Anne's agony after horse 事故 horror: Princess will 'hate' to 行方不明になる public 約束/交戦s after '存在 攻撃する,衝突する by horse's 長,率いる or 脚s' - as Charles sends touching message to his sister in hospital

Princess Anne will 'hate' having to 行方不明になる a 一連の 約束/交戦s this week after 苦しむing 長,率いる 傷害s and a concussion, a former staff member told MailOnline today.

The Princess 王室の is 存在 扱う/治療するd at Southmead Hospital in Bristol after she is said to have been kicked by a horse on her Gatcombe Park 広い地所 in Gloucestershire.

The 73-year-old 王室の, a 技術d horsewoman who competed in the 1976 Montreal Olympics, was going for a walk yesterday evening when the 出来事/事件 occurred.

緊急 services were sent to the 広い地所 and, after 存在 given 医療の care at the scene, Anne was transferred to hospital for 実験(する)s, 治療 and 観察.

She will now have to 行方不明になる at least nine 約束/交戦s this week 含むing a trip to Canada and a 祝宴 for the Japanese 明言する/公表する Visit in London tomorrow.

Anne has often been dubbed the 'hardestworking 王室の', and a former staff member who worked closely with her for several years told MailOnline today: 'She'll hate it.

'But she's an amazing woman and will quickly bounce 支援する. No one would ever dare to tell her to slow 負かす/撃墜する when I was there and I 疑問 it will change even after this.'

Princess Anne arrives by carriage on day three of Royal Ascot in Berkshire last Thursday

Princess Anne arrives by carriage on day three of 王室の Ascot in Berkshire last Thursday

Anne on horseback during Trooping the Colour at Horse Guards Parade in London on June 15

Anne on horseback during 軍隊/機動隊ing the Colour at 売春婦 rse Guards Parade in London on June 15

Police outside Southmead Hospital in Bristol today where Princess Anne is being treated

Police outside Southmead Hospital in Bristol today where Princess Anne is 存在 扱う/治療するd

Anne is a 重要な member of the King's slimmed-負かす/撃墜する working 君主国, and has played a big 役割 by stepping up in support of Charles まっただ中に his diagnosis.

The Princess is known for her no-nonsense approach and her かかわり合い to 王室の 義務, and the King made a point earlier today of making public his 'fondest love and 井戸/弁護士席-wishes' for his sister.

Anne is understood to have been taking an evening stroll on her 広い地所 with horses nearby when she was 傷つける.

The Princess was left with minor 負傷させるs to the 長,率いる, and her 医療の team are understood to believe these are 一貫した with a 可能性のある 衝撃 from a horse's 長,率いる or 脚s.

But 予定 to the concussion 支えるd by the Princess, 正確な 詳細(に述べる)s of the 事故 are unable to be ascertained at the moment, MailOnline understands.

Anne on the Buckingham Palace balcony (far right) with other Royal Family members on June 15

Anne on the Buckingham Palace balcony (far 権利) with other 王室の Family members on June 15

The Gatcombe Park estate in Gloucestershire where the incident happened (file picture)

The Gatcombe Park 広い地所 in Gloucestershire where the 出来事/事件 happened (とじ込み/提出する picture)

She is 推定する/予想するd to make a 十分な 回復 but will 行方不明になる nine 約束/交戦s in the coming seven days, 含むing a 王室の visit to Canada this Sunday.

Her hospital stay has again 最高潮の場面d how stretched the 王室の Family is with the King and the Princess of むちの跡s both 存在 扱う/治療するd for 癌.

Anne's husband, 副/悪徳行為 海軍大将 Sir Tim Laurence , and her children Zara Tindall and Peter Phillips , were on the 広い地所 at the time she was 負傷させるd.

An 空気/公表する 救急車 was flown to the scene but not 要求するd to take Anne to hospital.

The 王室の was given 治療 before 存在 taken to Southmead Hospital for 実験(する)s, 治療 and 観察, with Sir Tim by her 味方する.

Her brother Charles was すぐに 知らせるd but Anne's 約束/交戦s this week have been 延期するd on her doctors' advice.

