'Why did he choose her?': Mother's agony as 殺し屋, 19, who stabbed her daughter, 16, to death and 捨てるd her 団体/死体 in an alley 'for no 推論する/理由 at all' is 刑務所,拘置所d as it's 明らかにする/漏らすd he called 999 警告 police he '手配中の,お尋ね者 to 殺人' SIX MONTHS before

  • Schoolgirl's 団体/死体 was 設立する 捨てるd under a sofa in an alleyway in Yorkshire
  • 十代の少年少女 who killed her had 地位,任命するd 'RIP' message on Facebook after 殺人
  • He was 手渡すd a life 宣告,判決 and ordered to serve at least 24 and a half years
  • 殺し屋 was flagged to mental health team but 報告(する)/憶測 on him was not finished

The heartbroken mother of a schoolgirl stabbed to death by a 十代の少年少女 who was obsessed with 殺人 wept and asked 'why her?' as her 殺し屋 was 刑務所,拘置所d today.

Leonne Weeks's 団体/死体 was 設立する hidden under a sofa on a pathway in Dinnington, 近づく Rotherham, South Yorkshire, in January last year.? The 16-year-old had been stabbed 28 times in her 長,率いる and upper 団体/死体.

Shea Heeley 認める 殺人 last month and was 刑務所,拘置所d for life today. He will serve a 最小限 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 of 24 and a half years before he can 適用する for 仮釈放(する).

The 法廷,裁判所 heard the 19-year-old, who hardly knew his 犠牲者, had developed a fascination with 殺人s and fantasised about 'hitting people with 大打撃を与えるs'.

Six months before the shocking 殺人, Heeley had dialled 999 from outside a pub whilst 持つ/拘留するing a machete. He told the 操作者 he was going to kill the next person he met but was 逮捕(する)d by police and later 査定する/(税金などを)課すd as 存在 dangerous.

Heeley had known his 犠牲者 for 18 months and they met again at a party two days before the 殺人,大当り in their home town.

Shea Heeley murdered?16-year-old Leonne Weeks in?January last year
< div class="image-wrap"> Leonne Weeks was killed in?Dinnington, near Rotherham

Shea Heeley 殺人d?16-year-old Leonne Weeks in?Dinnington, 近づく Rotherham

Heeley posted an apparent tribute message on Facebook shortly after the murder

Heeley 地位,任命するd an 明らかな 尊敬の印 message on Facebook すぐに after the 殺人

In a 声明 Leonne's mother, Paula Appley, 追加するd: 'Not a day has gone by when I do not cry, it really doesn't get any easier. The 苦痛 is there 絶えず. My whole family has fallen apart.

'No 量 of time her 殺害者 spends in 刑務所,拘置所 will bring her 支援する. We will all have to live with her 殺人 for the 残り/休憩(する) of our lives.'?

In a? 犠牲者 衝撃 声明, Ms Appl ey asked: 'Why her? Why did he choose her?', ITV 報告(する)/憶測d.

Leonne's father Darran, in a 声明 read outside 法廷,裁判所 by her uncle Danny Bowskill, said: 'Leonne was 16 years old and 十分な of life. She had such a caring nature and was loved by everyone around.

'On the 15th of January 2017, my life changed forever. She was taken away from me by the ev il 行為/法令/行動する of a 冷淡な-hearted 殺し屋.

'This destroyed me. As a father, I wasn't here to 保護する my daughter and I felt helpless.

'As a dad, I never 推定する/予想するd to bury my daughter and that is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life.'

Leonne's aunt,?Mandy Westrop, her mother Paula Appley and her brother Levi outside court

Leonne's aunt,?Mandy Westrop, her mother Paula Appley and her brother Levi outside 法廷,裁判所

The 法廷,裁判所 heard how, after his 逮捕(する), he said he had always known that he would kill someone and later told staff in a 安全な・保証する mental hospital: 'I like that I have done it, I just do. I like 殺人,大当り.'??

As he was led from 法廷,裁判所, someone in the packed public gallery shouted: 'Do us all a favour and hang yourself.'

裁判官 Paul Watson QC said Heeley had befriended Leonne about a year before, as they were both from Dinnington, and they had been at a party together two days before the 殺人,大当り, on January 15, 2017.

He deliberately 的d her to 満足させる his 利益/興味 in 殺人,大当り and 招待するd her to the dark path.

The 裁判官 said: 'In short, this was a pre-planned, 残虐な and pitiless 殺人,大当り of an innocent young girl who had her whole life before her.'

