飛行機で行くing off the 扱う! Comic Ross Noble exasperated at EasyJet after 緊急 door パネル盤 落ちるs on him and gets no 陳謝 - and then gets trolled by 自動化するd 顧客 service bot

Comedian?Ross Noble?has (刑事)被告 easyJet staff of 'shrugging off' his 恐れるs after part of an 緊急 door パネル盤 fell on his 長,率いる during a flight.

The Have I Got News For You 星/主役にする was sitting on one of the 予算 航空機による's jets when the hatch above his window seat 倒れるd の上に him.

Taking to X, the comic (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the gaping 穴を開ける was no laughing 事柄 as it dripped water all over him for the 残り/休憩(する) of the trip.

And when the TV funny man approached 航空機による staff about the hatch, he (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they didn't apologise or show any 関心 about the 'terrifying' problem.

Stand-up 星/主役にする Ross, 48, said: 'Decided to 飛行機で行く @easyJet 広大な/多数の/重要な value. The 緊急 hatch 落ちるing on me was at no extra 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金. Staff didn't waste time apologising or showing any 関心 they helpfully 知らせるd me the water dripping on me was just condensation. 広大な/多数の/重要な 職業.'

Stand-up Ross Noble claimed an emergency hatch on a door fell onto him on an easyJet flight

Stand-up Ross Noble (人命などを)奪う,主張するd an 緊急 ha tch on a door fell の上に him on an easyJet flight

He shared his experience to his 789,000 followers on X and claimed staff 'didn't waste time apologising' for the situation

He 株d his experience to his 789,000 信奉者s on X and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd staff 'didn't waste time apologising' for the 状況/情勢

EasyJet were quick to reply, 説: 'Hi Ross. I am sorry to hear about your experience. I'll be happy to take a look at the 調書をとる/予約するing.

'Kindly pop us DM with the 調書をとる/予約するing 言及/関連 number, the booker's 十分な 指名する and the email 演説(する)/住所 used to make the 調書をとる/予約するing? Regards, Ryan.'

Ross then 答える/応じるd: 'Not looking for 補償(金). Maybe ask staff to say sorry for the inconvenience it's all 安全な, rather than with shrug.

'It's just condensation dripping on you. don't lean on the door. Or pull lever. I am not a nervous flyer but that is 潜在的に terrifying for someone who is.'

Another member of staff then 誘発するd 関心s the 返答s were from an AI bot by 説: 'I am truly sorry to read about your experience Ross. I am glad to know that the cabin 乗組員 were able to わびる for this and I hope your 旅行 was a 広大な/多数の/重要な one. Your patience is 大いに 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるd. - Sivu.'

Ross then snapped 支援する: 'Are you a 雑談(する) bot ? You 港/避難所't read my message. They didn't!

'A thing fell on me and then water dripped out. When we have seen news of a 計画(する) door coming off maybe show some 関心.

'Apologise even if you don't mean it. I know it's a 予算 商売/仕事 but manners cost nothing.'

The Have I Got News For You star was sitting on one of the budget airline's jets when the hatch above his window seat toppled onto him

The Have I Got News For You 星/主役にする was sitting on one of the 予算 航空機による's jets when the hatch above his window seat 倒れるd の上に him

Noble 攻撃する,衝突する out at staff on the 予算 定期航空機 and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they did not apologise for the 問題/発行する (とじ込み/提出する image)

Noble said the situation could have been potentially 'terrifying' for a nervous flyer

Noble said the 状況/情勢 could have been 潜在的に 'terrifying' for a nervous flyer

One of Ross' 信奉者s joked: 'easyBot . The extra condensation, FOC, helps 静める and 冷静な/正味の our 顧客s when the airplane starts to 落ちる apart around them.

'At this time staff are 一般に busy 補助装置ing more important 顧客s or those who have paid for 迅速な 緊急 出発.'

And another said: 'The easyJet 顧客 services jumping from one narrative to another, it's like one of your stand up bits Ross.'

Ross didn't say where he was 飛行機で行くing.

The 行方不明の hatch 明らかにする/漏らすd a 扱う which said 'Pull 負かす/撃墜する.'

Ross' 中央の-空気/公表する nightmare comes after major problems with 計画(する)s in flight.

In January, an entire door blew off an Alaska 航空機によるs 計画(する) at 16,000ft 軍隊ing it to return to Portland, Oregon, with 177 people onboard.

The door was later 設立する in someone's 支援する garden.

答える/応じるing to Ross' 地位,任命する, others said that although the 問題/発行する didn't seem serious, the 乗組員 seemingly could have 扱うd it better.

One said: 'As someone who 作品 on the A320 the door 扱う cover is designed to come off very easily and the 乗組員 should've known it can be popped 支援する on as easily as it (機の)カム off.

'Condensation is also ありふれた on the ground/during 離陸/出発 but the 乗組員 should've done a better 職業 here.'

An EasyJet spokesperson said: 'We are sorry for Mr Noble's experience onboard. The パネル盤 is for cosmetic 目的s only and is designed for 平易な 接近 in an 緊急. Safety is our highest 優先.'