Millionaire Hillary 開始する,打ち上げるs (選挙などの)運動をする do-over with 'わずかに more arrogant Woodstock' 決起大会/結集させる on New York City island as she 約束s to look out for ordinary Americans' pocketbooks ? but the '洪水' (人が)群がる zone is left EMPTY

  • New York City 決起大会/結集させる brings people from several 明言する/公表するs to watch Clinton reboot her (選挙などの)運動をする after two months in low gear
  • Speech 強調するs 経済的な 問題/発行するs and puts Hillary on the hot seat as she 苦しむs 豊富な, elitist image
  • Clinton is setting herself up as Obama's 相続人 明らかな
  • 'She's earned it,' one attendee said Saturday; 'All those (選挙などの)運動をするs, all that travel at the 明言する/公表する Department. All that putting up with 法案'
  • Smaller than 推定する/予想するd (人が)群がる 詠唱するd 'Hillary! Hillary!' as audience 洪水 area with 巨大(な) 審査する sat 未使用の
  • (人が)群がる count was 5,500 in a New York City metroplex with 8.4 million ? barely more than the 5,000 Bernie やすりを削る人/削る機械s drew in Burlington, Vermont, which is home to just 42,000
  • Clinton's ubiquitous 装甲の 先頭, dubbed 'Scooby,' made an 外見 as her motorcade made its way across the only drivable 橋(渡しをする) connected to Roosevelt Island?


A sunny day helped Hillary Clinton draw an audience of about 5,500 to a speech meant to reboot her 大統領の (選挙などの)運動をする on Saturday in New York City.

She spoke about a 自由主義の wish-名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of 政策s that will form the 枠組み of what she hopes will be a more successful 大統領の run than the one she 行うd in 2008.

元気づけるs and 賞賛 interrupted her nearly 100 times. Her (選挙などの)運動をする made sure to 示す each one in a transcript it 分配するd an hour later.

But the (人が)群がる itself was barely larger than the group who showed up on May 26 to hear Democratic 社会主義者 Sen. Bernie やすりを削る人/削る機械s 開始する,打ち上げる his (選挙などの)運動をする in sleepy Burlington, Vermont, a town of barely 42,000.

A 大規模な 洪水 area with a Jumbotron 審査する sat 未使用の as only a minuscule fraction of the New York City metroplex's 8.4 million Americans took the subway ride for the event.

(選挙などの)運動をする 補佐官s put a sunny spin on the 当惑, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that they stopped 分配するing tickets three days ago まっただ中に 大規模な 需要・要求する.

As the thousands began streaming into Roosevelt Island's Four Freedoms Park, Andrew Moran looked at the building sea of Starbucks cups and iPhones and grinned.

'This is a わずかに more arrogant Woodstock,' said Moran, a college student in the city.?


READY: Hillary Clinton rallied an enthusiastic audience of Democratic partisans on Saturday on Roosevelt Island in New York City

READY: Hillary Clinton 決起大会/結集させるd an enthusiastic audience of Democratic 同志/支持者s on Saturday on Roosevelt Island in New York City

BUBBA IN THE HOUSE: Bill Clinton, America's 42nd president and Hillary Clinton's long-wayward husband (right), was on hand but did not speak

BUBBA IN THE HOUSE: 法案 Clinton, America's 42nd 大統領,/社長 and Hillary Clinton's long-wayward husband (権利), was on 手渡す but did not speak

EMBARRASSING: A smaller-than-expected crowd came to Roosevelt Island, leaving a crowd overflow area completely empty

EMBARRASSING: A smaller-than-推定する/予想するd (人が)群がる (機の)カム to Roosevelt Island, leaving a (人が)群がる 洪水 area 完全に empty

His take on Hillary Clinton's 再発進する speech ? or her 'reset button,' if you're a mocking 共和国の/共和党の ? encapsulates the group that (機の)カム out to hear Clinton's first major speech since she 発表するd her 大統領の 立候補 more than two months ago.

Clinton said Saturday that she chose the outdoor Four Freedoms Park on the island because it's 'a place with 絶対 no 天井s.'

She hearkened 支援する to 大統領 Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 約束 of 'four freedoms,' and his social 協議事項 that 含むd 'the ending of special 特権 for the few, the 保護 of civil liberties for all, a wider and 絶えず rising 基準 of living.'

'That still sounds good to me,' Clinton said.

Clinton's ubiquitous 装甲の 先頭, dubbed 'Scooby,' made an 外見 as her motorcade crept across the only drivable 橋(渡しをする) connected to Roosevelt Island

As she was 発表するd, an unpractised chorus of 'Hillary! Hillary!' rang out.?

No one could agree at first how 急速な/放蕩な to yell the 指名する.

Once Clinton began speaking, they 元気づけるd loudest for 人民党員 and anti-豊富な 公式文書,認めるs in the speech, even though Clinton herself is 価値(がある) tens of millions.

She railed against 銀行業者s and the 投資 class, some of whom she said were 'making more than all of America's 幼稚園 teachers 連合させるd, and often 支払う/賃金ing a lower 税金 率.'

共和国の/共和党のs, she said, are 'all dinging the same old song. A song called 'Yesterday'. ... They believe in yesterday.'

'If the 候補者s who 否定する 気候 change aren't scientists, why don't they start listening to those who are?' she asked.

'They shame and 非難する women rather than 尊敬(する)・点 our 権利 to make our own reproductive health 決定/判定勝ち(する)s. ... They want to put 移民,移住(する)s who work hard and 支払う/賃金 税金s at 危険 of 国外追放.'

