EXCLUSIVE: 'I'm so sorry for everything.' Bobbi Kristina's wailing boyfriend Nick Gordon 自白するs to Dr Phil that he has 試みる/企てるd 自殺 twice and 'if anything happens to Krissi I will kill myself'

  • Dr. Phil McGraw 行う/開催する/段階d a 高度に-告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d 介入 with Nick Gordon last Thursday?
  • With his mother, Michelle, by his 味方する a sobbing Gordon talked about 行方不明の Bobbi Kristina
  • Gordon is now in rehab after the 介入 having been drinking ひどく and taking Xanax
  • Girlfriend Bobbi Kristina has been in a medically induced 昏睡 since January 31 and Gordon has not been 許すd to see her
  • The 劇の 介入?will 空気/公表する Wednesday on the Dr Phil show

Weeping and wailing Nick Gordon, the troubled fianc? of Bobbi Kristina Brown, has 認める that he has twice tried to kill himself and 自白するd: 'I'm so sorry for everything.'

Gordon, 25, was speaking to Dr Phil McGraw in a 劇の 介入 予定 to 空気/公表する on Wednesday, Daily Mail Online can 明らかにする/漏らす.

Asked if he still ーするつもりであるd to kill himself he said: 'If anything happens to Krissi I will.'

まっただ中に scenes of high emotion, an often incoherent Gordon 認める drinking ひどく and taking Xanax, for which he has a prescription, in an 試みる/企てる to を取り引きする life since Bobbi Kristina was 設立する, 直面する 負かす/撃墜する and unresponsive in her bathtub on January 31.

Scroll 負かす/撃墜する for ビデオ?

Breakdown: With his mother, Michelle, by his side Nick Gordon struggles to stay coherent as he is questioned by Dr Phil. Girlfriend Bobbi Kristina is in a medically induced coma

決裂/故障: With his moth er, Michelle, by his 味方する Nick Gordon struggles to stay coherent as he is questioned by Dr Phil. Girlfriend Bobbi Kristina is in a medically induced 昏睡

Troubling preview: A trailer for the interview of Bobbi Kristina Brown's boyfriend Nick Gordon by Dr Phil McGraw was released Sunday night. Swinging from crying  to flying into a rage, the disturbing 30 second video shows a very troubled young man in a lot of pain as he is questioned by Dr Phil

Troubling preview: A trailer for the interview of Bobbi Kristina Brown's boyfriend Nick Gordon by Dr Phil McGraw was 解放(する)d Sunday night. Swinging from crying to 飛行機で行くing into a 激怒(する), the 乱すing 30 second ビデオ shows a very troubled young man in a lot of 苦痛 as he is questioned by Dr Phil

Comfort: Nick's supportive mothe
r Michelle was by Nick's side during the entire intervention

慰安: Nick's supportive mother Michelle was by Nick's 味方する during the entire 介入

Blame game: Michelle said her son 'cannot take too much more of not being able to see Kriss. He blames himself. He's torn up and carrying guilt. He's dealing with it by drinking. I've begged him to stop. I've tried to help him but he can't let go of the guilt.'

非難する game: Michelle said her son 'cannot take too much more of not 存在 able to see Kriss. He 非難するs himself. He's torn up and carrying 犯罪. He's 取引,協定ing with it by drinking. I've begged him to stop. I've tried to help him but he can't let go of the 犯罪.'

Hugs: Before he left for rehab, Nick and his mother embraced. She said her son was at 'the breaking point'.

抱擁するs: Before he left for rehab, Nick and his mother embraced. She said her son was at 'the breaking point'.

He said: 'My 苦痛 is horrible. My heart 傷つけるs. I have panic attacks.'

In 最近の weeks Gordon has twice overdosed on a mixture of Xanax, alcohol and prescription sleeping pills.

Gordon had agreed to 会合,会う with Dr Phil believing that he was there to be interviewed. によれば Dr Phil: 'He felt like he was 存在 vilified and 現在のd as some sort of monster.'

Instead, on learning of Gordon's 速く 悪化するing mental, emotional and physical 明言する/公表する, the 著名な psychologist 行う/開催する/段階d an 介入 and he is now in rehab.

Dr Phil 明言する/公表するd: 'I don't think he has any chance of turning this 一連の会議、交渉/完成する. Left to his own 装置s he will be dead within the week.'

Gordon's mother, Michelle, was by her son's 味方する as he 補欠/交替の/交替するd between compliant and 積極的な ? at one point 脅すing to attack camera men as they filmed.

She 述べるd her son as 'at breaking point.'

She said: 'He cannot take too much more of not 存在 able to see Kriss. He 非難するs himself. He's torn up and carrying 犯罪.

'He's 取引,協定ing with it by drinking. I've begg ed him to stop. I've tried to help him but he can't let go of the 犯罪.'

Leaning に向かって Gordon's mother, Dr Phil said: 'You and I have one 使節団 with one possible 結果 and that's for him to agree to go to rehab to を取り引きする his 不景気, his 犯罪…and to get clean and sober.'

He 追加するd: 'His life 絶対 hangs in the balance.'

Questions still 激怒(する) regarding just what happened in the 早期に hours of January 31st that led to Bobbi Kristina, 22, ending up 直面する 負かす/撃墜する in her tub.

Just two days ago Bobbi Kristina's aunt, Leolah Brown, made a 一連の 爆発性の Facebook 地位,任命するs in which she 申し立てられた/疑わしい that the family had 'strong evidene of foul play' relating to Gordon's 役割 in events.

