EXCLUSIVETOM LEONARD: Which A-Listers will be dragged into P Diddy's 麻薬s and orgies スキャンダル next? A nervous Hollywood is 十分な of friends who were once so thrilled to be 招待するd to his 悪名高い parties

Ever the thoughtful host, ?rapper and music mogul Sean ?'P Diddy' 徹底的に捜すs stepped の上に the balcony of his mansion in the Hamptons one summer in the 2000s to let guests of a more 極度の慎重さを要する disposition know that it would soon be time to go home. The debauchery was about to get serious.

'We fed you all, we gave you drinks, now it's time to enjoy life,' he told them to 元気づけるs.?

'This is a 祝賀 of life. This is the real White Party. Kids have an hour left [then] this thing turns into something that when you get older, this is something y'all gonna want to come to... so let's just start to get our groove on, put the kids away. It's all good.'

The occasion was one of 徹底的に捜すs's 悪名高い White Parties, lavish extravaganzas which he threw each year from 1998 to 2009 ? おもに at his 4,500 sq ft East Hamptons mansion but also in Beverly Hills and even in St Tropez.

The rich and famous flocked to them, as they did to his 平等に glitzy birthday parties, with some 誇るing up to 1,000 guests.

The entertainment industry is waiting in trepidation to see whose name will be next to be dragged into the scandal which has seen?Sean ?'P Diddy ' Combs arrested. Combs is seen (centre) in front of?Leonardo DiCaprio in 1998

The entertainment 産業 is waiting in trepidation to see whose 指名する will be next to be dragged into the スキャンダル which has seen?Sean ?'P Diddy ' 徹底的に捜すs 逮捕(する)d. 徹底的に捜すs is seen (centre) in 前線 of?Leonardo DiCaprio in 1998

The indictment focuses on ?sordid events called 'freak-offs', one of which it's alleged Combs' former girlfriend Cassie, real name Casandra Ventura (seen with him in 2015), tried to flee in 2016

The 起訴,告発 焦点(を合わせる)s on ?sordid events called 'freak-offs', one of which it's 申し立てられた/疑わしい 徹底的に捜すs' former girlfriend Cassie, real 指名する Casandra Ventura (seen with him in 2015), tried to 逃げる in 2016

Russel Brand is pictur
ed with Combs at one of the disgraced rapper's?infamous White Parties in 2009

Russel Brand is pictured with 徹底的に捜すs at one of the 不名誉d rapper's?悪名高い White Parties in 2009

Everyone from Beyonce and husband Jay-Z, Naomi Campbell, Kanye West and Mariah Carey to Sarah Jessica Parker, Martha ?Stewart, Salman Rushdie, Russell Brand and Leonardo DiCaprio were photographed at them, dutifully 観察するing the strict all-white dress code.

一方/合間, a ビデオ 招待 徹底的に捜すs sent for his 29th birthday party fea tured glowing ?尊敬の印s from Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey, Ben Stiller and even Donald Trump. Some 述べるd him as Hollywood's Gatsby and he was delighted by the comparison. 'Have I read The 広大な/多数の/重要な Gatsby?' he told an interviewer in 2001. 'I am the 広大な/多数の/重要な Gatsby!'

These bacchanals, which would start in the daytime and last long into the に引き続いて ?morning, became so 悪名高い that, when asked, 星/主役にするs would laugh uncomfortably and 辞退する to ?discuss what they'd seen at them.

Photos that have 現れるd from one party show topless girls surrounding a male guest in the swimming pool as they 注ぐ シャンペン酒 負かす/撃墜する his gullet and 徹底的に捜すs 注ぐing it over two other girls, wearing only bikini ?底(に届く)s and kissing each other.

'I think half the people there were butt-naked,' reality TV 星/主役にする Khloe Kardashian trilled to friends in 2014, two years later 噴出するing to 徹底的に捜すs ? also known as Puff Daddy ? when he appeared on her show: '井戸/弁護士席, I know you're known for the parties. When you think of a party or a good time, you think of Puff.'

Not any more. 誇るing of …に出席するing soirees chez Diddy has suddenly become 深く,強烈に unfashionable. 徹底的に捜すs, 54, most certainly isn't having a 'good time' as he languishes in a ?悪名高くも grim Brooklyn 拘留,拘置 centre on 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s of 脅迫者,不正手段で暴利を得る者ing, sex trafficking by 軍隊, 詐欺 or ?coercion and transportation to engage in 売春.