'These 共和国の/共和党のs trip over themselves 約束ing lower 税金s for the 豊富な,' she said, complaining of a 保守的な-支配するd 時代 when 'time-実験(する)d values were 取って代わるd by 誤った 約束s.'

In a (疑いを)晴らす jab at the Ronald Reagan 時代, Clinton lamented that 'we were told if we let those at the 最高の,を越す 支払う/賃金 lower 税金s ... their success would trickle 負かす/撃墜する to everyone else.'

That brought energetic boos from her gallery.

She also carped that Republcians 'borrowed money from other countries' instead of using 黒字/過剰s when her husband was 大統領,/社長 to 支払う/賃金 負かす/撃墜する the 国家の 負債.

Clinton hasn't explained how she can distance herself from 大統領 Barack Obama, a 民主党員 under whom America's public 負債 has grown more than in the 残り/休憩(する) of America's history 連合させるd.?

SCOOBY DOO-OVER: Clinton's second shot at launching her second presidential campaign has her riding around parts of the United States in a custom van dubbed 'Scooby' because it reminded her staffers of the famous van in the Scooby Doo cartoon series

SCOOBY DOO-OVER: Clinton's second 発射 at 開始する,打ち上げるing her second 大統領の (選挙などの)運動をする has her riding around parts of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs in a custom 先頭 dubbed 'Scooby' because it reminded her スタッフの一員s of the famous 先頭 in the Scooby Doo 風刺漫画 series

Bill did give his wife a hug after her speech, which focused on the economy and working-class Americans

FUTURE 'FIRST GENTLEMAN'? 法案 gave his wife a 抱擁する after her speech, which 焦点(を合わせる)d on the economy and working-class Americans

A SMALLISH SEA OF HUMANITY: About 5,500 streamed into Roosevelt Island's Four Freedoms Park on Saturday for Hillary Clinton's relaunch speech

A SMALLISH SEA OF HUMANITY: About 5,500 streamed into Roosevelt Island's Four Freedoms Park on Saturday for Hillary Clinton's 再発進する speech

THEY LIKE ME!: Clinton received a series of peppered ovations, especially when she touched on pocketbook issues and topics that interest younger Americans

THEY LIKE ME!: Clinton received a 一連の peppered ovations, 特に when she touched on pocketbook 問題/発行するs and topics that 利益/興味 younger Americans

But she played 刻々と from the 人民党員 crib-sheet, 説 her 手段 of success would be 'how many children climb out of poverty,' along with how many startups 雇う Americans and how many students can 卒業生(する) from college without '溺死するing in 負債.'

That brought generous 賞賛 from the young-skewing (人が)群がる, as did 声明s about 政府-基金d preschool, 支払う/賃金 公正,普通株主権 for women, college affordability and 昇格ing broadband Internet service.

賞賛 lines about rewriting the U.S. 税金 code and 戦闘ing 気候 change earned f ar more tepid 元気づけるs.

Clinton raised some eyebrows with (人命などを)奪う,主張するs about her successes as 長官 of 明言する/公表する and her 政策 発射/推定s for her 大統領/総裁などの地位.

'I will support a 憲法の 改正 to undo the 最高裁判所's 決定/判定勝ち(する) in 国民s 部隊d,' she said.

That's the 目印 事例/患者 that 許すd 最高の PACs to raise and spend 制限のない 量s of money ? a proposition that Clinton herself is てこ入れ/借入資本ing to the hilt.

She also complained about a class of Americans whose enormous wealth 許すs them to 'bend the 支配するs,' a group that 共和国の/共和党のs 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 she belongs in given her secret email server and the 論争s over her family 創立/基礎's 倫理学.

And she 誓約(する)d that 'as 大統領,/社長 I'll do whatever it takes to keep Americans 安全な.'

That will likely bring a 厳しい 返答 from the GOP, which revels in reminding Americans about the four deaths in Benghazi, Libya, during a 2012 terror attack on a 明言する/公表する Department 施設 on Clinton's watch.?

共和国の/共和党のs 問題/発行するd a 声明 from Blaise Ingoglia, chairman of their party in Florida, a 重要な 2016 battleground 明言する/公表する.?

'By 再発進するing her (選挙などの)運動をする,' Ingoglia said, 'H'illary Clinton believes Americans will forget the 非常に/多数の スキャンダルs troubling her (選挙などの)運動をする. However, more than ever, 投票者s are asking for an explanation to why her organization received tens of millions of dollars from 疑わしい 寄贈者s who were ロビーing her 明言する/公表する Department, and a 解明 about her personal email and server used for 政府 dut ies.'

'This 再発進する is nothing more than her 試みる/企てる to sweep past indiscretions under the rug.'?

Hillary's surrogates and 圧力(をかける) 補佐官s 分配するd talking points and 発射/推定s of a 目印 演説(する)/住所 ahead of time, 説 the former 長官 of 明言する/公表する would 輪郭(を描く) 'her 推論する/理由 for running and what she wants to 遂行する as 大統領.'

The upper-事例/患者 'P' is no 事故. Clinton already sees herself in grand 条件, said Cassie Marcus, a 40-something homemaker who made the trek from Bergen 郡, New Jersey.

'Why shouldn't she see herself in the Oval Office?' Marcus asked. 'She's earned it. All those (選挙などの)運動をするs, all that travel at the 明言する/公表する Department. All that putting up with 法案.'

