(映画の)フィート数 逮捕(する)s the heart-stopping moment a banned driver 逆転するd over two 年輩の sisters as they walked arm-in-arm across a pub car park.

Nicholas Adams was behind the wheel as the 犠牲者s, 老年の 76 and 82, hopped out of a car and strolled に向かって the 入り口 of the Dovecote pub in West Bromwich, West Midlands.

CCTV (映画の)フィート数 shows the Vauxhall Insignia suddenly shoot backwards and mow the women over?as the wheels 機動力のある a flower bed.

The 年輩の sisters were left 罠にかける under the 乗り物 with life 脅すing 傷害s に引き続いて the 衝突,墜落 on October 15 last year.

Just three days earlier, Adams was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of drink 運動ing and was slapped with a 12-month 禁止(する).

Nicholas Adams was behind the wheel and?was jailed for three years and 11 months at Wolverhampton Crown Court on June 20

Nicholas Adams was behind the wheel and?was 刑務所,拘置所d for three years and 11 months at Wolverhampton 栄冠を与える 法廷,裁判所 on June 20

The elderly sisters can be seen strolling towards the Dovecote pub arm-in-arm

The 年輩の sisters can be seen strolling に向かって the Dovecote pub arm-in-arm?

Suddenly the Vauxhall Insignia shoots backwards and mows the women over. Adams is seen with the front door open and his leg dangling from the car

Suddenly the Vauxhall Insignia shoots backwards and mows the women over. Adams is seen with the 前線 door open and his 脚 dangling from the car

Officers 逮捕(する)d Adams and he was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with two counts of 原因(となる)ing serious 傷害 by dangerous 運動ing.

On Thursday June 20, Adams, 57, was 刑務所,拘置所d for three years and 11 months at Wolverhampton 栄冠を与える 法廷,裁判所.

He was also banned from 運動ing for two years.

The 法廷,裁判所 heard on the day of the 衝突,墜落 Adams was a 乗客 in the car with two friends who parked outside the pub at 12.30pm.

After a minor 衝突/不一致 in the car park, Adams decided to get into the driver's seat of the Vauxhall and move the 乗り物.

(映画の)フィート数 shows he didn't の近くに the door and his 脚 was dangling outside the car when it 揺さぶるd backwards.

The 法廷,裁判所 heard the two sisters, who have not been 指名するd, 苦しむd horrific 傷害s.

One of the women spent six weeks in hospital with 多重の serious fractures to her 団体/死体, whilst the other spent ten weeks in hospital.

In 大混乱/混沌とした scenes, PC Glenn Brabham was 軍隊d to ask one ghoulish 目撃者 to stop filming the scene on his 動きやすい phone.

He tells the man: 'Can I just ask you, they might be dying underneath there so can you not film or anything like that. Thanks a lot.'

The women were crushed under the car as its back wheels mounted a flower bed

The women were 鎮圧するd under the car as its 支援する wheels 機動力のある a flower bed

Footage from PC Glenn Brabham shows him comforting the woman as she lay crushed underneath the car

(映画の)フィート数 from PC Glenn Brabham shows him 慰安ing the woman as she lay 鎮圧するd underneath the car

その上の 劇の bodycam (映画の)フィート数 from PC Brabham shows 緊急 teams 猛烈に trying to 解放する/自由な the women from under the car.

He is heard asking one women what her 指名するs is, before calmly explaining: 'We're going to pull you out.

'Everyone is here, lovely, to try and help you. I can see your 手渡す moving, that's brilliant - 井戸/弁護士席 done.'

PC Brabham was filmed co-ordinating the delicate 救助(する) and helped 解除する the car off the women as they lay 鎮圧するd.

In a 声明, one of the women said: 'My sister and I cannot thank enough the professionals who helped us both on that day and during our long road to 回復.

'We would like to thank all the 緊急 services who (機の)カム to our 救助(する) on that day.

'特に PC Glenn Brabham, who play played an important part in getting us from under the car.

'Also, many thanks to the doctors and staff at the QE hospital, Birmingham. Without your help it could have been a different story.'

PC Brabham was 指名するd the 全体にわたる 勝利者 of the West Midlands Police 連合 Bravery Awards and is in line for a 国家の Police Bravery Award next month.

He said: 'I'd like to 延長する my best wishes to both ladies for their continued 回復 and it makes me happy to hear how 井戸/弁護士席 they've done so far.

'It's a 特権 to do my 職業 and I'm proud of what my 同僚s and the other 緊急 services do every day.'

Footage shows PC Brabham coordinating paramedics after the woman have been freed from under the car

(映画の)フィート数 shows PC Brabham 調整するing paramedics after the woman have been 解放する/自由なd from under the car

The sisters sustained life threatening injuries - with one spending six weeks and the other spending ten weeks in hospital with multiple serious fractures to their bodies

The sisters 支えるd life 脅すing 傷害s - with one spending six weeks and the other spending ten weeks in hospital with 多重の serious fractures to their 団体/死体s

PC Brabham was named the overall winner of the West Midlands Police Federation Bravery Awards and is in line for a National Police Bravery Award next month

PC Brabham was 指名するd the 全体にわたる 勝利者 of the West Midlands Police 連合 Bravery Awards and is in line for a 国家の Police Bravery Award next month

PC John Williams from West Midlands Police Traffic 調査s 部隊, said:

'Firearm officers happened to be nearby to the pub and PC Brabham didn't even think twice about getting underneath the car to help the two women.

'He selflessly prioritised the safety of the women over his own and his 活動/戦闘s saved their lives.

'Adams is rightfully behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s after not only showing total 無視(する) for his 運動ing disqualification but also for 本気で 負傷させるing two innocent women who were going about their daily lives.'