Shocking dashcam 逮捕(する)s car 追いつくing on blind bend and 粉砕するing into a hedge on 狭くする country 小道/航路

  • Dashcam (映画の)フィート数 shows a yellow Peugeot 追いつくing 乗り物 on country 小道/航路?
  • The Peugeot 追いつくs on a blind corner and only sees white 先頭 very late?
  • The car manages to swerve left to 避ける the 先頭, but 衝突,墜落s into hedge on 味方する?

Horrific (映画の)フィート数 shows the moment a yellow Peugeot rammed into a hedge along a country road after trying to 追いつく on a blind corner.

Dashcam (映画の)フィート数 shows the car 追いつくing the 乗り物 along a bend when suddenly the driver of the Peugeot notices an oncoming white 先頭.?

The Peugeot driver swerves from the wrong 味方する of the road and into the left 小道/航路, but the wheels are unable to 支配する to the road 適切に.

The 支援する wheels of the 乗り物 spin out of 支配(する)/統制する and the car 衝突,墜落s 長,率いる-on into a hedge - 辛うじて 避けるing the oncoming white 先頭.

The person in the 乗り物 where the dashcam (映画の)フィート数 was 発射 also managed to put their breaks on in time, 辛うじて 避けるing the destroyed 乗り物.?

The Peugeot driver swerves from the wrong side of the road and into the left lane to avoid the oncoming white van

The Peugeot driver swerves from the wrong 味方する of the road and into the left 小道/航路 to 避ける the oncoming white 先頭

Speaking about the 出来事/事件, the person who filmed the 出来事/事件 from their dashcam said: 'This woman was tailgating me all the way through the 30mph 速度(を上げる) 限界 on this country road!

'She kept flashing her lights to make me 速度(を上げる) up. The idiot then decided to 追いつく me on a blind bend and this happened. Idiot! Police have (映画の)フィート数.'

It is 不明瞭な when or where the 事故 took place. The 条件 of the people in the Peugeot remains unknown.?

The (映画の)フィート数 was 地位,任命するd on YouTube by the 使用者?IdiotUKDriversExposed.?

While it avoids hitting the van, it rams head-first into the hedge, causing catastrophic damage?

While it 避けるs hitting the 先頭, it 押し通すs 長,率いる-first into the hedge, 原因(となる)ing 壊滅的な 損失?

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