Hero police officer shoots dead two ISIS テロリストs wearing 爆発性の belts in a 劇の gunfight 逮捕(する)d on camera in the Saudi Arabian 資本/首都

  • The 劇の shootout happened at 夜明け in the north of the 資本/首都, Riyadh
  • Police (警察の)手入れ,急襲 a house after receiving (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) of 爆発性のs 存在 用意が出来ている
  • Bystanders were 急ぐd into a nearby イスラム教寺院 as it 流出/こぼすd の上に the streets?
  • にもかかわらず the テロリストs 存在 武装した with machine guns, an officer shoots them with a ピストル

劇の (映画の)フィート数 has 現れるd showing police officers and ISIS テロリストs engaged in a shootout in Saudi Arabia.

The street 戦う/戦い began at around 夜明け, in the Jasmine 地区 に向かって the north of the Saudi 資本/首都, Riyadh.?

安全 機関s 得るd (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) that there was a ギャング(団) 準備するing 爆発性のs, and 開始する,打ち上げるd a daring (警察の)手入れ,急襲.

A video taken from a bedroom window shows the terrorists, armed with machine guns
The pair approach the police car

A ビデオ taken from a bedroom window shows the テロリストs, 武装した with machine guns, approaching the police car

But the 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs inside 辞退するd to 降伏する and a gunfight 続いて起こるd, as shocked 国民s watched on from their homes.

The テロリストs, who were strapped with 自殺 belts, are believed to have taken a 囚人 人質 in the 出来事/事件.

Those who were out in the street when the shootout started were 勧めるd to safety into a nearby イスラム教寺院.?

A ビデオ taken from a bedroom window shows the テロリストs, 武装した with machine guns, approaching the police car.?

They get right up to the vehicle
But as they do, one of the police officers manages to shoot them at point blank range with a pistol

They get 権利 up to the 乗り物, but as they do, one of the police officers manages to shoot them at point blank 範囲 with a ピストル

In the background, a woman can be heard crying hysterically as she watches the drama unfold
The footage was filmed from inside a house

In the background, a woman can be heard crying hysterically as she watches the 演劇 広げる

In the background, a woman can be heard crying hysterically as she watches the 演劇 広げる.?

They get 権利 up to the 乗り物, but as they do, one of the police officers manages to shoot them at point blank 範囲 with a ピストル.?

The hero police officer is 現在/一般に in hospital 回復するing from his 傷害s.

The hero police officer is currently in hospital recovering from his injuries following the shootout

The hero police officer is 現在/一般に in hospital 回復するing from his 傷害s に引き続いて the shootout

Pictures released by the state sponsored Saudi Press Agency purports to show the two ISIS militants
Although no names have yet been released

Pictures 解放(する)d by the 明言する/公表する sponsored Saudi 圧力(をかける) 機関 趣旨s to show the two ISIS 交戦的なs, although no 指名するs have yet been 解放(する)d

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