より小数の foreign 労働者s, overseas students and 難民s and a cap on 会議 houses for 非,不,無-Brits: Red 塀で囲む New 保守的なs group 含むing 物陰/風下 Anderson 需要・要求する Rishi Sunak 削減(する) 移民/移住 by two-thirds before next 選挙

  • 逮捕する 移民/移住 '急上昇するd' to a 記録,記録的な/記録する 606,000 last year, new 報告(する)/憶測 shows

Rishi Sunak is 直面するing 需要・要求するs from a group of the newest Tory MPs to make 劇の 削減(する)s to 移民/移住 before the next 選挙 by clamping 負かす/撃墜する on foreign 労働者s and students coming to Britain.?

The New 保守的なs group will today 問題/発行する a 12-point 計画(する) that 含むs cutting the number of overseas staff in care homes and making it harder for 地位,任命する-卒業生(する) students to stay in the UK after 完全にするing their 熟考する/考慮するs.

The 25-strong group,?which 含むs the party's 副 chairman 物陰/風下 Anderson and 24 other Red 塀で囲む MPs, wants 逮捕する 移住 削減(する) by two-thirds from 606,000 in 2022 to around the 226,000 level it was when they were first elected in 2019.

The 開始する,打ち上げる of the 報告(する)/憶測 - which will take place in Westminster today, will heap 抱擁する 圧力 on the 総理大臣, who is also under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 over 違法な 移住 and the Rwanda?国外追放 計画/陰謀.

But Ipswich MP Tom 追跡(する), who wrote the 報告(する)/憶測 said it was 'healthy' to discuss 移民/移住 levels. He told Sky News: 'We support the 総理大臣 who 株 many of our 目的(とする)s and 客観的なs.

'We look 今後 to working with him to 減ずる 移民/移住 to a more manageable level.'?

の中で the ideas in the 報告(する)/憶測 are the remova l of ビザs for tens of thousands of care 労働者s, and raising the??技術d work ビザ salary threshold - designed to 減ずる the 量 of low-paid, unskilled 労働 -? to £38,000.

The New Conservatives lobby group will tell Rishi Sunak (pictured at Lords yesterday) the party must 'honour the promise' made in the 2019 manifesto to cut net immigration to below the level at the time

The New 保守的なs ロビー group will tell Rishi Sunak (pictured at Lords yesterday) the party must 'honour the 約束' made in the 2019 manifesto to 削減(する) 逮捕する 移民/移住 to below the level at the time

Lee Anderson
Miriam Cates

The 25-strong group, which 含むs the party's 副 chairman 物陰/風下 Anderson and 24 other Red 塀で囲む MPs 含むing Miriam Cates, wants 逮捕する 移住 削減(する) by two-thirds from 606,000 in 2022 to around the 226,000 level it was when they were first elected in 2019.

Ipswich MP Tom Hunt, who wrote the report, said it was 'healthy' to discuss immigration levels. He told Sky News: 'We support the Prime Minister who shares many of our aims and objectives'

Ipswich MP Tom 追跡(する), who wrote the 報告(する)/憶測, said it was 'healthy' to discuss 移民/移住 levels. He told Sky News: 'We support the 総理大臣 who 株 many of our 目的(とする)s and 客観的なs'?

In n the report's plan is the 'rapid introduction' of measures in the Illegal Migration Bill, which could cut numbers by a further 35,000 by tackling the small boats crisis (File image)

In n the 報告(する)/憶測's 計画(する) is the '早い introduction' of 対策 in the 違法な 移住 法案, which could 削減(する) numbers by a その上の 35,000 by 取り組むing the small boats 危機 (とじ込み/提出する image)

Who are the New 保守的なs??

の中で the members of the New 保守的なs are:

  • 物陰/風下 Anderson - Ashfield MP and 副 chairman of the 保守的な Party.
  • Jonathan Gullis - Stoke-on-Trent North MP and former schools 基準s 大臣 .
  • Sarah Atherton - Wrexham MP and former 議会の 私的な 長官 (PPS) in the MoD.
  • Danny Kruger - Devizes MP, son of Bake Off host Prue Leith and former PPS to Boris Johnson.
  • Miriam Cates -?Penistone and Stocksbridge MP and 選挙運動者 on trans 問題/発行するs.
  • Tom 追跡(する) - Ipswich MP and the 報告(する)/憶測's author.
  • Andrew Lewer - Northampton South MP.
  • Nick Fletcher - Don Valley MP.
  • Alex Stafford - Rother Valley MP and 副/悪徳行為-chairman of the Conservtive Party, and former PPS to Boris Johnson.
  • < /ul>



They also recommend ending the 権利 of 卒業生(する) students to stay in the UK for up to two years after the end of their course without a 職業 申し込む/申し出, and to 許す より小数の foreign postgrads into Britain by'除外するing the poorest 成し遂げるing universities from 適格(性) 基準'.

They also say Britain should cap the number of 難民s it 受託するs at 20,000, and cap those 許すd in under 未来 人道的な 救済 計画/陰謀s.?

There would also be a cap on the 量 of social 住宅 that can be 配分するd to 非,不,無 UK 国家のs 'until the number of British families waiting for 住宅 (疑いを)晴らすs'.

