The making of a masterpiece: Watch artist turn historic photo into real life

  • Artist Maisie Broadhead has turned a sparse modern-day room into a 19th century photograph - and 逮捕(する)d the 過程 on a time-lapse film

Time travel may still remain a sci-fi mystery, but one artist has skilfully turned a sparse modern-day room into a 19th century photograph - and 逮捕(する)d the 過程 on a time-lapse film.

Maisie Broadhead, 32, has become known for her photographic parodies where she creates modern 解釈/通訳s of historical photos.

In her 最新の work for an 展示 at the 国家の Gallery in London, Broadhead has transformed a young model into Lady Elizabeth Eastlake by Scottish photographers Hill & Adamson.

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Artist Maisie Broadhead has become known for her fine art photographic parodies where she creates modern interpretations of historical photos
The original photograph of Lady Elizabeth Eastlake

Artist Maisie Broadhead has turned a sparse modern-day room (left) into a 19th century photograph of Lady Elizabeth Eastlake - and 逮捕(する)d the 過程 on a time-lapse film. The 初めの photo of Lady Eastlake (権利)

To create a time-lapse ビデオ 逮捕(する)ing the 2012 to 1844? 変形, the London-born artist worked with filmmaker Jack Cole.

始める,決める in an empty room with exposed brick, the three-minute clip shows the model drinking from a coffee cup, eating a 白人指導者べったりの東洋人 and chatting as she is dressed in period 着せる/賦与するing and slowly travels 支援する to the 19th century.

The 始める,決める is a 蜂の巣 of activity as every 詳細(に述べる) is 決定的な to the success of the 変形.

After some 提起する/ポーズをとるing and a change of lighting, the model is then placed behind a 誤った 塀で囲む, 完全にする with wallpaper and でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れるd to 現実に become the photograph.

The ビデオ will play in the same room as the 初めの photograph at the 展示 which opens October 2012.

Art in the making: As part of an exhibition at the National Gallery, Broadhead and filmmaker Jack Cole were commissioned to create a video depicting one of her interpretations of a 19th century photograph

Art in the making: As part of an 展示 at the 国家の Gallery, Broadhead and filmmaker Jack Cole were (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d to create a ビデオ 描写するing one of her 解釈/通訳s of a 19th century photograph

The model holds a cup of coffee before she is made over in period clothing

The model 持つ/拘留するs a cup of coffee before she is made over in period 着せる/賦与するing

Setting the scene
Setting the scene

In the three minute ビデオ, a model in an empty room of exposed brick transforms into Lady Elizabeth Eastlake by Scottish photographers Hill & Adamson

Broadhead 卒業生(する)d from the 王室の College of Art in 2009 with an MA in Gold, Silver, Metalwork and Jewellery, having first 完全にするd a BA in 3D Design at Brighton University.

On her university webpage she wrote: 'Recently my work has 調査するd and questioned how 反対するs become valued; be this through changing the 状況 or 構成要素 of a ‘normal’ 国内の 反対する, creating ‘偽の’ photographic re-(法の)制定s of historic 絵s, or creating illusory jewellery where the 構成要素 価値(がある) is only seen from one photographic 視野.

'Humour within my work is important, so through my 探検 of 支配する 事柄 I’m also 目的(とする)ing to create work that makes us smile.

'最終的に I’m 努力する/競うing to create work that is a balance of elegance and 知能.'

Her first UK 単独の show took place at Sarah Myerscough Gallery in November 2010.

She has 以前 共同製作するd with her mother Caroline on a 事業/計画(する) called Taking the 議長,司会を務める, in which the pair selected seven 絵s by masters such as Vermeer, Velasquez and Magritte, in which a 議長,司会を務める has a powerful presence.

As the set develops lighting is added to ensure the final result mirrors that of a 19th century photo

As the 始める,決める develops lighting is 追加するd to 確実にする the final result mirrors that of a 19th century photo

The model strikes a pose as she gets into character

The model strikes a 提起する/ポーズをとる as she gets into character

The time-lapse video shows the artist's work slowly coming together

The time-lapse ビデオ shows the artist's work slowly coming together

The scene begins to come together as the final touches are added to the set

The scene starts to take 形態/調整 and go 支援する in time as the final touches are 追加するd to the 始める,決める

The wallpaper is laid to give the effect that the photo is hanging on a wall

The wallpaper is laid to give the 影響 that the photo is hanging on a 塀で囲む

The final result is a realistic interpretation of the original photo

The final result is a staggeringly 現実主義の 解釈/通訳 of the 初めの photo

Now watch the ビデオ...



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