The last stand against wheelie 貯蔵所s: 地元のs 持つ/拘留する out against 会議 計画(する) for the 'unsightly' receptacles on historic town high street celebrated as one of Britain's prettiest

A 遺産 society is in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 with a 会議 over 計画(する)s to finally introduce wheelie 貯蔵所s to a historic town high street celebrated as one of the prettiest in Britain.

居住(者)s in Lymington in the Hampshire New Forest 恐れる it may turn into Britain's most '貯蔵所 blighted' after the 議論の的になる 提案s are rolled out.

'Unsightly' plastic rubbish 貯蔵所s will be introduced to the area for the first time ever next year, にもかかわらず a (激しい)反発 from 地元のs who 恐れる they could (名声などを)汚す the area's famed 田舎の aesthetic.

Four years after the 計画(する)s were first 明かすd, 居住(者)s in the upmarket town of Lymington are '関心d' that the presence of the new 貯蔵所s will spoil their high street - celebrated for its Georgian architecture - which was recently 指名するd as one of the most attractive in the country.

A heritage society is in a row with a council over plans to finally introduce wheelie bins to Lymington - a town celebrated as one of the prettiest in Britain

A 遺産 society is in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 with a 会議 over 計画(する)s to finally introduce wheelie 貯蔵所s to Lymington - a town celebrated as one of the prettiest in Britain

Locals fear the town may turn into Britain's most 'bin blighted' after the controversial proposals are rolled out

地元のs 恐れる the town may turn into Britain's most '貯蔵所 blighted' after the 議論の的になる 提案s are rolled out

Invented in Slough in 1968, the wheelie 貯蔵所 has been a ありふれた sight throughout Britain since the late 1980s.

However, the New Forest has resisted the change and stuck to 居住(者)s leaving plastic rubbish 捕らえる、獲得するs outside their homes for collection.

にもかかわらず 存在 first 討議するd in 2020, there is still uproar over the £5.6m 計画/陰謀.

Donald Mackenzie 議長,司会を務めるs The Lymington Society - whose 使節団 is to '保護するing our Town and the surrounding area for the 未来' - and said he worries the 貯蔵所s could '全く 損失' the 外見 of the area.

'To go from the UK's prettiest high street to Britain's most 貯蔵所 blighted would be a shame really,' the 74 year old said.

The former dentist said his society has had 'no 解明' from the 地元の 会議 on whether areas that aren't ふさわしい to wheelie 貯蔵所s will still have to have them.

'What we want to know is what the 計画(する)s are because we don't want 貯蔵所s left out in 前線 of the historic buildings and you know, 永久的に out on 陳列する,発揮する in 前線 of houses that 港/避難所't got anywhere to keep them,' he said.

'We have 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な 関心 about the 欠如(する) of 開いていること/寛大 from the 会議 about the introduction of wheelie 貯蔵所s on our high streets and other 自然保護 areas.'

Mr Mackenzie said the society, which was formed by 地元の people in 1967, 最初 投票(する)d in favour of the 貯蔵所s and 'welcomed' modern changes.

Pictured: Left to right Peter Stone, Peter Jones, Don Mackenzie and Clive Sutton on Lymington High Street, Hants

Pictured: Left to 権利 Peter 石/投石する, Peter Jones, Don Mackenzie and Clive Sutton on Lymington High Street, Hants

But, some years after the 計画(する)s were 確認するd, the group are now '関心d' about the 欠如(する) of clarity from the 会議.

'Historic areas where we have 見解(をとる)s of the town shouldn't be blighted by dozens of wheelie 貯蔵所s,' he said.

'We are 関心d that the 外見 and character of the [town] could be 土台を崩すd by wheelie 貯蔵所 blight.'

Mr Mackenzie, who has lived in the town since 1981, said if the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d houses along the high street and in the area are covered with 貯蔵所s then 'it's going to look really unpleasant'.

He said some areas just aren't suitable for 貯蔵所s and raised 関心s that NFDC had '委任する/代表d' the 決定/判定勝ち(する) for which 所有物/資産/財産s should get wheelie 貯蔵所s to Keep Britain Tidy.

'We have no idea what the New Forest 地区 会議 has said to Keep Britain Tidy,' he said.

'Would they say that the historic 場所/位置s and 自然保護 areas should be 保護するd? We don't know.'

Mr Mackenzie said it is not 安心させるing for the 地元の community that Keep Britain Tidy may have the 'last say' on where the 貯蔵所s go.

にもかかわらず 繰り返して approaching the 会議 for clarity on where the 貯蔵所s will be put, Mr Mackenzie said he has 繰り返して been 'fobbed off'.

Lymington High Street was recently 投票(する)d as one of the UK's prettiest for its 'architectural grandeur' and variety of seaside shops and cafes.

The New Forest is one of the last remaining areas in the UK where wheelie 貯蔵所s don't adorn the pavements and is the last in Hampshire.

Earlier this year, the 地元の 当局 解放(する)d 詳細(に述べる)s on the 再生利用するing and rubbish collection 計画/陰謀.

によれば the 会議 website, the new service will be 'rolled out in 段階s' in different areas of the 地区 from summer 2025 to spring 2026.

Most 所有物/資産/財産s will be given a 240 litre wheelie 貯蔵所 for 再生利用するing and a 180 litre wheelie 貯蔵所 for rubbish, the 会議 said.

The Faceb ook group 'No to Wheelie 貯蔵所s in New Forest' has 808 members and is used as a place for 地元のs to 空気/公表する their opinions on the 計画/陰謀.

One member said she is 'not filling a slop bucket' in 返答 to the 告示 of the 計画(する)s.

Another 使用者, Ronnie Grose, wrote: 'The 完全にする 欠如(する) of 協議 from the appalling NFDC over this is a 不名誉.

'Many people have nowhere to keep these ugly, smelly 貯蔵所s, and old people will struggle to move them to the 前線 of the 所有物/資産/財産 for collection.'

Former Tory Cllr 告訴する Bennison spoke out against the 計画(する)s and the 'unsightly' 貯蔵所s when they were first 明かすd in 2022.

The 74 year old said she is '関心d' that there are a number of homes in the New Forest with 狭くする roads where 貯蔵所 collection 乗り物s won't be able to get through.

'For people like me, who don't fit into the 計画/陰謀, it will be nice to know what they're going to do and when they are going to do it,' the parish 議員 said.

'I think a lot of us are just going to suck it and see.'

The New Forest 地区 会議 (NFDC) was 階級d 174th out of 216 English waste collection 当局 for 再生利用するing 率 between 2020 and 2021.

自由主義の 民主党員 議員 Jack Davies said 地元のs will have to 'adapt' to the 貯蔵所s.

The 28 year old Lymington and Pennington Town 市長 said the 地区 is one of the 'worst 成し遂げるing areas for 再生利用するing so something has to give'.

'My 見解(をとる) boiled 負かす/撃墜する is I think there are certainly many upsides [to wheelie 貯蔵所s],' he said.

'The 問題/発行する is how do people adapt and how does the 会議 mitigate the 衝撃 on 居住(者)s who are going to struggle.'

New Forest Distr ict 会議 have been approached for comment.