The 上級の Tories 警告する that without swift 活動/戦闘 'the?保守的な Party will その上の erode the 信用 of hundreds of thousands of 投票者s who lent the party their 投票(する) in 2019'.?

The 報告(する)/憶測 says: 'The British public 投票(する)d for a strong approach to 移住. They did not 投票(する) for 集まり 移住 and the social and 経済的な 害(を与える)s it brings.

'依存 on cheap international 労働 運動s 負かす/撃墜する 給料 for British 労働者s and disincentivises 商売/仕事s from 投資するing in 技術s training or new 科学(工学)技術. 集まり 移住 also 与える/捧げるs to the 住宅 危機: Over half a million more houses a year are 概算の to be needed to keep up with 移住 傾向s.'

負かす/撃墜するing Street said the 政府 is not planning to 除去する care 労働者s from the 不足 占領/職業 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).

'That's not an approach we're considering 現在/一般に. Again, we know there is 重要な 需要・要求する in the care 部門 for staff,' the 総理大臣's 公式の/役人 広報担当者 said.

'We are boostin g 国内の staff as I've said and 支援 that with hundreds of millions of 続けざまに猛撃するs in support... there's lots we're doing but 権利 now we think we're striking the 権利 balance.'

負かす/撃墜するing Street did not 支配する out capping the number of 難民s entering the country at 20,000 but said it was for 議会 to 'make a judgment' rather than the 政府 to 直す/買収する,八百長をする a 人物/姿/数字 '片側だけに.'

The 広報担当者?辞退するd to say whether Rishi Sunak was 失望させるd by Mr Anderson supporting the change にもかかわらず 持つ/拘留するing a party office.?

The 報告(する)/憶測 will be seen as 警告 発射 at Mr Sunak, who has said only that he will bring 負かす/撃墜する numbers to the level he '相続するd', which is around 500,000, 概略で 二塁打 the 量 at the last 選挙. The 報告(する)/憶測 says that the points-based system introduced after Brexit has been 'too lenient' and now 危険s 生成するing 'destabilising 経済的な and cultural consequences'.

It points out that a '一時的な' 緩和 of the 支配するs for foreign care 労働者s, introduced during Covid, remains 'にもかかわらず the abatement of the pandemic'. の近くにing this (法などの)抜け穴 could 減ずる numbers by more than 80,000, it says.

The 報告(する)/憶測 also calls for the 最小限 salary threshold for 技術d 労働者 ビザs to be raised to £38,000, 潜在的に cutting numbers by 54,000 a year.

A その上の 強化するing of the 支配するs for foreign students, 含むing ending the 権利 of 卒業生(する)s to work in the UK for two years after finishing their courses, could 減ずる numbers by 174,000 a year, the 報告(する)/憶測 says.?

It comes after Mr Sunak 強化するd student 支配するs this year, 含むing a 禁止(する) on foreign students on one-year masters courses bringing in their dependants. Also in the 報告(する)/憶測's 計画(する) is the '早い introduction' of 対策 in the 違法な 移住 法案, which could 削減(する) numbers by a その上の 35,000 by 取り組むing the small boats cr isis.

難民 numbers should be 削除するd and capped at 20,000 a year, it says, while 引き上げ(る)ing the 移民/移住 health 割増し料金 from £624 a year to £2,700 would 行為/法令/行動する as a disincentive for 可能性のある migrants.

The 報告(する)/憶測 反映するs wider 関心s in the Tory Party about 急に上がるing 移民/移住 levels, with one 大臣 telling the Mail the 政府 has 'taken [its] 注目する,もくろむ off the ball' after the pandemic.

New 保守的なs' 12-point 移民/移住 計画(する)

  • の近くに 一時的な 計画/陰謀s that 認める 適格(性) for 労働者 ビザs to 'care 労働者s' and '上級の care 労働者s' to 削減(する) numbers by 82,000.
  • Raise the main 技術d work ビザ salary threshold to £38,000 a year to 削減(する) numbers by 54,000.
  • 拡大する 禁止(する) on students bringing family to UK from postgraduates to masters students to 削減(する) numbers by 75,000.
  • 除去する 権利 for 卒業生(する) students to stay in the UK for two years after their course ends, to 削減(する) numbers by 50,000
  • Reserve university 熟考する/考慮する ビザs for the brightest international students and? 除外する the worst universities from 適格(性), to 削減(する) numbers by 49,000.
  • Introduce cap on 未来 人道的な 計画/陰謀s should the 予報するd 168,000 削減s not be realised.
  • 速く pass and 器具/実施する the 準備/条項s of the 違法な 移住 法案 to 削減(する) numbers by 35,000.
  • Cap the number of 難民s 合法的に 受託するd for resettlement in the UK at 20,000.
  • Raise the 最小限 連合させるd income threshold to £26,200 for sponsoring a spouse and raise the 最小限 language 必要物/必要条件 to B1 (中間の level), to 削減(する) numbers by 20,000.
  • Make the 移住 (a)忠告の/(n)警報 委員会 報告(する)/憶測 on the 影響 of 移住 on 住宅 and public services, not just the 職業s market.
  • Cap the 量 of social 住宅 that 会議 s can give to 非,不,無-UK 国家のs at five per cent until the number of British families waiting for 住宅 (疑いを)晴らすs.
  • Raise the 移民/移住 Health 割増し料金 to £2,700 per person, per year.

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