EXCLUSIVE明らかにするd (人命などを)奪う,主張する about JFK and Bobby Kennedy's 関与 in Marilyn Monroe's death... and all the 調印するs it wasn't a 自殺, 明らかにする/漏らすd by MAUREEN CALLAHAN: 'I know who killed her'

On Saturday, in an 排除的 抽出する of her new 調書をとる/予約する 'Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed', Maureen Callahan 明らかにする/漏らすd the?sordid secrets of Jackie and Aristotle Onassis's marriage. Now, in this 爆発性の next 抽出する, she delves into the 耐えるing mystery of Marilyn Monroe's death...


She may have been the biggest 星/主役にする in the world, but this was going to be the most important night of Marilyn's life: Headlining a fundraiser that would 二塁打 as 大統領 John F. Kennedy's 45th birthday party, on May 19, 1962, at Madison Square Garden.

Now the world would finally know: She and the married American 大統領,/社長 were a thing.

And what a headline that would be: Marilyn Monroe, the world's biggest movie 星/主役にする, and the 大統領,/社長 of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs!

He was going to leave his wife, the admired but frosty Jackie, and marry her. He had said as much, and Marilyn believed him. Once he won re-選挙, he would be 解放する/自由な to make her the next First Lady of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

It wasn't so crazy: Marilyn had Jack on her hook for years, long before he was in the White House.

Marilyn Monroe sings 'Happy Birthday' to President John F. Kennedy at Madison Square Garden, May 19, 1962.

Marilyn Monroe sings 'Happy Birthday' to 大統領 John F. Kennedy at Madison Square Garden, May 19, 1962.

Marilyn was headlining a fundraiser that doubled as JFK's 45th birthday party.

Marilyn was headlining a fundraiser that 二塁打d as JFK's 45th birthday party.

For this most pivotal night, Marilyn 手配中の,お尋ね者 to look like the German sex-サイレン/魅惑的な Marlene Dietrich, but edgier, more risqu?.

So she'd turned to Dietrich ― herself a for mer lover of both Jack Kennedy and his father Joe ― and the 星/主役にする had sent Marilyn to her own designer, the French costumier ジーンズ Louis.

The result was a gossamer, flesh-トンd dress glittering with thousands of 手渡す-beaded rhinestones, so 人物/姿/数字-hugging that it had to be sewn の上に Marilyn's 団体/死体, so tight that she couldn't wear underwear.

Half an hour before her 業績/成果 at the Garden, Marilyn was in her dressing-room when the 大統領,/社長's brother, Bobby, arrived at the door. They spent 15 minutes alone together.

Marilyn knew both Kennedys 手配中の,お尋ね者 her, and she 手配中の,お尋ね者 both of them. Jack, of course, had the charm and 力/強力にする, but Bobby had a 肉親,親類d of gravitas that attracted her.

Late to the 行う/開催する/段階, drunk and 紅潮/摘発する with the transgressive sex she'd just had with Bobby, her dress so tight she could hardly walk, Marilyn approached the podium.

She flicked the microphone with her finger and stepped aside to 明らかにする/漏らす herself. The Garden lights 攻撃する,衝突する her; she was 燃えて with carnality.

Forty thousand people 反応するd like a 選び出す/独身 organism, 含むing the 大統領,/社長.

'You could just smell lust,' was his friend Hugh Sidey's description. Jack Kennedy, he said, had gone limp with 願望(する).

Marilyn cooed 'Happy Birthday' as if it were the greatest come-on ever written, leaving the 大統領,/社長 slack-jawed. 回復するing his wit, he took the 行う/開催する/段階 with one 意図: 認める but 最小限に減らす.

'I can now retire from politics,' he told the (人が)群がる, 'having had 'Happy Birthday' sung to me in such a 甘い, wholesome way.' He laughed. The (人が)群がる roared.

Later that night, at the 私的な after-party in a clubby Manhattan room filled with mahogany bookshelves and important men, the only known photo of Bobby, Marilyn, and Jack was taken ― a photo that wouldn't be made public until 2010.

Marilyn stood between them, in profile, looking serious. Bobby and Jack had turned themselves away from the camera.?