Buckingham Palace's statement on the incident, which happened yesterday evening

Buckingham Palace's 声明 on the 出来事/事件, which happened yesterday evening


Princess Anne's cancelled 約束/交戦s: NINE in just a week for the hardest working 王室の


? 連邦/共和国 農業の 会議/協議会 - Gogarburn 会議/協議会 Centre, Edinburgh

? Japanese 明言する/公表する Visit 明言する/公表する 祝宴 - Buckingham Palace, London


? Warsash Sailing Club's renovated clubhouse 開始 - Warsash, Hampshire

? 王室の Lymington ヨット Club community sailing programme - Lymington, Hampshire

? 連邦/共和国 農業の 会議/協議会 dinner - 王室の Highland Showground, Edinburgh


? Strathcarron Hospice visit - Denny, Stirling and Falkirk

? 連邦/共和国 農業の 会議/協議会 AGM - Gogarburn 会議/協議会 Centre, Edinburgh


? Spinal 傷害s 協会 charity polo day - Cirencester Park Polo Club, Gloucestershire


? Canada visit


'Her 王室の Highness sends her 陳謝s to any who may be inconvenienced or disappointed as a result,' a 王室の 広報担当者 said.

The Princess 王室の is the hardest working 王室の ーに関して/ーの点でs of 年次の 約束/交戦s at a time when the King has 削減(する) 支援する on events and Prince William has also taken time off to care for his wife. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?have walked away from 王室の 義務s 完全に.?

A palace 広報担当者 said Anne was '回復するing 井戸/弁護士席' and in a 'comfortable 条件'. 支配する to 医療の advice, she is 推定する/予想するd to be able to return home later this week.

It is understood she has 苦しむd concussion and minor 傷害s to the 長,率いる, but she is 推定する/予想するd to make a 十分な 回復.

It is not thought that any other individual was 伴う/関わるd in the 出来事/事件 It is believed that palace 公式の/役人s have a 'working hypothesis' of how the Princess 支えるd her 傷害s, but cannot be 100 per cent 確かな at this 行う/開催する/段階.?

A 王室の 広報担当者 追加するd: 'Her 王室の Highness is receiving appropriate 専門家 care. No その上の 詳細(に述べる)s are 存在 株d at this 行う/開催する/段階.

'Her 王室の Highness will remain in Southmead Hospital unless or until her 医療の team advise さもなければ. Sir Tim Laurence …を伴ってd Her 王室の Highness to hospital.'

発表するing the news at 12.20pm today, a Buckingham Palace 広報担当者 said: 'The Princess 王室の has 支えるd minor 傷害s and concussion に引き続いて an 出来事/事件 on the Gatcombe Park 広い地所 yesterday evening.?

'Her 王室の Highness remains in Southmead Hospital, Bristol, as a 予防の 手段 for 観察 and is 推定する/予想するd to make a 十分な and swift 回復.

'The King has been kept closely 知らせるd and joins the whole 王室の Family in sending his fondest love and 井戸/弁護士席-wishes to The Princess for a 迅速な 回復.'

King Charles III, Queen Camilla, Prince William and Anne's other siblings, Prince Edward and Prince Andrew, were all 知らせるd last night.

The busiest 王室の by number of days worked in 2024 (January to April)?
王室の Number of days
Anne 68
Edward 38
Duke of Gloucester 33
Sophie 32
Camilla 29
Duke of Kent 28
Charles 21
Duchess of Gloucester 19
William 17
Alexandra 1
A poll for 2023 found Princess Anne is the most popular member of the Royal Family

A 投票 for 2023 設立する Princess Anne is the most popular member of the 王室の Family

計画(する)s are 存在 診察するd in の近くに 協議 with the Canadian 政府 as to how the Princess's 提案するd 約束/交戦s may be adapted in her absence.

The Japanese 明言する/公表する Visit will go ahead as planned, though the Princess will be unable to …に出席する the 明言する/公表する 祝宴 tomorrow.

Anne will 行方不明になる eight 約束/交戦s across England and Scotland 同様に as a visit to Canada?over the coming week.

によれば the 公式の/役人 王室の diary, Anne was 推定する/予想するd to travel to the Gogarburn 会議/協議会 Centre in Edinburgh tomorrow for the 連邦/共和国 農業の 会議/協議会 in her 役割 as 大統領,/社長 of the 王室の 農業の Society of the 連邦/共和国.

Princess Anne smiles as she attends the third day of Royal Ascot in Berkshire last Thursday

Princess Anne smiles as she …に出席するs the third day of 王室の Ascot in Berkshire last Thursday

Anne with Lady Sarah Chatto and opposite husband Sir Tim Laurence at Ascot last Thursday

Anne with Lady Sarah Chatto and opposite husband Sir Tim Laurence at Ascot last Thursday

On Wednesday, Anne was then 予定 to open Warsash Sailing Club's renovated clubhouse in Hampshire as the 大統領,/社長 of the 王室の ヨットing 協会.

On the same day, she was 推定する/予想するd to cross the 郡 to also learn about the 王室の Lymington ヨット Club's community sailing programme in her 役割 as patron.

And Anne was then 予定 to 長,率いる 支援する to Edinburgh for the 連邦/共和国 Agric ultural 会議/協議会's dinner at the 王室の Highland Showground.

