Statue of Liberty re-opens today and the Grand Canyon opened yesterday during 政府 shutdown...but 明言する/公表するs are 基金ing it

  • フェリー(で運ぶ) service from 殴打/砲列 Park to Liberty Island 再開するd at 9 a.m. and tickets went on sale at 8:30 a.m.
  • In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the 明言する/公表する will 支払う/賃金 $61,600 a day to fully 基金 Park Service 職員/兵員 and keep the Statue of Liberty open.
  • Arizona agreed to 支払う/賃金 the Park Service $651,000 to keep the Grand Canyon open for seven days

The Statue of Liberty in New York City 再開するs today after 存在 の近くにd Oct.1 during the 連邦の 政府 shutdown. フェリー(で運ぶ) service from 殴打/砲列 Park to Liberty Island 再開するd at 9 a.m. and tickets went on sale at 8:30 a.m.

But the Obama 行政's 承認する to 再開する parks の近くにd by the 政府 shutdown (機の)カム with a big caveat: 明言する/公表するs must foot the 法案 with money they likely won't see again.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo 発表するd on Friday that the 明言する/公表する will 支払う/賃金 $61,600 a day to fully 基金 Park Service 職員/兵員 and keep the Statue of Liberty open through Oct.17. If 政府 問題/発行するs are not 解決するd by then, they will discuss keeping it open その上の.


The statue opened f or 小旅行するs today after the 明言する/公表する 知事 of New York 認可するd 明言する/公表する 基金s for the 再開するing にもかかわらず an 現在進行中の 政府 shutdown


This is the first time Lady Liberty opened since the 政府 shutdown on Oct.1

Tourists pass by the Statue of Liberty in a boat that circles landmarks in New York harbor

Tourists pass by the Statue of Liberty in a boat that circles 目印s in New York harbor

'We're glad to be up and running to Liberty Island,' said Statue 巡航するs marketing director Rafael Abreu. His company フェリー(で運ぶ)s 7,000 to 10,000 乗客s. During the shutdown his 商売/仕事 was 減ずるd by 60 per cent.

国家の Park 広報担当者 John 過密な住居 said that Liberty Island tickets bought on 終結 days will be 栄誉(を受ける)d but that the space inside the 栄冠を与える is 限られた/立憲的な. Tourists should check to make sure that there are still tickets 利用できる.

The Statue of Liberty i s one of 33 park 場所/位置s under the 裁判権 of the 国家の Park Service. Ellis Island is one of those 場所/位置s but has remained の近くにd for 修理s since ハリケーン Sandy.

Arizona opened Grand Canyon 国家の Park on Saturday after the 明言する/公表する along with several 相当するものs agreed to a 連邦の 政府 計画(する).


The US 明言する/公表する of Utah began re-開始 its 国家の parks like the Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon (pictured here) on October 11, 2013 after striking a を取り引きする 連邦の 当局

Deal done: The Grand Canyon has now re-opened after it was closed during the federal government shutdown

取引,協定 done: The Grand Canyon has now re-opened after it was の近くにd during the 連邦の 政府 shutdown

So far, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Arizona and New York have agreed. 知事s in other 明言する/公表するs were trying to 計器 what would be the bigger 経済的な 攻撃する,衝突する - pa ying to keep the parks operating or losing the tourist money that flows when the scenic attractions are open.

South Dakota and several 法人組織の/企業の 寄贈者s worked out a を取り引きする the 国家の Park Service to 再開する 開始する Rushmore beginning Monday. Gov. Dennis Daugaard said it will cost $15,200 a day to 支払う/賃金 the 連邦の 政府 to run the 目印 in the 黒人/ボイコット Hills.

He said he wired four days' 価値(がある) of the 寄付s on Friday.


