Victory for 顧客s as big banks 支援する 負かす/撃墜する from debit card 料金s

Bank of America will not introduce debit card 料金s for many of its 顧客s it has been 明らかにする/漏らすd after a (激しい)反発 from 顧客s.

The bank is altering its 計画(する)s to 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 顧客s $5 per month for using their debit cards as ri vals 井戸/弁護士席s Fargo and JP Morgan Chase have decided not to introduce the 料金s.

The second-biggest U.S. bank is likely to 許す many 顧客s to sidestep the 料金 by taking 対策 such as 持続するing 最小限 balances, having 支払う/賃金 cheques direct deposited, or using Bank of America credit cards, a source told Reuters.

Singled out: the charge will only be applied to those clients who use their debit card for charges and not ATM withdrawals

Changes: Bank of America will no longer introduce $5 月毎の 料金s for many debit card 顧客s

Under earlier 計画(する)s, 顧客s might have needed balances totaling $20,000 across all their Bank of America accounts to skip the 料金.

Bank of America 始める,決める off a firestorm of 批評 from 顧客s, 消費者 支持するs and 政治家,政治屋s last month when it 公表する/暴露するd its 計画(する)s for 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s, which were 予定 to be introduced next year.

The goal was to (不足などを)補う 歳入 lost to a 法律 that 削除するs the 料金s banks 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 retailers when 消費者s swipe their cards.

While some banks have 公表する/暴露するd 計画(する)s to 適用する 類似の 料金s, many banks and credit unions decided not to 学校/設ける the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 and have encouraged 顧客s to switch banks.

Charlotte, North Carolina-based Bank of America is not abandoning the 料金 now and will likely 含む it in new account types the bank is 実験(する)ing in three 明言する/公表するs. The bank 計画(する)s to roll out these 一括s 全国的な next year.

Seeking revenue: Bank of America to charge $5 per month for debit card users

計画(する)s: The bank will 許す 顧客s to 避ける the 料金s by taking 対策 such as 最小限 balances or having 支払う/賃金 cheques direct deposited

The $5-per-month 料金 may still remain an 選択 for 顧客s, the source told Reuters.

The bank has said the 目的 of the new account types is to 供給する 顧客s with upfront pricing, instead of hitting them with 刑罰,罰則s after the fact.

顧客s can 支払う/賃金 月毎の 料金s of between $9 and $20, or 避ける the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s by keeping 最小限 balances, using their credit cards or having a 最小限 量 deposited to their account.

Ganging up: SunTrust, Wells Fargo and Chase charge similar fees

Banks: A number of companies had 発表するd 計画(する)s to introduce the 料金s

の中で other banks, 井戸/弁護士席s Fargo & Co said late on Friday that in 返答 to 顧客 feedback it has 取り消すd a five-明言する/公表する 操縦する program tha t would have 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d 顧客s $3 per month to use their cards.

After 実験(する)ing a $3 per month 料金 in two 明言する/公表するs since February, JPMorgan Chase & Co has decided not to 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 顧客s, a person familiar with the 状況/情勢 said on Friday.

The 実験(する) will end next month and will not be 延長するd or 拡大するd, the person 追加するd.

Citigroup Inc 発表するd an account 精密検査する in 中央の-September that did not 含む a 月毎の debit card usage 料金.

Stephen Troutner, 長,率いる of banking 製品s for Citi's U.S. 消費者 bank, said at the time that the New York-based bank 設立する 顧客s were 堅固に …に反対するd to such 月毎の 維持/整備 料金s.

Richard Davis, CEO of US Bancorp , said during an October 19 会議/協議会 call with 分析家s the Minneapolis-based 地域の bank is 監視するing the results of other banks 課すing debit card 料金s.

Davis did not 支配する out 学校/設けるing a 料金 in the 未来, but said the bank has no 即座の 計画(する)s to do so.

'We will find out if 顧客s complain and move, or just complain,' he said. 'We will take all that in time and we will make our 決定/判定勝ち(する).'

SunTrust Banks Inc is 非難する a $5 per-month 料金 on everyday checking account 顧客s who make 購入(する)s. A 広報担当者 拒絶する/低下するd to comment on the bank's 戦略.

Norma Garcia, 経営者/支配人 of 消費者s Union's 財政上の services program, 拍手喝采する JPMorgan's 決定/判定勝ち(する), but said that, without more 詳細(に述べる)s, it was 不明瞭な if Bank of America's changes would be better for 顧客s.

'明確に, there is 圧倒的な public support to 減少(する) the 料金,' she 追加するd.

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