The bread in the Hillary 挟む so far has been thin and 失望させるing so far this year, with the GOP running her 負かす/撃墜する for 持つ/拘留するing 私的な and clannish fundraisers while giving the 'everyday Americans' she (人命などを)奪う,主張するs to 支持する/優勝者 little inkling of what she's about.

It's the meat in that 挟む that people (機の)カム from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut to hear.

DRESSED UP: Supporters arrived early, many wearing t-shirts and pins adorned with Clinton's campaign logo or 'I'm ready for Hillary'

DRESSED UP: 支持者s arrived 早期に, many wearing t-shirts and pins adorned with Clinton's (選挙などの)運動をする logo or 'I'm ready for Hillary'

FAN BASE: A young-skewed audience arrived from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut to hear Clinton's first major speech since she announced her presidential campaign two months ago

FAN BAS E: A young-skewed audience arrived from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut to hear Clinton's first major speech since she 発表するd her 大統領の (選挙などの)運動をする two months ago

KA-CHING: Volunteers were on hand to hawk official campaign merchandise for anyone who forgot their Hillary gear at home ? or wanted more

KA-CHING: Volunteers were on 手渡す to 強硬派 公式の/役人 (選挙などの)運動をする 商品/売買する for anyone who forgot their Hillary gear at home ? or 手配中の,お尋ね者 more

This picture of Hillary clasping supporters' hands was posted on her official Instagram with the caption 'Hillary just stood on a stage in New York City in front of thousands of people and made it clear: Nobody will fight harder for every single American than she will'

This picture of Hillary clasping 支持者s' 手渡すs was 地位,任命するd on her 公式の/役人 Instagram with the caption 'Hillary just stood on a 行う/開催する/段階 in New York City in 前線 of thousands of people and made it (疑いを)晴らす: Nobody will fight harder for every 選び出す/独身 American than she will'

They got it in spades, with Clinton touching on every 問題/発行する in the 進歩/革新的な 要点説明 調書をとる/予約する: a path to 市民権 for 違法な 移民,移住(する)s, paid family leave, 麻薬 中毒 介入 and a more lenient 犯罪の just system, 全世界の warming, an 強調 on clean energy, the mainstreaming of same-sex marriage, and a remaking of the U.S. 税金 code to 利益 working families.

Clinton 補佐官s said Saturday that Clinton will give one 問題/発行する-焦点(を合わせる)d 政策 speech every week for the 残り/休憩(する) of the summer.

Her 圧力(をかける) team 強調するd 経済的な 問題/発行するs in the 24 hours before the speech ? likely in an 試みる/企てる to shed her troubling image as a 豊富な elitist whose speaking 料金s are several times America's 普通の/平均(する) 年次の salary.

And they pointed out that she would lean on the example of her mother ? likely to paint herself as more 同情的な.

てこ入れ/借入資本ing the late Dorothy Rodham isn't a new 戦略 for Clinton. She gently dropped her mother into the 中心 of her 大統領の pitch eight years ago.

'She didn't have a very 平易な time of it as a young child,' Clinton told a group of California Democratic Party 行動主義者s in June 2007, によれば an account from The Washington 地位,任命する.

Her stump speech 支援する then 焦点(を合わせる)d on how Mrs. Rodham instilled a sense of toughness in her, having 生き残るd a 荒涼とした childhood にもかかわらず poverty and teenage parents who 拒絶するd her at a young age.

What's different this time around is that Mrs. Rodham passed away in November 2011, when Hillary was nearly three years into her run as 長官 of 明言する/公表する.

A Clinton (選挙などの)運動をする 補佐官 told Daily Mail Online on Friday that Hillary 'didn't want to make her mom a (選挙などの)運動をする 支え(る) while she was still alive.'

'She also didn't want to 支配する her to the hassle of having camera 押すd in her 直面する,' the 補佐官 said, 主張するing on anonymity because she was not 権限を与えるd to speak with the 圧力(をかける).

Also different is how Clinton is making use of her mother's life-narrative this time around.

In 2007 she hat-tipped Mrs. Rodham as a way of introducing herself to 投票者s outside the 明言する/公表する of New York whose only impressions of her were formed when she was the American first lady.

On Saturday she said her mother taught her 'that everybody needs a chance and a 支持する/優勝者. She knew what it was like not to have either one.'

MOM: Hillary leaned on the memory of her late mother Dorothy Rodham, saying she taught her that everyone deserves a chance

MOM: Hillary leaned on the memory of her late mother Dorothy Rodham, 説 she taught her that everyone deserves a chance

Hillary kept a family focus on her Instagram, sharing a snap of her and Bill posing with daughter Chelsea and her husband?Marc Mezvinsky

Hillary kept a family 焦点(を合わせる) on her Instagram, 株ing a snap of her and 法案 提起する/ポーズをとるing with daughter Chelsea and her husband?Marc Mezvinsky

TROUBLE: Clinton's poll numbers look bad as she enters a more earnest period in her second presidential campaign

TROUBLE: Clinton's 投票 numbers look bad as she enters a more earnest period in her second 大統領の (選挙などの)運動をする

Now, however, her mother's hardscrabble しつけ is a needed counterweight to Hillary's reputational baggage as a member of the 豊富な エリート.

While her 早期に (選挙などの)運動をする pitch has 含むd a 誓約(する) to 支持する/優勝者 the needs of 'everyday Americans,' 投票s show the message is 落ちるing on too many deaf ears.

In a Vox Populi 投票ing 投票 解放(する)d Friday by the 保守的な 最高の PAC American 十字路/岐路, just 42 per cent of active 投票者s in six 批判的な swing 明言する/公表するs said Clinton 株 their values.