Marilyn had sex with Bobby Kennedy in her dressing room backstage before her Madison Square Garden performance.

Marilyn had sex with Bobby Kennedy in her dressing room backstage before her Madison Square Garden 業績/成果.

The only known picture of Marilyn with both Bobby, left, and JFK, May 19, 1962.

The only known picture of Marilyn with both Bobby, left, and JFK, May 19, 1962.?


Jack Kennedy loved having 接近 to anything and anyone he 手配中の,お尋ね者. Famous people fascinated him, so it wasn't surprising when Frank Sinatra and his friends ? known as the ネズミ Pack ? became part of his inner circle.

As 上院議員 and later 大統領,/社長, Jack would often join them for 無謀な, debauched 週末s in Las Vegas and Palm Beach. Or he'd 飛行機で行く to Los Angeles, his favorite place, for what he called his '追跡(する)ing' 探検隊/遠征隊s.

It was in LA, in 1954, when Jack first met Marilyn at a Hollywood party.

He had been married to Jackie for just a year, and she had …を伴ってd him ? just as Marilyn arrived with her then husband, the 伝説の baseball player Joe DiMa ggio.

'I think I've met you someplace before,' Jack said to Marilyn. It was hardly the most 初めの line, but she played along. Certainly possible, she said.

After all, they had friends in ありふれた ? in particular Jack's brother-in-法律, the actor Peter Lawford, who 行為/法令/行動するd as his pimp, fixer and 麻薬 供給者. Anything or anyone Jack 手配中の,お尋ね者, Peter made it happen.

Before leaving the party, Marilyn slipped Jack her phone number.

A few months later, Jack underwent 極端に risky 外科 on his 支援する. His two-month hospital stay was touch-and-go; three times, priests were called to 配達する Last 儀式s.

It was Jackie who 力/強力にするd him though, who never left his 味方する, and who tried to ignore the pin-up poster of Marilyn on the 塀で囲む.

It had been deliberately hung upside-負かす/撃墜する, so her crotch was at Jack's 注目する,もくろむ-level.


Marilyn had experienced a 広大な/多数の/重要な 取引,協定 of 外傷/ショック: As a child, she'd been shunted from foster home to foster home, 侵害する/違反するd, (性的に)いたずらするd, and 強姦d. She married at 16 to escape but soon realized 国内の life held nothing for her.

She knew she was meant for bigger things.

After she became a 星/主役にする, after her first 離婚 and the fame, the 穴を開ける inside of her was still there. What she really needed, she thought, were two things: to be loved ― a 深い, 十分な love that she believed would 傷をいやす/和解させる her 負傷させるs ― and to be 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるd for her 知能.

But her marriage to DiMaggio 証明するd no better. He became abusive, controlling, and 手配中の,お尋ね者 her to abandon her career to be a housewife. Within nine months, they too were 離婚d.

Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio arriving at the theater.

Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio arriving at the theater.

Marilyn poses for a portrait in 1953.

Marilyn 提起する/ポーズをとるs for a portrait in 1953.

Marilyn and DiMaggio relaxing in a cabana on Redington Beach, Florida.

Marilyn and DiMaggio relaxing in a cabana on Redington Beach, Florida.

She 手配中の,お尋ね者 powerful and famous men to see past the sex symbol and realize that Marilyn Monroe had 実体. She always carried a serious 調書をとる/予約する around with her ― Ulysses by James Joyce was a favorite, though she didn't understand it ― and preferred to be photographed reading or sitting in her 私的な library.

And then (機の)カム Arthur Miller, America's most 深い尊敬の念を抱くd living 脚本家. He left his wife for Marilyn, started 令状ing a movie for her, introduced her to all his 知識人 friends. She 手配中の,お尋ね者 猛烈に to be like them. He 明確に saw that 可能性のある in her.

They married in 1956, almost two years after she first met JFK.

にもかかわらず the cynics who saw it as a brand 合併 ― Marilyn sexing up this geeky 脚本家, and Miller 貸付金ing her an 空気/公表する of literary class ― she was crazy about him.

So off they went to England, where they rented a manor in Surrey called the Parkside House while Marilyn 発射 a film with Laurence Olivier.