If 罪人/有罪を宣告するd, he 直面するs life in 刑務所,拘置所. He 否定するs the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s and his lawyer has said 徹底的に捜すs 'is an imperfect ?person but he is not a 犯罪の'.

Photos that have emerged from one party show topless girls surrounding a male guest in the swimming pool as they pour champagne down his gullet and Combs pouring it over two other girls, wearing only bikini ?bottoms and kissing each other

Photos that have 現れるd from one party show topless girls surrounding a male guest in the swimming pool as they 注ぐ シャンペン酒 負かす/撃墜する his gullet and 徹底的に捜すs 注ぐing it over two other girls, wearing only bikini ?底(に届く)s and kissing each other

Models pose at 'The Real White Party' presented by? Combs at his East Hampton estate in September 2007

Models 提起する/ポーズをとる at 'The Real White Party' 現在のd by? 徹底的に捜すs at his East Hampton 広い地所 in September 2007

Left-right:?Designer Donna Karen, musician Tommy Lee Jones, singer Mariah Carey, Combs, Star Jones and rapper Reverend Run

Left-権利:?Designer Donna Karen, musician Tommy 物陰/風下 Jones, singer Mariah Carey, 徹底的に捜すs, 星/主役にする Jones and rapper Reverend Run

The 14-page 起訴,告発, covering the period from 2008 to now, (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the ?multi-millionaire orchestrated 'a 犯罪の 企業' through his 商売/仕事 empire that engaged in sex trafficking, 麻薬s offences, 軍隊d 労働, 放火(罪), 贈収賄, kidnapping and ?10年間s of physical 乱用 against women, の中で other offences.

一方/合間, the entertainment 産業 is waiting in trepidation to see whose 指名する will be next to be dragged into the スキャンダル.

While the 起訴,告発 doesn't 特に について言及する the White Parties, it 焦点(を合わせる)s ひどく on other, far more ?sordid events that 徹底的に捜すs 恐らく held which he called 'freak-offs'.

These were 私的な sex parties usually held in 高級な hotel 控訴s. The orgies 伴う/関わるd 売春婦s ? both straight and gay ? endless 供給(する)s of alcohol and 麻薬s, and 産業の 量s of baby oil and lubricants.

捜査官/調査官s say they 設立する a thousand 瓶/封じ込めるs of oil during (警察の)手入れ,急襲s on 徹底的に捜すs's 所有物/資産/財産s. Some 'freak-offs' are said to have gone on for days and ended up with exhausted 関係者s having to rehydrate 経由で an IV drip. They were so degenerate that 徹底的に捜すs 恐らく had to 支払う/賃金 to 修理 not only 損失 to the hotels but to individuals 伴う/関わるd 同様に.

It's 申し立てられた/疑わしい that his former girlfriend Cassie, real 指名する Casandra Ventura, was trying to 逃げる just such a freak-off in 2016 when 安全 cameras in a Los Angeles hotel 逮捕(する)d 徹底的に捜すs viciously attacking her, even 投げつけるing a vase, in a 回廊(地帯).

Crucially, 検察官,検事s say 徹底的に捜すs not only 操るd them but frequently 記録,記録的な/記録するd these freak-offs and used the ビデオ 証拠 to stop those 伴う/関わるd from complaining. In this 尊敬(する)・点, some of his accusers have compared him to paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein, who 報道によれば 内密に filmed his famous friends having sex with girls he 供給するd.

遺伝子 取引,協定, a former 護衛 of 徹底的に捜すs, this week (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the music mogul kept tapes of 政治家,政治屋s taking part in his freak off 開会/開廷/会期s. 取引,協定 said his 起訴,告発 could expose high-profile celebrities and 公式の/役人s.

DiCaprio (back center) and Combs (front center) relax with friends at the latter's Labor Day party at his house in East Hampton in 1998

DiCaprio (支援する 中心) and 徹底的に捜すs (前線 中心) relax with friends at the latter's Labor Day party at his house in East Hampton in 1998

Usher (left) is among the rappers, singers and producers who for years constituted much of Combs' inner circle

勧める (left) is の中で the rappers, singers and 生産者s who for years 構成するd much of 徹底的に捜すs' inner circle

Canadian pop star Justin Bieber has also known Combs for years ? since he broke out from YouTube fame as a 15-year-old, signing a deal with Usher's record company

Canadian pop 星/主役にする Justin Bieber has also known 徹底的に捜すs for years ? since he broke out from YouTube fame as a 15-year-old, 調印 a を取り引きする 勧める's 記録,記録的な/記録する company

Although some believe these events were 完全に separate to his big celebrity bashes, it's been (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the illicit behaviour also went on at the latter surreptitiously ? in secluded corners of the party or after most guests had gone home ? as 徹底的に捜すs and friends would 退却/保養地 for hardcore sex and 麻薬-taking.