A 大多数, 51 per cent, said she does not.

Hillary's (選挙などの)運動をする seems 熱心に aware of her empathy 赤字.

In an 内部の 'talking points' 覚え書き published online Friday by 商売/仕事 Insider , Clinton spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod wrote that the Democratic 前線-走者 would discuss on Saturday 'how the example of her late mother―who was abandoned as a child―taught her how every child needs a 支持する/優勝者 to have a true 発射 to 後継する.'

Elrod, a (選挙などの)運動をする go-between familiar to reporters from her years on (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 Hill and with the プロの/賛成の-Hillary American 橋(渡しをする) PAC, is best known in political circles as half of the two-person team who made an 'enemies 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)' for Hillary in 2008, consisting of turncoat political 同盟(する)s who abandoned her, 燃やすd her, or went to bat for her 大統領の 最初の/主要な nemesis Barack Obama.

Today the enemies are 共和国の/共和党のs. Even though Hillary doesn't know who the GOP will 指名する for 大統領,/社長, she's setting herself up to be Obama's 相続人 appar ent.

'All those years carrying water for Obama, the guy who (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 her last time,' Philadelphia department 蓄える/店 従業員 Manuel Ortiz mused Saturday.

'If I were her, I'd be ready for the big 職業. Wouldn't you?'


Thank you! Oh, thank you all! Thank you so very, very much.

It is wonderful to be here with all of you.

To be in New York with my family, with so many friends, 含むing many New Yorkers who gave me the 栄誉(を受ける) of serving them in the 上院 for eight years.

To be 権利 across the water from the (警察,軍隊などの)本部 of the 国際連合, where I 代表するd our country many times.

To be here in this beautiful park 献身的な to Franklin Roosevelt's 耐えるing 見通し of America, the nation we want to be.

And in a place… with 絶対 no 天井s.

You know, 大統領 Roosevelt's Four Freedoms are a testament to our nation's 無敵の aspirations and a 思い出の品 of our unfinished work at home and abroad. His 遺産/遺物 解除するd up a nation and 奮起させるd 大統領,/社長s who followed. One is the man I serve d as 国務長官, Barack Obama, and another is my husband, 法案 Clinton.

Two 民主党員s guided by the ? Oh, that will make him so happy. They were and are two 民主党員s guided by the 根底となる American belief that real and 継続している 繁栄 must be built by all and 株d by all.

大統領 Roosevelt called on every American to do his or her part, and every American answered. He said there's no mystery about what it takes to build a strong and 繁栄する America: 'Equality of 適切な時期… 職業s for those who can work… 安全 for those who need it… The ending of special 特権 for the few… The 保護 of civil liberties for all… a wider and 絶えず rising 基準 of living.'

That still sounds good to me.

It's America's basic 取引. If you do your part you せねばならない be able to get ahead. And when everybody does their part, America gets ahead too.

That 取引 奮起させるd 世代s of families, 含むing my own.

It's what kept my grandfather going to work in the same Scranton lace mil l every day for 50 years.

It's what led my father to believe that if he scrimped and saved, his small 商売/仕事 printing drapery fabric in Chicago could 供給する us with a middle-class life. And it did.

When 大統領 Clinton 栄誉(を受ける)d the 取引, we had the longest 平時(の) 拡大 in history, a balanced 予算, and the first time in 10年間s we all grew together, with the 底(に届く) 20 パーセント of 労働者s 増加するing their incomes by the same 百分率 as the 最高の,を越す 5 パーセント.

When 大統領 Obama 栄誉(を受ける)d the 取引, we pulled 支援する from the brink of 不景気, saved the 自動車 産業, 供給するd health care to 16 million working people, and 取って代わるd the 職業s we lost faster than after a 財政上の 衝突,墜落.

But, it's not 1941, or 1993, or even 2009. We 直面する new challenges in our economy and our 僕主主義.

We're still working our way 支援する from a 危機 that happened because time-実験(する)d values were 取って代わるd by 誤った 約束s.

Instead of an economy built by every American, for every American, we were told that if we let those at the 最高の,を越す 支払う/賃金 lower 税金s and bend the 支配するs, their success would trickle 負かす/撃墜する to everyone else.

What happened?

井戸/弁護士席, instead of a balanced 予算 with 黒字/過剰s that could have 結局 paid off our 国家の 負債, the 共和国の/共和党のs twice 削減(する) 税金s for the wealthiest, borrowed money from other countries to 支払う/賃金 for two wars, and family incomes dropped. You know where we ended up.

Except it wasn't the end.

As we have since our 設立するing, Americans made a new beginning.

You worked extra 転換s, took second 職業s, 延期するd home 修理s... you 人物/姿/数字d out how to make it work. And now people are beginning to think about their 未来 again ? going to college, starting a 商売/仕事, buying a house, finally 存在 able to put away something for 退職.

So we're standing again. But, we all know we're not yet running the way America should.

You see 会社/団体s making 記録,記録的な/記録する 利益(をあげる)s, with CEOs making 記録,記録的な/記録する 支払う/賃金, but your paychecks have barely budged.

While many of you are working 多重の 職業s to make ends 会合,会う, you see the 最高の,を越す 25 hedge 基金 経営者/支配人s making more than all of America's 幼稚園 teachers 連合させるd. And, often 支払う/賃金ing a lower 税金 率.

So, you have to wonder: 'When does my hard work 支払う/賃金 off? When does my family get ahead?'


I say now.

繁栄 can't be just for CEOs and hedge 基金 経営者/支配人s.

