• The King and Queen received the 公式の/役人 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll a year after 栄冠を与えるing

Almost a year after they were 栄冠を与えるd at Westminster Abbey, the King and Queen have received the 公式の/役人 記録,記録的な/記録するing of the 訴訟/進行s, the 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll.

It is the first in history to be made from paper and not parchment ? which is made from calf, goat or sheepskin ? 予定 to Charles's 利益/興味 in animal 福利事業.

At Buckingham Palace on Wednesday Their Majesties were 現在のd with the roll by Antonia Romeo, the Clerk of the 栄冠を与える in Chancery.

Ms Romeo said the roll 構成するs 57 pages stitched together and 含む/封じ込めるs around 11,600 handwritten words.

As it was unrolled on a trestle (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, the King joked: 'It goes for miles.' The Queen 追加するd: 'I won't 試みる/企てる to read it without my specs.'

Unrolled: The King and Queen with Antonia Romeo as they are?presented with the Coronation Roll

Unrolled: The King and Queen with Antonia Romeo as they are?現在のd with the 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll

Illuminated: The first page of the Coronation roll presented to King Charles and Queen Camilla

Illuminated: The first page of the 載冠(式)/即位(式) roll 現在のd to King Charles and Queen Camilla


Clerk of the Crown in Chancery Antonia Romeo's signature on the Coronation Roll

Clerk of the 栄冠を与える in Chancery Antonia Romeo's 署名 on the 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll

King Charles III and Queen Camilla are shown a digital version of the Coronation Roll

King Charles III and Queen Camilla are shown a 数字表示式の 見解/翻訳/版 of the 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll

The King said he was hugely impressed by 'the most marvellous 照明s', light-heartedly 追加するing: 'All the 権利 spellings?' Ms Romeo replied: 'That's been checked many times, many times.'

'It's 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の, it goes 権利 on to us leaving the abbey,' the King commented.

The first 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll was created for Edward II and Queen Isabella in 1308.

The 国家の 古記録s 持つ/拘留する most of them, but many are 行方不明の and 非,不,無 存在する for Edward III, Henry VI, Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII, Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I and Charles I.

The King said: 'I'm riveted, I read that after 1308, there are やめる a lot 行方不明の. And we don't know where they disappear to? What happened to all the other lost rolls?'

The King and Queen were introduced to Timothy Noad, the 先触れ(する) ic artist, and Stephanie Gill, the calligrapher.

'I can't tell you how 感謝する I am for your work,' the King said, 追加するing: 'You deserve a stiff drink after all that!'

Speaking to Ms Gill, the Queen said: 'Your 注目する,もくろむs must have been very 緊張するd?' She replied: 'More so my 手渡すs, it was a lot of 詳細(に述べる).'

Clerk of the Crown in Chancery Antonia Romeo (right) and Head of Conservation at the National Archives Sonja Schwoll (left) unfurl the Coronation Roll at the College of Arms in London

Clerk of the 栄冠を与える in Chancery Antonia Romeo (権利) and 長,率いる of 自然保護 at the 国家の 古記録s Sonja Schwoll (left) unfurl the 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll at the College of 武器 in London

The Coronation Roll of Queen Elizabeth II on display at Buckingham Palace

The 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll of Queen Elizabeth II on 陳列する,発揮する at Buckingham Palace

The Coronation Rolls of previous monarchs on display at Buckingham Palace

The 載冠(式)/即位(式) Rolls of previous 君主s on 陳列する,発揮する at Buckingham Palace

The Coronation Roll of Queen Victoria on display at Buckingham Palace

The 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll of Queen Victoria on 陳列する,発揮する at Buckingham Palace

King Charles III and Queen Camilla after being presented with the Coronation Roll, an official record of their Coronation, at Buckingham Palace on March 1

King Charles III and Queen Camilla after 存在 現在のd with the 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll, an 公式の/役人 記録,記録的な/記録する of their 載冠(式)/即位(式), at Buckingham Palace on March 1

Head of Collections at the National Archives Sean Cunningham with the Coronation Roll at the College of Arms

長,率いる of Collections at the 国家の 古記録s Sean Cunningham with the 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll at the College of 武器

The couple were also shown a unique 数字表示式の 見解/翻訳/版 which is 存在 開始する,打ち上げるd as part of a 事業/計画(する) where the public will be able to 見解(をとる) the roll and search for 明確な/細部 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).

It will also 含む ビデオ and photos from the 儀式 同様に as interviews with 重要な players.

The King and Queen were also shown a collection of previous rolls 含むing the one made for his mother Queen Elizabeth II.

Read more about the 載冠(式)/即位(式) Roll by clicking here?