On Thursday, Anne was going to visit Strathcarron Hospice in Denny, Stirling and Falkirk.

And on the same day she was 予定 to be 支援する in Edinburgh for the 連邦/共和国 農業の 会議/協議会's 年次の general 会合.

The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence at Windsor Castle last Monday

The Princess 王室の and 副/悪徳行為 海軍大将 Sir Tim Laurence at Windsor 城 last Monday

The Princess Royal speaking to Chelsea Pensioners during the Royal Hospital Chelsea's Founders Day ceremony on June 6

The Princess 王室の speaking to Chelsea Pensioners during the 王室の Hospital Chelsea's 創立者s Day 儀式 on June 6

She was also scheduled to …に出席する the Spinal 傷害s 協会's charity polo day on Friday at Cirencester Park Polo Club in Gloucestershire.

And then the Canada visit was scheduled for Sunday and Monday, but she will no longer be able to 飛行機で行く to the country.

The princess's 事故 is the 最新の health upset to the 攻撃する,衝突する the 王室の family this year, with both the King and the Princess of むちの跡s 診断するd with and を受けるing 治療 for 癌, and Sarah, Duchess of York, having 肌 癌.

Anne is a 重要な member of the King's slimmed-負かす/撃墜する working 君主国, and has played an important 役割 as she stepped up in support of Charles まっただ中に his 条件.

The Princess Royal shakes hands with Brigadier Anna Kimber, Programme Director for D-Day 80, at the Bayeux War Cemetery in Normandy, France, on June 5

The Princess 王室の shakes 手渡すs with 准將 Anna Kimber, Programme Director for D-Day 80, at the Bayeux War 共同墓地 in Normandy, フラン, on June 5

The princess, often dubbed the hardest-working 王室の, is known for her no-nonsense approach and her かかわり合い to 王室の 義務.

At 軍隊/機動隊ing the Colour earlier this month, she was pictured expertly keeping her horse under 支配(する)/統制する when it appeared agitated.

Anne won the individual 選手権 at Burghley in 1971, and was 投票(する)d BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

In 1976, she took part in the Montreal Olympics as a three-day eventer with the British equestrian team.

The princess 生き残るd an 試みる/企てるd kidnapping in 1974 when a 銃器携帯者/殺しや tried to 誘拐する her and then-husband Captain 示す Phillips as they were driven along The 商店街 to Buckingham Palace.

She kept her 冷静な/正味の, and when the 銃器携帯者/殺しや, Ian Ball, told her to 'Come with me for a day or two' because he 手配中の,お尋ね者 £2 million, she replied it was not '血まみれの likely, and I 港/避難所't got £2 million'.


Princess Anne's other horse riding 事故s: From breaking finger as a schoolgirl to 割れ目ing vertebra and 存在 knocked unconscious when her steed fell on her - and the time Clare Balding 'nearly killed' the 王室の during a race

By Harry Howard, History 特派員?

Princess Anne's 傷害 伴う/関わるing a horse is just the 最新の example of how she has been 傷つける indulging her passion.

The Princess 王室の, 73, was 負傷させるd yesterday at her Gatcombe Park 広い地所 and is 存在 扱う/治療するd in hospital for concussion and minor 傷害s to her 長,率いる.

It comes nearly 60 years on from when she 割れ目d a bone in her finger in December 1964 after getting it caught in the rein while riding a horse at her school in Benenden, Kent, 老年の 14.?

Then, more 本気で, she was knocked unconscious and 割れ目d a vertebra when her horse fell on her at the Portman Horse 裁判,公判s in Dorset in April 1976.??

Anne also 苦しむd concussion and bruises but was told by doctors that the hairline 割れ目 in her 支援する was not serious enough to stop her from competing at the Montreal Olympics that summer.?

On another occasion, 放送者 Clare Balding 認める to having 'nearly killed' Anne during a horse race in the 1980s.?

Back in April 1976, Anne was knocked unconscious and cracked a vertebra when her horse fell on her at the Portman Horse Trials in Dorset

支援する in April 1976, Anne was knocked unconscious and 割れ目d a vertebra when her horse fell on her at the Portman Horse 裁判,公判s in Dorset

In 1964, Anne cracked a bone in her finger after getting it caught in a rein while riding at her school in Benenden, Kent. Above: The Princess Royal leaves the King Edward VII hospital with her arm wrapped up

In 1964, Anne 割れ目d a bone in her finger after getting it caught in a rein while riding at her school in Benenden, Kent. Above: The Princess 王室の leaves the King Edward VII hospital with her arm wrapped up

In 1973, Anne had to 身を引く from the European Eventing 選手権s 存在 held in Kyiv, ウクライナ共和国, after 落ちるing fr om her horse and 上陸 on her 直面する.

