Dr Kerry 詠唱する 辞退するs to 支配する out lockdowns if Australia is 攻撃する,衝突する by another pandemic

  • NSW health 長,指導者 cagey on lockdowns?
  • Kerry 詠唱する leaves 選択s open??
  • READ MORE: Fury over Covid 調査?

A 最高の,を越す health 公式の/役人 has 辞退するd to 支配する out lockdowns if NSW is 攻撃する,衝突する by another pandemic.

NSW 長,指導者 Health Officer Kerry 詠唱する was asked on Monday whether with what is known now she would still recommend lockdowns and 外出禁止令s.

Ms 詠唱する did not give a straight-今後 answer.?

'I think those 事柄s can’t be answered in a simple question,' she said.

'And I think also one of the 重要な learnings is that it is important we think about the 未来 but we don’t 計画(する) for the next pandemic 全く on what we have been through for the last.'

NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant has refused to answer whether the Covid-period lockdowns and curfews are the right way to manage a pandemic

NSW 長,指導者 Health Officer Kerry 詠唱する has 辞退するd to answer whether the Covid-period lockdowns and 外出禁止令s are the 権利 way to manage a pandemic

Last week 総理大臣 Anthony Albanese 発表するd there would be three-member 調査 into Australia's Covid 返答s but which would not look into '活動/戦闘s taken 片側だけに by 明言する/公表する and 領土 政府s'.

As Covid 対策 such as lockdowns, 外出禁止令s and the s hutting 内部の 国境s were decided by 明言する/公表する 政府s this means the 調査 won't be 診察するing these 問題/発行するs in any depth.?

NSW police are seen issuing fines to a group of three women who broke the state's health orders by congregating in a group of three in August 2021

NSW police are seen 問題/発行するing 罰金s to a group of three women who broke the 明言する/公表する's health orders by congregating in a group of three in August 2021

During the Covid period the longest lockdown NSW experienced was 107 days that ended in October 2021 and it 課すd 外出禁止令s during that September on some of the 郊外s worst 攻撃する,衝突する with the Delta 緊張する of the ウイルス.

As gruelling as this was it pales against the 262-lockdown 耐えるd by Victorians, which (機の)カム with more 一面に覆う/毛布 外出禁止令s.

Dr Nick Coatsworth, who was the 国家の 副 長,指導者 health officer during the pandemic, commented curtly that such 除外s mean the inqui ry will ignore 'pretty much everything they did' to 答える/応じる to Covid.?

He 以前 called for the 調査 to 診察する whether 独立した・無所属 public health 力/強力にするs should remain with 明言する/公表するs and 領土s during a pandemic.

'Who 決定するs proportionality of pandemic 返答 and how are societal costs of pandemic 制限s 査定する/(税金などを)課すd and balanced against need for 病気 支配(する)/統制する?', asked Dr Coatsworth.

He took 目的(とする) at Victorian 首相 Dan Andrews who 'thinks that the Covid 調査 should 焦点(を合わせる) on ワクチンs, 国家の 医療の 備蓄(する) and PPE'.

'非,不,無 of those are 関係のある to the 核心 question. Proportionality,' Dr Coatsworth 追加するd.

'It is a word that he would prefer never enter into the historical 記録,記録的な/記録する on our (and his) pandemic 返答. But it will.'

This 批評 was echoed by other commentators and the 対立, who (刑事)被告 the Albanese 政府 of 保護物,者ing Labor 首相s from scrutiny.?

Australian 財政上の Review political editor?Phillip Coorey?(刑事)被告 Mr Albanese of 扱う/治療するing 'the Australian people like idiots' by making the 条件 of the 調査 so 狭くする.

'(The 告示) was so utterly disingenuous and patronising that the 政府 would have more 信用性 had it just broken its 約束 altogether and done nothing,' he wrote.

'That means almost everything that still gives people nightmares about COVID ? school 終結s, lockdowns, 明言する/公表する 国境 終結s, ワクチン 委任統治(領)s, failed 接触する tracing and overzealous policing ? are all off 限界s,' he wrote.

'These are the 活動/戦闘s that 原因(となる)d 経済的な 廃虚, 普及した heartache, mental health problems and which 始める,決める 支援する the education of thousands of children.'

副 leader of the 自由主義の Party Susan Ley branded the 調査 a 'sham', (人命などを)奪う,主張するing it places 'the political 利益/興味s of the Labor party ahead of the 利益/興味s of all Australians.

'This is the 首相 looking after his labor mates at 明言する/公表する 政府 level,' 上院議員 Ley said on Seven's Sunrise program.

'How can you かもしれない have an 調査 that doesn't look at the totality of what this did in a way that 現実に 許すs us to learn how to do better next time?'

Mr Albanese on Thursday (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the 調査 was 会合 his 選挙(人)の 約束, にもかかわらず 公約するing to 設立する a much more powerful 王室の (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 into Covid while 対立 leader.

'We said before the 選挙 and I've said since, given the enormous dislocation, the 強調する/ストレス, the loss of life, the 経済的な 衝撃 of the pandemic ? it is appropriate that when we reached a 確かな period we would have an 調査,' Mr Albanese said.

'We need to 診察する what went 権利 (and) what could be done better with a 焦点(を合わせる) on the 未来 because the health 専門家s and the science tells us that this pandemic may not be ? indeed is not likely to be ? the last one that occurs.'

Dr Nick Coatsworth, who was the national deputy chief health officer during the Covid period, says the Albanese government pandemic inquiry excludes the most important issues

Dr Nick Coatsworth, who was the 国家の 副 長,指導者 health officer during the Covid period, says the Albanese 政府 pandemic 調査 除外するs the most important 問題/発行するs?

The watered 負かす/撃墜する (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 of 調査 will 欠如(する) the 力/強力にするs of a 王室の (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 to 強要する 証言,証人/目撃するs to appear and 証言する truthfully.

It will be 行為/行うd by 経済学者 Angela Jackson, epidemiologist and 正規の/正選手 Covid commentator Catherine Bennett, and public 行政 専門家 Robyn Kruk.

The 調査's timeframe of 12 months to 診察する the enormity of 活動/戦闘 during the period has also attracted 批評 as 存在 insufficient.?

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