僕主主義 can't be just for 億万長者s and 会社/団体s.

繁栄 and 僕主主義 are part of your basic 取引 too.

You brought our country 支援する.

Now it's time ? your time to 安全な・保証する the 伸び(る)s and m ove ahead.

And, you know what?

America can't 後継する unless you 後継する.

That is why I am running for 大統領 of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

Here, on Roosevelt Island, I believe we have a continuing rendezvous with 運命. Each American and the country we 心にいだく.

I'm running to make our economy work for you and for every American.

For the successful and the struggling.

For the innovators and inventors.

For those breaking 障壁s in 科学(工学)技術 and discovering cures for 病気s.

For the factory 労働者s and food servers who stand on their feet all day.

For the nurses who work the night 転換.

For the truckers who 運動 for hours and the 農業者s who 料金d us.

For the 退役軍人s who served our country.

For the small 商売/仕事 owners who took a 危険.

For everyone who's ever been knocked 負かす/撃墜する, but 辞退するd to be knocked out.

I'm not running for some Americans, but for all Americans.

Our country's challenges didn't begin with the 広大な/多数の/重要な 後退,不況 and they won't end with the 回復.

For 10年間s, Americans have been buffeted by powerful 現在のs.

前進するs in 科学(工学)技術 and the rise of 全世界の 貿易(する) have created whole new areas of 経済的な activity and opened new markets for our 輸出(する)s, but they have also 追い出すd 職業s and undercut 給料 for millions of Americans.

The 財政上の 産業 and many multi-国家の 会社/団体s have created 抱擁する wealth for a few by 焦点(を合わせる)ing too much on short-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 利益(をあげる) and too little on long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 value… too much on コンビナート/複合体 貿易(する)ing 計画/陰謀s and 在庫/株 buybacks, too little on 投資s in new 商売/仕事s, 職業s, and fair 補償(金).

Our political system is so 麻ひさせるd by gridlock and dysfunction that most Americans have lost 信用/信任 that anything can 現実に get done. And they've lost 信用 in the ability of both 政府 and Big 商売/仕事 to change course.

Now, we can 非難する historic 軍隊s beyond our 支配(する)/統制する for some of this, but the choices we've made as a nation, leaders and 国民s alike, have also played a big 役割.

Our next 大統領 must work with 議会 and every other willing partner across our entire country. And I will do just that ??to turn the tide so these 現在のs start working for us more than against us.

At our best, that's what Americans do. We're problem solvers, not deniers. We don't hide from change, we harness it.

But we can't do that if we go 支援する to the 最高の,を越す-負かす/撃墜する 経済的な 政策s that failed us before.

Americans have come too far to see our 進歩 ripped away.

Now, there may be some new 発言する/表明するs in the 大統領の 共和国の/共和党の choir, but they're all singing the same old song...

A song called 'Yesterday.'

You know the one ? all our troubles look as though they're here to stay … and we need a place to hide away… They believe in yesterday.

And you're lucky I didn't try singing that, too, I'll tell you!

These 共和国の/共和党のs trip over themselves 約束ing lower 税金s for the 豊富な and より小数の 支配するs for the biggest 会社/団体s without regard for how that will make income 不平等 even worse.

We've heard this tune before. And we know how it turns out.

Ask many of these 候補者s about 気候 change, one of the defining 脅しs of our time, and they'll say: 'I'm not a scientist.'?井戸/弁護士席, then, why don't they start listening to those who are?

They 誓約(する) to wipe out 堅い 支配するs on 塀で囲む Street, rather than rein in the banks that are still too risky, 法廷,裁判所ing 未来 失敗s. In a 事例/患者 that can only be considered 集まり amnesia.

They want to take away health 保険 from more than 16 million Americans without 申し込む/申し出ing any 信頼できる 代案/選択肢.

They shame and 非難する women, rather than 尊敬(する)・点 our 権利 to make our own reproductive health 決定/判定勝ち(する)s.

They want to put 移民,移住(する)s, who work hard and 支払う/賃金 税金s, at 危険 of 国外追放.

And they turn their 支援するs on gay people who love each other.

Fundamentally, they 拒絶する what it takes to build an inclusive economy. It takes an inclusive society. What I once called 'a village' that has a place for everyone.

Now, my values and a lifetime of experiences have given me a different 見通し for America.

I believe that success isn't 手段d by how much the wealthiest Americans have, but by how many children climb out of poverty...

How many start-ups and small 商売/仕事s open and 栄える…

How many young people go to college without 溺死するing in 負債…

How many people find a good 職業…

How many families get ahead and stay ahead.

I didn't learn this from politics. I learned it from my own family.

My mother taught me that everybody needs a chance and a 支持する/優勝者. She knew what it was like not to have either one.

Her own parents abandoned her, and by 14 she was out on her own, working as a housemaid. Years later, when I was old enough to understand, I asked what kept her going.

You know what her answer was? Something very simple: 親切 from someone who believed she 事柄d.

The 1st grade teacher who saw she had nothing to eat at lunch and, without embarrassing her, brought extra food to 株.

The woman whose house she cleaned letting her go to high school so long as her work got done. That was a 取引 she leapt to 受託する.

And, because some people believed in her, she believed in me.

That's why I believe with all my heart in America and in the 可能性のある of every American.

To 会合,会う every challenge.

To be resilient… no 事柄 what the world throws at you.

To solve the toughest problems.

I believe we can do all these things because I've seen it happen.