Danny Bowskill (pictured), Leonne's uncle, read a statement on behalf of her father Darran
Danny Bowskill, Leonne's uncle, read a statement on behalf of her father Darran (pictured)

Danny Bowskill (left), Leonne's uncle, read a 声明 on に代わって of her father Darran (権利)

He said Leonne's family will have to 'live with that agonising loss and the living nightmare of your evil 罪,犯罪 for the 残り/休憩(する) of their lives'.

The 裁判官 said she was a 'lovely, lively, funny and caring young girl'.

検察官,検事 Tim Roberts QC said Heeley had told a nurse in 保護/拘留 'he had always known that he would kill someone from an 早期に age'.

Leonne had only known Heeley for a short time before he attacked and murdered her

Leonne had only known Heeley for a short time before he attacked and 殺人d her

He said that he 'did not feel anything'.

Heeley said: 'I'll go to 刑務所,拘置所 or hospital, but probably 刑務所,拘置所. If that's what it takes to stop me 殺人,大当り people, that's where I need to go.'

At Rampton 最高の,を越す 安全 hospital, he 認める 殺人,大当り Leonne.

Mr Roberts said: 'He said he could hear her 叫び声をあげるs. He grabbed her by the throat and stabbed her. He said he had deliberately selected that place to 会合,会う her as it was secluded and he ーするつもりであるd to 害(を与える) her. He said he heard 発言する/表明するs telling him to kill her and he had demons inside him.'

The 法廷,裁判所 heard that Heeley had not been 診断するd with a mental illness, but may have an 現れるing personality disorder.

Mr Kent QC, defending, said his (弁護士の)依頼人 told staff at Rampton: 'I like that I have done it, I just do. I like 殺人,大当り.'

He said Heeley told 刑務所,拘置所 staff: 'Knowing I have killed someone 満足させるd me.'

裁判官 Watson told him: 'You killed her for the sake of it. You were obsessed with 殺人 and 殺人,大当り.'?

Friends leave flowers near the home of Leonne, whose family described her as 'beautiful'

Friends leave flowers 近づく the home of Leonne, whose family 述べるd her as 'beautiful'

冷気/寒がらせるing CCTV (映画の)フィート数 shows 殺し屋 calmly buying Sour Skittles just minutes before stabbing his 犠牲者?

This is the 冷気/寒がらせるing moment Shea Heeley walked into a shop just minutes before the 殺人 and bought a packet of 甘いs.

The ビデオ shows the teenage 殺し屋 walking into a shop in Dinnington, Sheffield, in January last year.

Wearing a dark 最高の,を越す with a hood and red trousers, he 支払う/賃金s for the Sour Skittles and walks out of the Best One shop in South Yorkshire.?

Heeley then 長,率いるd to the 殺人 scene where he killed Leonne Weeks, whose 団体/死体 was 設立する in Dinnington after she had been stabbed 28 times.?

He was then seen going for a takeaway with friend after 殺人,大当り Leonne and ダンピング her 団体/死体, the Daily Mirror?報告(する)/憶測s.?

South Yorkshire Police 解放(する)d the (映画の)フィート数 after Heeley was given a life 宣告,判決 today with a 最小限 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 of 24 and a half years.?


殺し屋 called police with machete six months before 殺人 - but mental health 報告(する)/憶測 was still 存在 用意が出来ている when he attacked 犠牲者

Heeley told staff at a mental hospital that he always knew he would kill someone

Heeley told staff at a mental hospital that he always knew he would kill someone

Six months before the 殺人, Shea Heeley had dialled 999 from outside a pub while 持つ/拘留するing a machete.

He 警告するd the 操作者 that he was going to kill the next person he met but was 逮捕(する)d by officers and later 査定する/(税金などを)課すd by mental health 専門家s as 存在 dangerous.

The 法廷,裁判所 heard today how Heeley had been 査定する/(税金などを)課すd as having an '現れるing personality disorder' by psychiatrists after the 出来事/事件 but was not seen as mentally ill.

He was placed under the care of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Servi ces (CAMHS) and was 定める/命ずるd 医薬 to 静める his 苦悩.

He was 査定する/(税金などを)課すd by psychiatrists a month before the 殺人 and their 報告(する)/憶測 - which 結論するd that he had no mental illness - was still 存在 typed up when he attacked Leonne.

探偵,刑事s 設立する more than 1,000 searches on Heeley's phone for topics like 殺人 and serial 殺し屋s, the 法廷,裁判所 heard.

He told friends that 'he was a psychopath and he was going to kill someone and they should keep away from him' but they just thought he was 'bigging himself up', Mr Roberts said.

The 検察官,検事s said Heeley carried a knife and told friends he hid them around Dinnington in 事例/患者 he needed them.