Two years later, in April 1975, she was thrown into the River Avon when her horse, Mardi Gras, failed a jump.?

And in October that year, the Princess fell off her horse after 衝突する/食い違うing with a steed 存在 ridden by her then-husband, Captain 示す Phillips.??

In 1982, she ended up 潜水するd in water again after 落ちるing from her horse, Stevie B, into the lake at the Badminton Horse 裁判,公判s.??

Anne later 認める that she remembers 'nothing at all' about her 1976 落ちる.

She said in an interview: 'It was going very 井戸/弁護士席 and then I don't remember anything else. Nothing at all.'

Her former lady-in-waiting, Jane Holderness-Roddam, told ITV: 'She was that concussed that she couldn't remember - and still to this day I believe can't remember - the 残り/休憩(する) o f the course.'?

Captain 示す Phillips was watching in anguish on the sidelines.

Princess Anne lies unconscious after falling from her horse - which then rolled on top of her - at the Portman Horse Trials, 1976

Princess Anne lies unconscious after 落ちるing from her horse - which then rolled on 最高の,を越す of her - at the Portman Horse 裁判,公判s, 1976

Onlookers look helpless as they stand and kneel around Princess Anne after her accident at the Portman Horse Trials, 1976

Onlookers look helpless as they stand and ひさまづく around Princess Anne after her 事故 at the Portman Horse 裁判,公判s, 1976

Princess Anne is carried into the King Edward VII Hospital after her accident at the Portman Horse Trials

Princess Anne is carried into the King Edward VII Hospital after her 事故 at the Portman Horse 裁判,公判s

In April 1975, Anne was thrown into the River Avon when her horse, Mardi Gras, failed a jump

In April 1975, Anne was thrown into the River Avon when her horse, Mardi Gras, failed a jump

In 1973, she had to withdraw from the European Eventing Championships being held in Kyiv, Ukraine, after falling from her horse and landing on her face

In 1973, she had to 身を引く from the European Eventing 選手権s 存在 held in Kyiv, ウクライナ共和国, after 落ちるing from her horse and 上陸 on her 直面する

In 1982, she ended up submerged in water again after falling from her horse, Stevie B, into the lake at the Badminton Horse Trials

In 1982, she ended up 潜水するd in water again after 落ちるing from her horse, Stevie B, into the lake at the Badminton Horse 裁判,公判s

Her horse, Candlewick, fell on 最高の,を越す of her after she (機の)カム a cropper.?

Captain Phillips helped to carry her into a waiting 救急車.

Anne, who has been riding horses since she was two-and-a-half, said in an interview in the 1970s that she 'frequently' had felt sheer terror riding a horse.

'I do all the time,' she said. 'I 堅固に 反対する to getting run away with - that 脅すs the life out of me. Luckily it doesn't happen too often.'??

Balding, a former amateur (v)策を弄する/(n)騎手, 衝突する/食い違うd with Anne when they competed in the same event in the 1980s.

She told the Telegraph earlier this year: '井戸/弁護士席, it was in a race when I'd only been competing a couple of years. I got in her path, we 衝突する/食い違うd and she was nearly unseated. I think she's forgiven me. She knows I didn't do it on 目的.?

Princess Anne after falling from her horse at Towcester Racecourse in 1983

Princess Anne after 落ちるing from her horse at Towcester Racecourse in 1983

Princess Anne looks at her horse Stevie B after they took a tumble at the Burghley Horse Trials, 1981

Princess Anne looks at her horse Stevie B after they took a 宙返り/暴落する at the Burghley Horse 裁判,公判s, 1981

The Daily Mail's front page after Anne was knocked unconscious at the Portman Horse Trials in 1976

The Daily Mail's 前線 page after Anne was knocked unconscious at the Portman Horse 裁判,公判s in 1976

The Mail's coverage when Anne was knocked unconscious at the 1976 Portman Horse Trials

The Mail's ニュース報道 when Anne was knocked unconscious at the 1976 Portman Horse 裁判,公判s

'Funnily enough, when she gave me my CBE, having 以前 現在のd me with an OBE, she leaned over and said 'Mmm, I think we've been through this before'.'?

In 2008, Anne was kicked by a horse at her home and needed the help of a walking stick afterwards.

However, her 技術s on horseback are 広範囲にわたって 尊敬(する)・点d.

At the age of 21 she won the individual 肩書を与える at the European Eventing 選手権 and was 投票(する)d BBC Sports Personality of the Year.

She competed for Britain in the equestrian three-day event at the Montreal games in 1976, riding the Queen's horse 好意/親善 - the same animal that she fell from in Kyiv.??