Come on, it's time to go home! Keeper drags a 気が進まない panda from the playground 支援する to its enclosure

  • A young 巨大(な) panda 辞退するd to go 支援する to its enclosure after its playtime
  • (映画の)フィート数 現れるd showing a carer dragging the 耐える away from playground
  • The panda 辞退するd to leave and had its 脚s grabbed and pulled away ?

This is the hilarious moment a 巨大(な) panda was 軍隊d to go 支援する to its enclosure after playtime.

中国's 巨大(な) panda 産む/飼育するing centre has 解放(する)d the (映画の)フィート数 which shows a carer dragging the young panda from the playground.

The 黒人/ボイコット-and-white 耐える, which appeared to be 気が進まない, 辞退するd to walk and got dragged by feet 負かす/撃墜する a slope.

A young panda refused to leave the playground in a breeding centre in Chengdu, China

A young panda 辞退するd to leave the playground in a 産む/飼育するing centre in Chengdu, 中国

A carer had to come and drag onto the young bear's feet as it refused to walk
The giant panda can't help but to see the carer pulling it away from the playground

A carer had to come and drag の上に the young 耐える's feet as it 辞退するd to walk (left). The 巨大(な) panda can't help but to see the carer pulling it away from the playground (権利)

によれば People's Daily Online, the (映画の)フィート数 was taken from Chengdu 研究 Base of 巨大(な) Panda 産む/飼育するing Centre in south-w est 中国.

A young panda can be seen laying on the ground 近づく a 木造の playground where there were ropes hung around trees and 壇・綱領・公約s.

A carer held の上に the panda's feet and dragged it 負かす/撃墜する the slope slowly.

The panda rolled its back and got up as he was dragged close to the enclosure

The panda rolled its 支援する and got up as he was dragged の近くに to the enclosure

The dragging left the panda a dirty  mark on its white fur on the back

The dragging left the panda a dirty 示す on its white fur on the 支援する

The panda couldn't help but looking at the man who grabbed its 脚.

Knowing that playtime's over, the panda stood up and walked 支援する to its enclosure slowly while the carer gave a pat on its 支援する.

The panda left a patch of dirty 示すs on its white fur on the 支援する.


Panda Meng Meng is loving the snow?

At the same time in northern 中国, 巨大(な) panda Meng Meng was seen playing in the snow at Siberian Tiger Park, Jilin 州 on November 2.

Pictures 現れるd showing the nine-year-old 女性(の) panda welcoming the 初雪 in the year and rolling comfortably on the ground covered with white snow.?

によれば 中国 気象の 行政, snowing will continue in Jilin 州 until the night of November 2 as the 気温 減少(する)s to minus five degree Celsius.?

However, the 冷淡な 天候 did not stop Meng Meng from going out. She appeared to be playful while staying outdoor at Siberian Tiger Park and walking around in the snow.

It's snow! Giant panda Meng Meng looked excited seeing this year's first snow in north China

It's snow! 巨大(な) panda Meng Meng looked excited seeing this year's 初雪 in north 中国

The nine-year-old giant panda was enjoying an aerial view of her enclosure in a snowy scene

The nine-year-old 巨大(な) panda was enjoying an 空中の 見解(をとる) of her enclosure in a 雪の降る,雪の多い scene

Although the snow will last for one day only, Meng Meng was excited to explore around?

Although the snow will last for one day only, Meng Meng was excited to 調査する around?

Upside down! Naughty Meng Meng made a funny pose on a tree in front of the camera

Upside 負かす/撃墜する! Naughty Meng Meng made a funny 提起する/ポーズをとる on a tree in 前線 of the camera

Meng Meng was sent to north China's Siberian Tiger Park to live for three years in 2015

Meng Meng was sent to north 中国's Siberian Tiger Park to live for three years in 2015

Meng Meng seemed to be enjoying the cold weather 
as she played with a tyre happily

Meng Meng seemed to be enjoying the 冷淡な 天候 as she played with a tyre happily

Loving it! Meng Meng was having her bamboo meal on the snow-covered grass

Loving it! Meng Meng was having her bamboo meal on the snow-covered grass

The lazy black and white bear took a rest and scratched her ears after the meal

The lazy 黒人/ボイコット and white 耐える took a 残り/休憩(する) and scratched her ears after the meal

This would be the last winter Meng Meng staying in Siberian Tiger Park before sending back

This would be the last winter Meng Meng staying in Siberian Tiger Park before sending 支援する

Playful Meng Meng will then be sent back to Giant Breeding Centre in Chengdu, Sichuan

Playful Meng Meng will then be sent 支援する to 巨大(な) 産む/飼育するing Centre in Chengdu, Sichuan

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