It was at Parkside House where Marilyn (機の)カム across a notebook her new husband left lying out. The 入ること/参加(者) was about her, and one word leapt out: 'Embarrassed'.

She embarrassed him. He was ashamed to be her husband. He worried that his career would be torpedoed by this 'pitiable, 予測できない waif'.

Had he done the 権利 thing, he asked himself, in leaving the mother of his children for Marilyn Monroe? The only person he would ever truly love, he wrote, was his daughter.

Marilyn had been his wife for just two weeks.


Jack Kennedy had never made her feel this way. He had a first-率 mind and surrounded himself with the best and the brightest, but he also loved Hollywood: the scene, the women, the gossip. And he was fun.

He never assumed that Marilyn's affectations ― her 同意/服従 with men, the baby-doll 発言する/表明する ― meant she was dumb.

Only Marilyn's doctors had any inkling why she spoke that way, why some women who were 乱用d as children いつかs 可決する・採択する a child's 発言する/表明する. It was a way of 説: I'm smaller than you. Please don't 傷つける me.

She never thought Jack Kennedy would 傷つける her.


Marilyn とじ込み/提出するd for 離婚 from Arthur Miller on January 21, 1961 ― the day Jack Kennedy was 就任するd. It was a 解放 for her, a 希望に満ちた nod to her 未来.

She hadn't minded that he disappeared while (選挙などの)運動をするing. In fact, she understood: He had to be careful. He couldn't be caught with another woman.

If only Marilyn knew about all of Jack's other women.

Marilyn hugs playwright Arthur Miller, her third husband.

Marilyn 抱擁するs 脚本家 Arthur Miller, her third husband.

Marilyn and Miller pictured after their wedding in 1956.

Marilyn and Miller pictured after their wedding in 1956.

Her psychoanalyst, Dr. Ralph Greenson, was aware of her on-off 事件/事情/状勢 with Jack. He thought it best if she broke it off, but as Marilyn told him すぐに after the 選挙: 'Marilyn Monroe is a 兵士. Her 指揮官-in-長,指導者 is the greatest and most powerful man in the world… He says this, you do it. He says that, you do it.

'This man is going to change our country… I tell you, doctor, when he has finished his 業績/成就s, he will take his place with Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt as one of our greatest 大統領,/社長s… I will never embarrass him.'

Jack reveled in sitting next to her at fancy restaurants and big dinners, pinching her 底(に届く), whispering dirty jokes, caressing her under the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する ― like the 1960 night at 'Puccini' in LA, Jackie home and six months 妊娠している, Jack's 手渡す 事情に応じて変わる higher and higher, until he realized: Marilyn wasn't wearing underwear.

He turned 有望な red. She loved that, 設立する it so funny.

Little did she know: Jack had no problem shedding women who became inconvenient.


Marilyn was beginning to obsess, and Jack had a 計画(する): Pass her off to his brother Bobby.

The first time Marilyn and Bobby had met, at an LA dinner party, Marilyn stashed crib 公式文書,認めるs into her handbag, facts about world events that さもなければ eluded her.

Bobby noticed but said nothing; he thought that her 欠如(する) of cynicism, her 切望 to please, was poignant.

After dancing with Bobby, Marilyn wrote to a friend: 'He was very nice, sort of boyish and likable. Of course he kept looking 負かす/撃墜する my dress, but I'm used to that.

'I thought he was going to compliment me, but instead he asked me while dancing who I thought was the handsomest man in the room. I mean, how was I going to answer that? I said he was. 井戸/弁護士席, in a way, he was!'

With the 大統領,/社長 so seldom 利用できる, Bobby end ed up overlapping with him in Marilyn's bed, as did Frank Sinatra.

Her psychoanalyst worried that the actress was in way over her 長,率いる, but felt it was 平等に dangerous to discourage her. Marilyn had never felt so seen, so 手配中の,お尋ね者, so gratified. にもかかわらず her enormous success, she still まず第一に/本来 defined herself through men.

Marilyn poses for a playful portrait laying on the grass in Palm Springs, California, 1954.

Marilyn 提起する/ポーズをとるs for a playful portrait laying on the grass in Palm Springs, California, 1954.