As a young girl, I 調印するd up at my Methodist Church to babysit the children of Mexican farmworkers, while their parents worked in the fields on the 週末s. And later, as a 法律 student, I 支持するd for 議会 to requ 怒らせる better working and living 条件s for farm 労働者s whose children deserved better 適切な時期s.

My first 職業 out of 法律 school was for the Children's 弁護 基金. I walked door-to-door to find out how many children with disabilities couldn't go to school, and to help build the 事例/患者 for a 法律 保証(人)ing them 接近 to education.

As a leader of the 合法的な Services 会社/団体, I defended the 権利 of poor people to have a lawyer. And saw lives changed because an abusive marriage ended or an 違法な eviction stopped.

In Arkansas, I 監督するd 法律 students who 代表するd (弁護士の)依頼人s in 法廷,裁判所s and 刑務所,拘置所s, 組織するd scholarships for 選び出す/独身 parents going to college, led 成果/努力s for better schools and health care, and 本人自身で knew the people whose lives were 改善するd.

As 上院議員, I had the 栄誉(を受ける) of 代表するing 勇敢に立ち向かう firefighters, police officers, EMTs, construction 労働者s, and volunteers who ran toward danger on 9/11 and stayed there, becoming sick themselves.

It took years of 成果/努力, but 議会 finally 認可するd the health care they needed.

There are so many 直面するs and stories that I carry with me of people who gave their best and then needed help themselves.

Just weeks ago, I met another person like that, a 選び出す/独身 mom juggling a 職業 and classes at community college, while raising three kids.

She doesn't 推定する/予想する anything to come 平易な. But she did ask me: What more can be done so it isn't やめる so hard for families like hers?

I want to be her 支持する/優勝者 and your 支持する/優勝者.

If you'll give me the chance, I'll 行う and 勝利,勝つ Four Fights for you.

The first is to make the economy work for everyday Americans, not just those at the 最高の,を越す.

To make the middle class mean something again, with rising incomes and broader horizons. And to give the poor a chance to work their way into it.

The middle class needs more growth and more fairness. Growth and fairness go together. For 継続している 繁栄, you can't have one without the other.

Is this possible in today's world??

I believe it is or I wouldn't be standing here.

Do I think it will be 平易な? Of course not.

But, here's the good news: There are 同盟(する)s for change everywhere who know we can't stand by while 不平等 増加するs, 給料 stagnate, and the 約束 of America 薄暗いs. We should welcome the support of all Americans who want to go 今後 together with us.

There are public 公式の/役人s who know Americans need a better 取引,協定.

商売/仕事 leaders who want higher 支払う/賃金 for 従業員s, equal 支払う/賃金 for women and no 差別 against the LGBT community either.

There are leaders of 財政/金融 who want いっそう少なく short-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 貿易(する)ing and more long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 投資するing.

There are union leaders who are 投資するing their own 年金 基金s in putting people to work to build tomorrow's economy. We need everyone to come to the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する and work with us.

In the coming weeks, I'll 提案する 明確な/細部 政策s to:

Reward 商売/仕事s who 投資する in long 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 value rather than the quick buck ? because that leads to higher growth for the economy, higher 給料 for 労働者s, and yes, bigger 利益(をあげる)s, everybody will have a better time.

I will rewrite the 税金 code so it rewards hard work and 投資s here at home, not quick 貿易(する)s or stashing 利益(をあげる)s overseas.

I will give new incentives to companies that give their 従業員s a fair 株 of the 利益(をあげる)s their hard work earns.

We will 抑えるのをやめる a new 世代 of entrepreneurs and small 商売/仕事 owners by 供給するing 税金 救済, cutting red tape, and making it easier to get a small 商売/仕事 貸付金.

We will 回復する America to the cutting 辛勝する/優位 of 革新, science, and 研究 by 増加するing both public and 私的な 投資s.

And we will make America the clean energy 超大国 of the 21st century.

Developing renewable 力/強力にする ? 勝利,勝つd, solar, 前進するd biofuels…

Building cleaner 力/強力にする 工場/植物s, smarter electric grids, greener buildings…

Using 付加 料金s and 王族s from 化石 燃料 extraction to 保護する the 環境…

And 緩和する the 移行 for 苦しめるd communities to a more diverse and 維持できる 経済的な 未来 from coal country to Indian country, from small towns in the Mississippi Delta to the Rio Grande Valley to our inner cities, we have to help our fellow Americans.

Now, this will create millions of 職業s and countless new 商売/仕事s, and enable America to lead the 全世界の fight against 気候 change.

We will also connect 労働者s to their 職業s and 商売/仕事s. 顧客s will have a better chance to 現実に get where they need and get what they 願望(する) with roads, 鉄道s, 橋(渡しをする)s, airports, ports, and broadband brought up to 全世界の 基準s for the 21st century.

We will 設立する an 組織/基盤/下部構造 bank and sell 社債s to 支払う/賃金 for some of these 改良s.

Now, building an economy for tomorrow also 要求するs 投資するing in our most important 資産, our people, beginning with our youngest.

That's why I will 提案する that we make preschool and 質 childcare 利用できる to every child in America.

And I want y ou to remember this, because to me, this is 絶対 the most-説得力のある argument why we should do this. 研究 tells us how much 早期に learning in the first five years of life can 衝撃 lifelong success. In fact, 80 パーセント of the brain is developed by age three.

One thing I've learned is that talent is 全世界の/万国共通の ? you can find it anywhere ? but 適切な時期 is not. Too many of our kids never have the chance to learn and 栄える as they should and as we need them to.

Our country won't be 競争の激しい or fair if we don't help more families give their kids the best possible start in life.

