• This story is developing, more to follow?

Two synagogues and an 正統派の church across southern Russia?have today been attacked by 交戦的な gunmen, who killed six police officers and slit the throat of a priest.?

The 攻撃者s 解雇する/砲火/射撃d at the 宗教的な 場所/位置s, 同様に as a police 駅/配置する, across the tinderbox 地域 of Dagestan, a 大部分は イスラム教徒 地域 of Russia that 国境s Georgia and Azerbaijan. 当局 have said that at least 12 people were 負傷させるd during the attacks.?

A synagogue in 地域の 資本/首都 Makhachkala was 始める,決める alight, with smoke seen 注ぐing from the building, while another was 始める,決める on 解雇する/砲火/射撃 in Derbent, the 最南端の city in Russia which lies 概略で 80 miles south of?Makhachkala.?

The 攻撃者s, who have still not been identified, attacked the Kele-Numaz synagogue, the only ユダヤ人の place of worship in Derbent, which was also where 交戦的なs attacked a priest and a guard who both worked at an 正統派の church in the city.?

The priest, 指名するd 地元で as 66-year-old Father Nikolai Kotelnikov who served more than 40 years in Derbent, 報道によれば had this throat slit by the gunmen.?

The attackers fired at the religious sites, as well as a police station, across the tinderbox region of Dagesta
n, which borders Chechnya

The 攻撃者s 解雇する/砲火/射撃d at the 宗教的な 場所/位置s, 同様に as a police 駅/配置する, across the tinderbox 地域 of Dagestan, which 国境s Chechnya

Two synagogues and an Orthodox church across southern Russia have today been attacked by militant gunmen

Two synagogues and an 正統派の church across southern Russia have today been attacked by 交戦的な gunmen

So far, two of the attackers involved in the deadly shootings have been killed

So far, two of the 攻撃者s 伴う/関わるd in the deadly 狙撃s have been killed

It is not currently know how many people were involved in the shootings, nor is it known who is behind them

It is not 現在/一般に know how many people were 伴う/関わるd in the 狙撃s, nor is it known who is behind them

Two police officers were killed in the attack, it was reported

Two police officers were killed in the attack, it was 報告(する)/憶測d

So far, two of the 攻撃者s 伴う/関わるd in the deadly 狙撃 s have been killed, Russia's 内部の 省 said.?

Many of them managed to 逃げる, with 地元の マスコミ 報告(する)/憶測ing that the 攻撃者s in Derbent, which is home to an 古代の ユダヤ人の community and a UNESCO World?遺産 場所/位置, escaped in a White Volkswagen Polo.?

The chairman of the public 会議 of Russia's 連合 of ユダヤ人の Communities, Boruch Gorin wrote on 電報電信 that 'it has not been possible to 消滅させる the 解雇する/砲火/射撃' at the synagogue in Derbent.?

He 追加するd: 'The synagogue in Makhachkala has also been 始める,決める on 解雇する/砲火/射撃 and burnt 負かす/撃墜する.'

Gorin wrote that in Derbent, firefighters had been told to leave the 燃やすing synagogue because of the 危険 that 'テロリストs remained inside'.

It is not 現在/一般に know how many people were 伴う/関わるd in the 狙撃s, nor is it known who is behind them, によれば?Dagestan's 知事, Sergei Melikov, who said on 電報電信:?

The attacks on the religious sites across Dagestan come just months after a deadly terrorist attack in Moscow

The attacks on the 宗教的な 場所/位置s across Dagestan come just months after a deadly テロリスト attack in Moscow

Russia's Investigative Committee has already said it is probing them as 'acts of terror.'

Russia's Investigative 委員会 has already said it is 調査(する)ing them as '行為/法令/行動するs of terror.'

'Tonight in Derbent and Makhachkala, unknown individuals 試みる/企てるd to destabilise the public 状況/情勢. Dagestan police officers stood in their way. によれば 予選 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状), there are 死傷者s の中で them.'

Nor is the 動機づけ behind the attacks known.??

But Russia's Investigative 委員会 has already said it is 調査(する)ing them as '行為/法令/行動するs of terror.'?

Dagestan has undergone a 一連の anti-Semitic events in the past year, most 著名な when a 暴徒 嵐/襲撃するd the airport in?Makhachkala to search for ユダヤ人の 乗客s from イスラエル.?

The attacks on the 宗教的な 場所/位置s across Dagestan come just months after a deadly テロリスト attack in Moscow took the lives of nearly 145 people.?

Islamic 明言する/公表する Khorasan Provice (ISIS-K), a 特に 残虐な sect of ISIS, 虐殺(する)d innocent concertgoers who went to see the ロシアの 禁止(する)d Picnic at the Crocus City Hall concert 発生地 in March this year.?

After 狙撃 up the 発生地 and setting it alight, 145 people died while 551 people were 負傷させるd by 砲火 or 燃やすs.??

More to follow.?