

His heartbroken cousin, Zain Mohammed, 29, said: 'Hamdan was 存在 いじめ(る)d for 存在 different. He was put in a chokehold and it's 存在 passed off as a game called Tap Out.'

He told the Daily 記録,記録的な/記録する: 'Hamdan was innocent and gentle and wouldn't 傷つける a 飛行機で行く. He was reserved and he didn't speak very much.

'He was a good boy and so family oriented. We can't believe he is gone. It's a 破滅的な loss. We loved him very much.'?

一方/合間 Sana Khaliq said that her cousin had 苦しむd a 'horrible death'.

She wrote on social マスコミ: 'With a 激しい heart our cousin Hamdan from Harthill passed away today.?

'His life was lost during break time today at St Kentigerns 学院. Poor boy 苦しむd a horrible death whilst many stood around and watched.' ?

14-year-old schoolboy Hamdan Khaliq died this week. Two members of his family claimed he died 'after being put in a chokehold', the police have said this is speculation

14-year-old schoolboy Hamdan Khaliq died this week. Two members of his family (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he died 'after 存在 put in a chokehold', the police have said this is 憶測

Leon Brown, of Cumbernauld, Scotland, (pictured above with his mother) was just 14-years-old when he was found unresponsive in his bedroom and died after reportedly attempting the same dangerous TikTok trend

Leon Brown, of Cumbernauld, Scotland, (pictured above with his mother) was just 14-years-old when he was 設立する unresponsive in his bedroom and died after 報道によれば 試みる/企てるing the same dangerous TikTok 傾向?

Archie Battersbee, the 12-year-old boy left in a comatose state after suffering brain damage. His mother asked a coroner to examine the role of TikTok in his death

Archie Battersbee, the 12-year-old boy left in a comatose 明言する/公表する after 苦しむing brain 損失. His mother asked a 検死官 to 診察する the 役割 of TikTok in his death

A 'tap out' game is when a person is held in a chokehold and their neck is squeezed until they nearly pass out. They are supposed to 'tap out' before they lose consciousness.?

A Police Scotland 広報担当者 said: 'Around 1.20pm on Tuesday June 6, officers were called to a 報告(する)/憶測 of 関心 for a 14-year-old boy at a school in the Bathgate area.?

'He was taken by 救急車 to hospital for 治療, but died a short time later.

'His family have been 知らせるd and 調査s are 現在進行中の to 設立する the 十分な circumstances of the death.'

A 声明 地位,任命するd on the school's website said 緊急 services were called に引き続いて an 孤立するd 出来事/事件 within the school grounds.

Headteacher Andrew Sharkey said: 'Everyone in our school community has been 荒廃させるd to learn of the 悲劇の death of one of our pupils.

Emergency services were called to St Kentigern's Academy in Blackburn, West Lothianon Tuesday

緊急 services were called to St Kentigern's 学院 in Blackburn, West Lothianon Tuesday?

The school, where singer Lewis Capaldi was once a pupil, said there had been an 'isolated incident' within the grounds

The school, where singer 吊りくさび Capaldi was once a pupil, said there had been an '孤立するd 出来事/事件' within the grounds

Headteacher Andrew Sharkey said: 'Everyone in our school community has been devastated to learn of the tragic death of one of our pupils'

Headteacher Andrew Sharkey said: 'Everyone in our school community has been 荒廃させるd to learn of the 悲劇の death of one of our pupils'

The school, where singer Lewis Capaldi (pictured) and comedian Fern Brady were once pupils, said there had been an 'isolated incident' within the grounds

The school, where singer 吊りくさび Capaldi (pictured) and comedian Fern Brady were once pupils, said there had been an '孤立するd 出来事/事件' within the grounds

A floral tribute left at St Kentigern's Academy to Hamdan after the incident on Tuesday

A floral 尊敬の印 left at St Kentigern's 学院 to Hamdan after the 出来事/事件 on Tuesday

'Our thoughts and 祈りs are with their family and friends and we 延長する our deepest 弔慰s and 申し込む/申し出s of support.

'We have 始める,決める up 現在進行中の emotional support and signposting for students and staff 影響する/感情d by this 悲劇の news.

'We would like to 尊敬(する)・点 the family's privacy at this incredibly painful time.

'We are 補助装置ing the 関連した 当局 with their 調査 to establ ish the facts and we will not be making any その上の comment at this time.'

Martyn Day, SNP MP for Linlithgow and East Falkirk, said: 'My deepest 弔慰s go to the family and friends of the S3 pupil at St Kentigern's who sadly died yesterday after an 出来事/事件 at the school.

'I would ask everyone to 尊敬(する)・点 the family's privacy whilst a 十分な 調査 takes place into this 悲劇の 出来事/事件.'

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