Former White Party guest Tom 急襲する (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the event he …に出席するd was 'tiered off' and that in 私的な VIP areas of the house, male and 女性(の) guests were sexually humiliated on the 約束 of 記録,記録的な/記録する 取引,協定s or money, while 麻薬s ? おもに コカイン and ecstasy ? were いつかs snorted off the 団体/死体s of guests.

一方/合間, an ex-麻薬 売買業者 has told The New York 地位,任命する that when he was once 召喚するd to Diddy's Hamptons home during one of his big parties, the 星/主役にする ? wearing only a bathrobe ? led him to a bedroom where he was astonished to see male rappers having sex with each other.

Such 報告(する)/憶測s have fuelled (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that 徹底的に捜すs is bisexual. Rodney 'Lil 棒' Jones, a music 生産者 who worked for 徹底的に捜すs, is 告訴するing him for 性の 強襲,強姦. He 主張するs 徹底的に捜すs 支配するd him to continual 'groping' ? touching his genitals ? and tried to 'groom' him into having sex with another man, 安心させるing Jones it was normal in the music 産業. 徹底的に捜すs 拒絶するs the 主張s.

Predictably, some are asking whether those who …に出席するd his other parties can shed any light on his 申し立てられた/疑わしい offences.

The rappers, singers and 生産者s who for years 構成するd much of his inner circle 含む not only Jay-Z but R&B 星/主役にする 勧める. The latter 借りがあるs his career 大部分は to 徹底的に捜すs after a 記録,記録的な/記録する company boss sent him ? then 老年の 14 ? to live with Diddy for a year in 1994. In a 2004 interview with ?Rolling 石/投石する magazine, 勧める ? who has been (刑事)被告 of 削除するing tweets that について言及する 徹底的に捜すs since his 逮捕(する) ? said his 助言者 showed him 'a 全く different 始める,決める of s*** ? sex, 特に'.

He went on: 'There was always girls around. You'd open a door and see somebody doing it, or several people in a room having an orgy.'

勧める has yet to comment on the 徹底的に捜すs 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s.

Canadian pop 星/主役にする Justin Bieber has also known 徹底的に捜すs for years ? since he broke out from YouTube fame as a 15-year-old, 調印 a を取り引きする 勧める's 記録,記録的な/記録する company.

(映画の)フィート数 has resurfaced online of a teenage Bieber along with his 助言者 徹底的に捜すs ? 24 years older ? as 徹底的に捜すs says to camera: 'He's having 48 hours with Diddy, where we hanging out and what we're doing we can't really 公表する/暴露する. But it's definitely a 15-year-old's dream.'

Asked what he wants to do, Bieber tells his friend, 'let's go get some girls', to which 徹底的に捜すs replies: 'Man after my heart. That's what I'm ?talking about.'

Actor Ashton Kutcher is another star facing questions over what he knew during his friendship with Diddy, particularly after an old interview from 2019 resurfaced in which he appeared to be evasive

Actor Ashton Kutcher is another 星/主役にする 直面するing questions over what he knew during his friendship with Diddy, 特に after an old interview from 2019 resurfaced in which he appeared to be evasive

Former flame of Combs, ?Jennifer Lopez, has yet to comment publicly on the charges against him

Former 炎上 of 徹底的に捜すs, ?Jennifer Lopez, has yet to comment 公然と on the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s against him

When Khloe Kardashian recounted the 徹底的に捜すs party in which 'half the people there were butt-naked', she について言及するd that Bieber ? who would have been 19 or 20 ? was a guest.

Another ビデオ that, with hindsight, has raised many eyebrows on social マスコミ is far more 最近の, showing Bieber, now an adult, hugging 徹底的に捜すs. The latter, however, appears to some as if he's frisking the other 星/主役にする to discover if he's we aring a wire to 記録,記録的な/記録する their conversation.