JFK, left, and his brothers Bobby, middle, and Edward.

JFK, left, and his brothers Bobby, middle, and Edward.

Marilyn poses with a telephone.

Marilyn 提起する/ポーズをとるs with a telephone.


In March 1962, the 大統領,/社長 (機の)カム West again.

By then, Marilyn was 落ちるing in love with Bobby, too. But even he couldn't compete with the high of knowing the 大統領,/社長 still 手配中の,お尋ね者 her.

So she spent a secret 週末 with Jack in a cottage on an A-名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) 星/主役にする's 広い地所 in Palm Springs. There, she made sure that one of her best friends spoke to him on the phone; she 手配中の,お尋ね者 a 証言,証人/目撃する to know that their love was real ― should the 大統領,/社長 ever try to 否定する it.

Then Jack was off and Bobby returned, and Marilyn's sense of potency started giving way to 疑惑. Was she 存在 used? Were the brothers having some 肉親,親類d of incestuous 性の 競争? Was she just another 使い捨てできる blonde?

Her psychoanalyst was now very 関心d and tried to 説得する her into breaking off both 事件/事情/状勢s. As he wrote to 同僚s, 'I try to help her not be so lonely and […] get 伴う/関わるd with very destructive people who will engage in some sort of sadomasochistic 関係 with her.'

But Marilyn 辞退するd to see it that way.

She had these two 極端に powerful men 争う for her ― the lonely baby, the abandoned girl, the 乱用d pre-te en who'd had only one message from the men in her life: 'You are worthless.'

Yes, いつかs Jack and Bobby could make her feel that way. But when she was with them, she felt やめる the opposite, 価値(がある) very much indeed.


There was just one of her husband's many lovers who had bothered her, Jackie Kennedy confided to her doctor, and that was Marilyn Monroe.

So on that night in May 1962, when Marilyn sang 'Happy Birthday' to the 大統領,/社長, his wife remained at home. Jackie's 目的(とする) was to send the public a (疑いを)晴らす message: 'Your First Lady 株 your values, and she is also appalled.'

Those who knew about Marilyn ― the reporters, friends, and family members ― felt sorry for Jackie. But she didn't want their pity.

Jackie was furious. After this 最新の, most public 侮辱/冷遇, she gave Jack an 最終提案: no more Marilyn. さもなければ she would 離婚 him ― taking the children and costing him a second 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 ― and the American people would finally know why.

Her husband 従うd, すぐに.

For Marilyn, so sure Jack would never 傷つける her, this abandonment was unendurable.

Marilyn wears her iconic gown at a reception after singing 'Happy Birthday' to JFK at Madison Square Garden.

Marilyn wears her iconic gown at a 歓迎会 after singing 'Happy Birthday' to JFK at Madison Square Garden.

Then-Senator John F. Kennedy talks with his brother and campaign manager, Bobby.

Then-上院議員 John F. Kennedy 会談 with his brother and 選挙事務長, Bobby.

Jackie Kennedy and her husband JFK at the White House in 1962.

Jackie Kennedy and her husband JFK at the White House in 1962.

She didn't know about Jackie's 最終提案. She didn't know why he had disappeared. She phoned and phoned him at the White House, but was never again put through to him.

Instead, Bobby was suddenly making himself more 利用できる. Soon they were having a 関係, and Marilyn had begun to think the US 弁護士/代理人/検事 general was a better 見解/翻訳/版 of Jack: for his sense of 目的, his 深い belief in the civil 権利s movement, his righteousness, his intellect.

Now she 熟考する/考慮するd even harder to 改善する her vocabulary; for Bobby, she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to use big words to 表明する big thoughts.

No one seemed to consider Bobby's wife, Ethel, by whom he already had seven children ? least of all his sister ジーンズ.

She gave Marilyn the Kennedys' enthusiastic 裏書,是認 in a handwritten letter.

'Understand that you and Bobby are the new item!' she wrote. 'We all think you should come with him when he comes 支援する East!'

Marilyn was now 納得させるd Bobby would leave Ethel for her.

Everyone in the Monroe-Kennedy social circle knew of her entanglements with both Jack and Bobby. The men were titillated ― all but Marilyn's ex-husband Joe DiMaggio, who thought the Kennedys were using Marilyn.