She 地位,任命するd: 'Nick Gordon is very disrespectful and inconsiderate! 特に to my family. Moreover, he has done things to my niece that I never thought he had in him to do!'

Leolah made her (人命などを)奪う,主張するs in 返答 to 存在 招待するd の上に Dr Phil's show.

Tough to watch: The young man sobs and shakes at times through the trailer

堅い to watch: The young man sobs and shakes at times through the trailer

In her message she wrote: 'With all 予定 尊敬(する)・点, Nick Gordon is under 調査 for the 殺人未遂 of my niece….We have strong 証拠 of foul play.'

示すs were 設立する on her 直面する and 武器, 示すs that Gordon has explained as the result of CPR which he 治めるd to her for 15 minutes before 緊急 services arrived.

And speaking to Dr Phil, Gordon 主張するd: 'I did everything possible in the world to 保護する them [Whitney and Bobbi Kristina].'

Railing against the 決定/判定勝ち(する) by Bobbi's father, Bobby Brown, to 禁止(する) him from his fianc?e's 病人の枕元 at Atlanta's Emory Hospital, Gordon said: 'My 指名する will be the first she calls.'

によれば his mother, Michelle, Gordon cannot 許す himself for his '失敗' to 生き返らせる Bobbi Kristina. His 犯罪 is 構内/化合物d by the eerily 類似の 状況/情勢 in which he 設立する himself almost 正確に/まさに three years earlier.

An intoxicated Nick pleaded with his mother Michelle on the March 11 episode of Dr. Phil:?'M
om, I would never hurt anybody. I love people. I love babies. Everything!'

'I hate Bobby Brown!'?His 涙/ほころびs quickly turn to 怒り/怒る when he brings up his girlfriend's father Bobby Brown, who has 封鎖するd him from seeing the 22-year-old in the hospital

'Are you drinking?' The emotional man's anger only increases as Dr. Phil asks about Nick's sobriety

'Are you drinking?' The emotional man's 怒り/怒る only 増加するs as Dr. Phil asks about Nick's sobriety

Refuses to go: The 25-year-old aspiring rapper storms out when told he needs help?

辞退するs to go: The 25-year-old aspiring rapper 嵐/襲撃するs out when told he needs help?

Resigned: Ultimately, Gordon concedes that he needs help and leaves for a rehab facility

辞職するd: 最終的に, Gordon 譲歩するs that he needs help and leaves for a rehab 施設

Then, on 11 February 2012, it was Gordon who tried to resuscitate Whitney when she was 設立する unresponsive in her bath-tub just hours before she was 予定 to …に出席する a Grammy awards party.

Speaking to Dr Phil, Michelle said: 'Nicholas just continually 表明するs how much he has failed Whit ney.

'He 治めるd CPR [to Whitney] and he called me when he was standing over her 団体/死体. He couldn't understand why he couldn't 生き返らせる her. He said, "Mommy why? I couldn't get the 空気/公表する into her 肺s."

Gordon has now entered a rehab 施設 in Atlanta. 一方/合間 his fianc?e continues to fight for her life in a medically-induced 昏睡.

It is now six weeks since Bobbi Kristina ? Krissi as she was known to friends - was 設立する 直面する 負かす/撃墜する and unresponsive in the bath-tub of the home she 株d with Gordon in Roswell, Georgia.

Unlike Whitney's death that was 支配するd 偶発の, police are 扱う/治療するing Bobbi Kristina's 近づく 溺死するing and 傷害s 恐らく 支えるd by the 22-year-old as a 犯罪の 調査.

While Bobbi Kristina fights for her life a troubling picture of her 関係 with Nick, of 麻薬 use and 国内の turbulence in the weeks 主要な up to the 出来事/事件, has 現れるd.

In an interview with The Sun ?a friend of the couple, Steven Stepho, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they were using さまざまな 麻薬s daily 含むing ヘロイン, Xanax, マリファナ and ヘロイン 代用品,人 Roxicodone.

Sounding eerily 類似の to Bobbi's mother and father's 麻薬-扶養家族 関係, the friend said the pair used whatever they could get their 手渡すs on.

'Bobbi and Nick would spend a lot on 麻薬s every day, it just depended on how much money they had. It wasn't unusual for them to spend $1,000 a day on 麻薬s.

'There were times when it got really bad - they would be 完全に passed out for hours, just lying there on the bed. There were times when she wo uld be so knocked out she would 燃やす herself with a cigarette and not even notice. She was always covered in cigarette 燃やすs.'

Their 関係 was also very volatile.

'When Whitney died Nick was left with nothing, so he knew he had to 支配(する)/統制する Krissi to get 接近 to the money. She'd do whatever he told her.?

'He was very manipulative and would even use the 麻薬s to 支配(する)/統制する her. They would argue a lot and there were times when he would be violent with her and 押し進める her around.'

によれば Stepho: 'But Krissi really loved him because he was there to fill the gap left by her mother. She was not の近くに to her father and did not have anyone else の近くに to her. Nick knew this and took advantage of it.'


Troubled relationship: A friend of the couple, Steven Stepho, claimed the pair were using various drugs daily including heroin, Xanax, pot and heroin substitute Roxicodone

Troubled 関係: A friend of the couple, Steven Stepho, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the pair were using さまざまな 麻薬s daily 含むing ヘロイン, Xanax, マリファナ and ヘロイン 代用品,人 Roxicodone




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