明言する/公表するs like Utah decided to 支払う/賃金 to keep parks open because the cost of losing 観光旅行,事業 would 損失 the 地元の economy


Even the bathrooms at the main 入り口 to Grand Canyon 国家の Park were の近くにd until Saturday

Arizona 公式の/役人s said a 取引,協定 reached Friday meant 訪問者s got to visit Grand Canyon 国家の Park yesterday.

Arizona 共和国の/共和党の Gov. Jan Brewer 妨げるd at spending about $112,000 a day for a 十分な 再開するing of the Grand Canyon. She said a 部分的な/不平等な 再開するing woul d be much cheaper while 許すing tourists to visit and 商売/仕事s to 利益.

'The daily cost difference is enormous, 特に without 保証/確信s that Arizona will be reimbursed,' said Andrew Wilder, a 広報担当者 for Brewer.


Park 特別奇襲隊員s had to explain to disappointed 訪問者s that the park was の近くにd


訪問者s to Zion 国家の Park take in the sights after the park re-opened

In the end, Arizona agreed to 支払う/賃金 the Park Service $651,000 to keep the Grand Canyon open for seven days. The $93,000 a day is いっそう少なく than the $112,000 the 連邦の 政府 had said was needed to 基金 park 操作/手術s each day.

In 付加 to 明言する/公表する money, cash 供給するd by the town of Tusayan, just outside the South 縁 入り口, and 私的な 商売/仕事 would also be 含むd in the 基金ing.

At this time of year, the Grand Canyon draws about 18,000 people a day who pump an 概算の $1 million a day into the 地元の econom y.

The town of Tusayan, and area 商売/仕事s have 誓約(する)d $400,000 to help 再開する the canyon, but Wilder said it was 不明瞭な if the 内部の Department could 受託する 私的な 基金s.

In Utah, 連邦の 労働者s 急ぐd to 再開する five 国家の parks for 10 days after the 明言する/公表する sent $1.67 million to the U.S. 政府 with the hope of saving its lucrative tourist season.

Zion 国家の Park superintendent Jock Whitworth said staff members began 開始 gates and 除去するing 障壁s and 推定する/予想するd to have the park fully 操作の Saturday.

'This is a practical and 一時的な 解答 that will 少なくなる the 苦痛 for some 商売/仕事s and communities in Utah during this shutdown,' 内部の Department 長官 Sally Jewell said in a 声明.


New york will 支払う/賃金 $61,000 a day to keep the Statue of Liberty open


If the 政府 shutdown is not r esolved by Oct.17 then 公式の/役人s will discuss keeping Lady Liberty open

It was welcome news for beleaguered shop owners in the small town of Springdale 隣接する to Zion. Hotels have been 空いている and 賃貸しの and 小売 shops have seen sales 急落する during the shutdown.

'It's going to be awesome,' said Jenna Milligan of Zion Outfitters, an outdoor gear 賃貸しの shop. 'A lot of 商売/仕事s have 苦しむd 厳しく because of the 政府. I just hope it does stay open through autumn.'

In Colorado, 公式の/役人s said a 取引,協定 had been struck for the 明言する/公表する to 支払う/賃金 $360,000 to 再開する Rocky Mountain 国家の Park for 10 days to 許す tourists to reach Estes Park. The 訪問者s are needed to help the town 回復する from flooding.

Just over 400 国家の parks, recreation areas and monuments - 含むing such icons as the Grand Canyon and Yosemite - have been の近くにd since Oct. 1 because of the 部分的な/不平等な 政府 shutdown.

More than 20,000 国家の Park Service 従業員s have been furloughed, and 国会議員s from both parties have complained that the 終結s have wreaked havoc on communities that depend on 観光旅行,事業.

内部の Department 広報担当者 Blake Androff said Thursday the 政府 had no 計画(する)s to reimburse 明言する/公表するs that 支払う/賃金 to 再開する parks. But members of 議会 introduced 法律制定 Friday to refund the money within 90 days.

In Utah, Herbert 概算の the 経済的な 衝撃 of the 連邦の 政府 shutdown at $100 million in his 明言する/公表する.

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