So did her closest 女性(の) friends, 特に Jeanne ツバメ, the wife of Sinatra's fellow ネズミ Packer, Dean ツバメ.

Jeanne was 非,不,無 too impressed with the way Jack and Bobby 行為/行うd themselves; she 設立する the brothers juvenile, boorish and way too 積極的な with women.

One of Jeanne's friends had 設立する herself alone with Bobby at a party and, before she knew it, he'd locked the door and 押し進めるd her 負かす/撃墜する on a couch.

But that wasn't Marilyn's Bobby. 'The General', as she called him, always took her calls at the 司法(官) Department, no 事柄 how busy he was.

He'd こそこそ動く off on trips to LA, pull up in his white 1956 Thunderbird and spirit her away for evening strolls on the beach, just the two of them. She taught him how to do the 新たな展開.

Once, he asked her to call his father, because few things would impress the Old Man more than a call from America's number one sex symbol.

But Bobby could never be around for long, and Marilyn ? ever insecure ? began floundering. She'd drink シャンペン酒 from morning till night, pop pills, stop にわか雨ing.

Marilyn pictured on set for her movie 'There's No Business Like Show Business' in 1954.

Marilyn pictured on 始める,決める for her movie 'There's No 商売/仕事 Like Show 商売/仕事' in 1954.

Marilyn was interviewed? for an episode of the CBS television program 'Person to Person' in 1955.

Marilyn was interviewed? for an episode of the CBS television program 'Person to Person' in 1955.

Her emotional disruption 延長するd to her career. On the 始める,決める of her 最新の film, 'Something's Got to Give', Marilyn's 執拗な 無(不)能 to get out of bed left her on the 瀬戸際 of 存在 解雇する/砲火/射撃d.

Neither Kennedy was ever far from her mind. But compassion was something both brothers had 中止するd to show her.

In 中央の-June 1962, when Bobby (機の)カム to LA with Ethel for a party at the Lawfords', Marilyn sent her 悔いるs 経由で 電報電信.

As ever, she was hoping to impress.

'Unfortunately,' she telegrammed, 'I am 伴う/関わるd in a freedom ride 抗議するing the loss of the 少数,小数派 権利s belonging to the few remaining earthbound 星/主役にするs. After all, all we 需要・要求するd was our 権利 to twinkle.'

Marilyn's 星/主役にする was dying.

After the Kennedys left, Marilyn went to see Pat Lawford, who had no illusions about her brothers. 'Forget it,' Pat told her. 'Bobby's still just a little boy.'

But Marilyn was inconsolable. Her 消費 of alcohol and pills was so staggering that the Lawfords were afraid to leave her alone.

They let her stay with them for a while, took her on holiday, and one morning, Peter woke up to find Marilyn on their balcony, looking 負かす/撃墜する as if she might jump, her 直面する streaked with 涙/ほころびs. I'm ugly, she told him. I'm worthless. I'm a thing that Jack and Bobby used up.

When the studio finally 解雇する/砲火/射撃d her from 'Something's Got to Give', Marilyn took the public humiliation as a challenge. 老年の 36, at the 高さ of her beauty, she 提起する/ポーズをとるd for a Vogue shoot .

The most daring pictures showed her lounging nude in bed, her breasts 列d in pink tulle. The 注目する,もくろむ was drawn to a long, 深い scar below, the result of 最近の gallbladder 外科.

It was a physical manifestation of how Marilyn felt: gutted, vandalized, a part of her deepest self 除去するd.

But her grief would soon give way to vengeance, and both Kennedy brothers got the message: If they continued to ignore Marilyn, she would call a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 and tell the world 正確に/まさに who they were and what they had done to her.


Six weeks later, on August 4, Bobby Kennedy arrived in California and went straight to Marilyn's house.

'Where is it?' he yelled at her. 'Where the f*** is it?'

Marilyn Monroe relaxes for a moment during a press party held at her home in Los Angeles on March 3, 1956.

Marilyn Monroe relaxes for a moment during a 圧力(をかける) party held at her home in Los Angeles on March 3, 1956.