However, the pair remained 十分に の近くに that Bieber 与える/捧げるd to 徹底的に捜すs's 最新の album, 解放(する)d last year, with Bieber 述べるing the other 星/主役にする at the time as his 'brother'. Bieber, whose career has been marred by mental health problems, has yet to comment ?公然と on 徹底的に捜すs's 逮捕(する) and insiders say that he won't.

They 主張する that he was 完全に 'thrown' by the news of the 申し立てられた/疑わしい offences and pointed out that the singer 'had a long break from Diddy [during the period] when he believes most of this took place'.

The source 追加するd: 'Bieber is ?乱すd by the Diddy news and is unwilling to 過程 it or discuss it, so he has shut off.' The singer is instead concentrating on his first child, Jack, born last month to his model wife, Hailey.

Another Bieber ビデオ that has been attracting attention since 徹底的に捜すs was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d last week shows a tearful 2020 interview in which he discussed trying to 保護物,者 fellow pop 星/主役にする Billie Eilish from the 超過s of the music 産業. 'I just want to 保護する her. I don't want her to go through anything I went through. I don't wish that upon anybody,' ?Bieber says, wiping his 注目する,もくろむs. 'It was bad . . . it was dark.'

Another big 星/主役にする who was young when he was drawn into 徹底的に捜すs's social 軌道 is actor Leonardo DiCaprio. In 2018, Vogue interviewed 徹底的に捜すs and asked him for his No 1 guest at his White Parties. DiCaprio, he said without hesitation. A photo from a 1998 party shows a laughing 23-year-old DiCaprio, dressed in shorts and clutching a cigarette, ?sitting behind 徹底的に捜すs, who is 持つ/拘留するing a シャンペン酒 瓶/封じ込める.

They were pictured together in public six years later at the Democratic 国家の 条約 in 2004. (徹底的に捜すs has been a 目だつ 民主党員 支持者 and a long-time friend of Barack Obama, who once joked the rapper had considered changing his 指名する to Pimp Daddy).

Though DiCaprio was seen dancing beside 徹底的に捜すs at the latter's 50th birthday in 2019, a source の近くに to the playboy actor 主張するd he has 'not been in 接触する' with the rapper for years. 'Leonardo DiCaprio has 絶対 nothing to do with any of this,' said the insider. 'He …に出席するd a few of his parties 支援する in the 早期に 2000s ? but literally everyone did.

'They were not freak-offs. They were big house parties. Leo was at the start of his career at the time and has moved way past his partying . . . he has nothing to do with any of that world.'

Others keen to d istance themselves from their old party host 含む model Naomi Campbell and singer Janet Jackson. Campbell, 54, was rumoured to have 時代遅れの 徹底的に捜すs 簡潔に in the 早期に 2000s (a 広報担当者 主張するs they were just friends) and …に出席するd his White Parties.

She was also ? along with DiCaprio ? at his 星/主役にする-studded 50th birthday and last November threw 徹底的に捜すs a 54th birthday party at a London nightclub where guests 含むd Jackson and Idris Elba.

Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z were among the most famous names to appear at Combs' events

Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z were の中で the most famous 指名するs to appear at 徹底的に捜すs' events

Naomi Campbell with Combs at the 2020?Pre-GRAMMY Gala

Naomi Campbell with 徹底的に捜すs at the 2020?Pre-GR AMMY 祝祭

However, after singer Cassie Ventura later 公然と (刑事)被告 徹底的に捜すs of 乱用ing her for more than a 10年間, both Campbell and Jackson 報道によれば wiped photos they'd 株d of the birthday bash from Instagram.

Another old 炎上 of 徹底的に捜すs, ?Jennifer Lopez, has yet to comment 公然と on the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s against him.

The actress and singer, who was with him between 1999 and 2001, has credited him with 助言者ing her music career, but later said he'd cheated on her. 'I was in a 関係 with Puff where I was 全く crying, crazy and going nuts, it really took my whole life in a tailspin.'

Actor Ashton Kutcher is another 星/主役にする 直面するing questions over what he knew during his friendship with Diddy, 特に after an old interview from 2019 resurfaced in which he appeared to be evasive. Asked if he had any wild stories about 徹底的に捜すs's shindigs, he said, 'I've got a lot I can't tell', before admitting all the stories fell into that 部類.

How many others have a lot they can't tell? It's possible that 非,不,無 of his famous guests knew about the wildest depravities at 徹底的に捜すs's parties, but the stench of スキャンダル that now surrounds the rapper is unnerving many in Hollywood circles.