So let's staff our 最初の/主要な and 第2位 schools with teachers who are second to 非,不,無 in the world, and receive the 尊敬(する)・点 they deserve for 誘発するing the love of learning in every child.

Let's make college affordable and 利用できる to all …and 解除する the 鎮圧するing 重荷(を負わせる) of student 負債.

Let's 供給する lifelong learning for 労働者s to 伸び(る) or 改善する 技術s the economy 要求するs, setting up many more Americans for success.

Now, the second fight is to 強化する America's families, because when our families are strong, America is strong.

And today's families 直面する new and unique 圧力s. Parents need more support and 柔軟性 to do their 職業 at work and at home.

I believe you should have the 権利 to earn paid sick days.

I believe you should receive your work schedule with enough notice to arrange childcare or take college courses to get ahead.

I believe you should look 今後 to 退職 with 信用/信任, not 苦悩.

That you should have the peace of mind that your health care will be there when you need it, without breaking the bank.

I believe we should 申し込む/申し出 paid family leave so no one has to choose between keeping a paycheck and caring for a new baby or a sick 親族.

And it is way past time to end the 乱暴/暴力を加える of so many women still 収入 いっそう少なく than men on the 職業 ? and women of color often making even いっそう少なく.

This isn't a women's 問題/発行する. It's a family 問題/発行する. Just like raising the 最小限 行う is a family 問題/発行する. 拡大するing childcare is a family 問題/発行する. 拒絶する/低下するing marriage 率s is a family 問題/発行する. The unequal 率s of incarceration is a family 問題/発行する. Helping more people with an 中毒 or a mental health problem get help is a family 問題/発行する.

In America, every family should feel like they belong.

So we should 申し込む/申し出 hard-working, 法律-がまんするing 移民,移住(する) families a path to 市民権. Not second-class status.

And, we should 禁止(する) 差別 against LGBT Americans and their families so they can live, learn, marry, and work just like everybody else.

You know, America's 多様制, our 開いていること/寛大, our devotion to human 権利s and freedom is what's drawn so many to our shores. What's 奮起させるd people all over the world. I know. I've seen it with my own 注目する,もくろむs.

And these are also 質s that 準備する us 井戸/弁護士席 for the 需要・要求するs of a world that is more interconnected than ever before.

So we have a third fight: to harness all of America's 力/強力にする, smarts, and values to 持続する our leadership for peace, 安全, and 繁栄.

No other country on Earth is better positioned to 栄える in the 21st century. No other country is better equipped to 会合,会う 伝統的な 脅しs from countries like Russia, North Korea, and Iran ? and to を取り引きする the rise of new 力/強力にするs like 中国.

No other country is better 用意が出来ている to 会合,会う 現れるing 脅しs from cyber attacks, transnational terror 網状組織s like ISIS, and 病気s that spread across oceans and continents.

As your 大統領, I'll do whatever it takes to keep Americans 安全な.

And if you look over my left shoulder you can see the new World 貿易(する) 中心 急に上がるing skyward.

As a 上院議員 from New York, I 献身的な myself to getting our city and 明言する/公表する the help we needed to 回復する. And as a member of the 武装した Services 委員会, I worked to 持続する the best-trained, best-equipped, strongest 軍の, ready for today's 脅しs and tomorrow's.

And when our 勇敢に立ち向かう men and women come home from war or finish their service, I'll see to it that they get not just the thanks of a 感謝する nation, but the care and 利益s they've earned.

I've stood up to adversaries like Putin and 増強するd 同盟(する)s like イスラエル. I was in the 状況/情勢 Room on the day we got 貯蔵所 Laden.

But, I know ??I know we have to be smart 同様に as strong.

会合 today's 全世界の challenges 要求するs every element of America's 力/強力にする, 含むing skillful 外交, 経済的な 影響(力), and building 共同s to 改善する lives around the world with people, not just their 政府s.

There are a lot of trouble 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs in the world, but there's a lot of good news out there too.

I believe the 未来 持つ/拘留するs far more 適切な時期s than 脅しs if we 演習 creative and 確信して leadership that enables us to 形態/調整 全世界の events rather than be 形態/調整d by them.

And we all know that ーするために be strong in the world, though, we first have to be strong at home. That's why we have to 勝利,勝つ the fourth fight ? 改革(する)ing our 政府 and 活力を回復させるing our 僕主主義 so that it 作品 for everyday Americans.

We have to stop the endless flow of secret, unaccountable money that is distorting our 選挙s, corrupting our political 過程, and 溺死するing out the 発言する/表明するs of our people.

We need 司法(官)s on the 最高裁判所 who will 保護する every 国民's 権利 to 投票(する), rather than every 会社/団体's 権利 to buy 選挙s.

If necessary, I will support a 憲法の 改正 to undo the 最高裁判所's 決定/判定勝ち(する) in 国民s 部隊d.

I want to make it easier for every 国民 to 投票(する). That's why I've 提案するd 全世界の/万国共通の, (a)自動的な/(n)自動拳銃 登録 and 拡大するd 早期に 投票(する)ing.

I'll fight 支援する against 共和国の/共和党の 成果/努力s to disempower and disenfranchise young people, poor people, people with disabilities, and people of color.

What part of 僕主主義 are they afraid of?

No 事柄 how 平易な we make it to 投票(する), we still have to give Americans something 価値(がある) 投票(する)ing for.

政府 is never going to have all the answers ? but it has to be smarter, simpler, more efficient, and a better partner.