The 連邦検察局 and the 中央情報局, Bobby and Jack discovered, had bugged Marilyn's house and phone line without her knowledge. It was a 連係させた 試みる/企てる to bring 負かす/撃墜する both Kennedys ― and Bobby wasn't leaving without the tape recordings.

Marilyn had no idea what Bobby was talking about. Peter Lawford arrived and tried to 静める him 負かす/撃墜する.

'We have to know,' Bobby continued yelling. 'It's important to the family. We can make any 手はず/準備 you want, but we must find it.'

Bobby and Peter left empty-手渡すd.

Hours later, at 7:30 pm, Marilyn called Peter at home. The Lawfords were throwing another party that evening; Bobby would probably come, and they were 推定する/予想するing Marilyn. But she wouldn't be coming, now or ever.

She had no last words for Bobby. 'Say goodbye to Pat,' Marilyn said to Peter, 'say goodbye to the 大統領,/社長, and say goodbye to yourself, because you're a nice guy.'

Her 団体/死体 was 設立する 早期に the next morning by her housekeeper. She was 直面する-負かす/撃墜する on her bed, nude, with her phone still in her 手渡す. She'd been dead for hours.

The 連邦検察局 was 派遣(する)d to Marilyn's home すぐに. Former 上級の 連邦検察局 スパイ/執行官 James Doyle later 認める the Bureau had been ordered to 除去する 確かな phone 記録,記録的な/記録するs.

回復するd in the 1980s, Marilyn's スピードを出す/記録につけるs showed she'd called Bobby's workplace eight times between June 25th and 30th. Her final call to him lasted eight minutes.

Why had she been so desperate to reach him? 報告(する)/憶測s 示唆する she'd had an abortion on July 20, and that the baby may have been Bobby's.

Also 行方不明の from her house was her 監視 system, 同様に as her diary, which Bobby had 明らかに told her to 'get rid of' a few months before.

Marilyn Monroe's death had been 原因(となる)d by a 大規模な barbiturate overdose. Whether it was 偶発の or purposeful will never be known.

But those who knew and loved her best bla med Jack and Bobby Kennedy.

Marilyn's body is taken out of her Los Angeles home in the early hours of August 5, 1962.

Marilyn's 団体/死体 is taken out of her Los Angeles home in the 早期に hours of August 5, 1962.

Empty pill bottles were found in Marilyn's bedroom when she died.

Empty pill 瓶/封じ込めるs were 設立する in Marilyn's bedroom when she died.

Former LA 郡 副 検察官 John 鉱夫 later 解任するd speaking at length that year to Marilyn's psychoanalyst, who let 鉱夫 listen to a 40-minute tape of her 株ing her 計画(する)s for the 即座の 未来.

'As a result of what Dr. Greenson told me,' 鉱夫 said, 'and from what I heard on tape recordings, I believe I c an say definitely that it was not 自殺.'

In the 1980s, ABC News planned to 空気/公表する a special about the Kennedy brothers' 関与 in Marilyn's death. Hours before the broadcast was 予定 to 空気/公表する, ABC pulled the plug.

ABC News 大統領,/社長 Roone Arledge, who cancelled the 文書の, was a longtime friend of Ethel Kennedy. He 否定するd any 衝突 of 利益/興味.


Both Kennedys were banned from Marilyn's funeral by Joe DiMaggio.

'I always knew who killed her, but I didn't want to start a 革命 in this country,' he said later. 'She told me someone would do her in, but I kept 静かな.

'The whole lot of Kennedys were lady-殺し屋s, and they always got away with it. They'll be getting away with it a hundred years from now.'


UK READERS: Adapted from 'Ask Not' by Maureen Callahan, to be published by Harper Collins on July 4 at £25.?? Maureen Callahan 2024. To order a copy for?£22.50 (申し込む/申し出 valid to 30/06/24; UK P&P 解放する/自由な on orders over?£25) go to mailshop.co.uk/調書をとる/予約するs?or call 02031762937.

US READERS: Adapted from 'Ask Not' by Maureen Callahan. Copyright ? 2024 by Maureen Callahan. Used with 許可 of Little, Brown and Company. New York, NY. All 権利s reserved. Order a copy here.?