That means 接近 to 前進するd 科学(工学)技術 so 政府 機関s can more 効果的に serve their 顧客s, the American people.

We need 専門的知識 and 革新 from the 私的な 部門 to help 削減(する) waste and 簡素化する services.

There's so much that 作品 in America. For every problem we 直面する, someone somewhere in America is solving it. Silicon Valley 割れ目d the code on 株ing and 規模ing a while ago. Many 明言する/公表するs are 開拓するing new ways to 配達する services. I want to help Washington catch up.

To do that, we need a po litical system that produces results by solving problems that 持つ/拘留する us 支援する, not one 圧倒するd by extreme partisanship and inflexibility.

Now, I'll always 捜し出す ありふれた ground with friend and 対抗者 alike. But I'll also stand my ground when I must.

That's something I did as 上院議員 and 国務長官 ? whether it was working with 共和国の/共和党のs to 拡大する health care for children and for our 国家の Guard, or 改善する our foster care and 採択 system, or pass a 条約 to 減ずる the number of ロシアの 核の 弾頭s that could 脅す our cities ??and it's something I will always do as your 大統領.

We Americans may 異なる, bicker, つまずく, and 落ちる; but we are at our best when we 選ぶ each other up, when we have each other's 支援する.

Like any family, our American family is strongest when we 心にいだく what we have in ありふれた, and fight 支援する against those who would 運動 us apart.

People all over the world have asked me: 'How could you and 大統領 Obama work together after you fought so hard against each other in that long (選挙などの)運動をする?'

Now, that is an 理解できる question considering that in many places, if you lose an 選挙 you could get 拘留するd or 追放するd ? even killed ? not 雇うd as 国務長官.

But 大統領 Obama asked me to serve, and I 受託するd because we both love our country. That's how we do it in America.

With that same spirit, together, we can 勝利,勝つ these four fights.

W e can build an economy where hard work is rewarded.

We can 強化する our families.

We can defend our country and 増加する our 適切な時期s all over the world.

And we can 新たにする the 約束 of our 僕主主義.

If we all do our part. In our families, in our 商売/仕事s, unions, houses of worship, schools, and, yes, in the 投票(する)ing booth.

I want you to join me in this 成果/努力. Help me build this (選挙などの)運動をする and make it your own.

Talk to your friends, your family, your neighbors.

Text 'JOIN' J-O-I-N to 4-7-2-4-6.

Go to and 調印する up to make calls and knock on doors.

It's no secret that we're going up against some pretty powerful 軍隊s that will do and spend whatever it takes to 前進する a very different 見通し for America. But I've spent my life fighting for children, families, and our country. And I'm not stopping now.

You know, I know how hard this 職業 is. I've seen it up の近くに and personal.

All our 大統領s come into office looking so vigorous. And then we watch their hair grow grayer and grayer.

井戸/弁護士席, I may not be the youngest 候補者 in this race. But I will be the youngest woman 大統領 in the history of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs!

And the first grandmother 同様に.

And one 付加 advantage: You're won't see my hair turn white in the White House. I've been coloring it for years!

So I'm looking 今後 to a 広大な/多数の/重要な 審議 の中で 民主党員s, 共和国の/共和党のs, and 独立した・無所属s. I'm not running to be a 大統領 only for those Americans who already agree with me. I want to be a 大統領 for all Americans.

And along the way, I'll just let you in on this little secret. I won't get everything 権利. Lord knows I've made my 株 of mistakes. 井戸/弁護士席, there's no 不足 of people pointing them out!?

And I certainly 港/避難所't won every 戦う/戦い I've fought. But leadership means perseverance and hard choices. You have to 押し進める through the 後退s and 失望s and keep at it.

I think you know by now that I've been called many things by many people ??'quitter' is not one of them.

Like so much else in my life, I got this from my mother.

When I was a girl, she never let me 支援する 負かす/撃墜する from any いじめ(る) or 障壁. In her later years, Mom lived with us, and she was still teaching me the same lessons. I'd come home from a hard day at the 上院 or the 明言する/公表する Department, sit 負かす/撃墜する with her at the small (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する in our breakfast nook, and just let everything 注ぐ out. And she would remind me why we keep fighting, even when the 半端物s are long and the 対立 is 猛烈な/残忍な.

I can still hear her 説: 'Life's not about what happens to you, it's about what you do with what happens to you ? so get 支援する ou t there.'

She lived to be 92 years old, and I often think about all the 戦う/戦いs she 証言,証人/目撃するd over the course of the last century ??all the 進歩 that was won because Americans 辞退するd to give up or 支援する 負かす/撃墜する.

She was born on June 4, 1919 ??before women in America had the 権利 to 投票(する). But on that very day, after years of struggle, 議会 passed the 憲法の 改正 that would change that forever.

The story of America is a story of hard-fought, hard-won 進歩. And it continues today. New 一時期/支部s are 存在 written by men and women who believe that all of us ? not just some, but all ? should have the chance to live up to our God-given 可能性のある.

Not only because we're a tolerant country, or a generous country, or a compassionate country, but because we're a better, stronger, more 繁栄する country when we harness the talent, hard work, and ingenuity of every 選び出す/独身 American.

I wish my mother could have been with us longer. I wish she could have seen Chelsea become a mother herself. I wish she could have met Charlotte.

I wish she could have seen the America we're going to build together.

An America, where if you do your part, you 得る the rewards.

Where we don't leave anyone out, or anyone behind.

An America where a father can tell his daughter: yes, you can be anything you want to be. Even 大統領 of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

Thank you all. God bless you. And may God bless America.