Two scooter riders are sent 飛行機で行くing in sickening high-速度(を上げる) 衝突/不一致 - yet somehow both 生き残る

  • A rider slammed straight into the woman as she crossed a 主要道路 in India
  • She had driven into a road in Nagercoil after looking both ways twice
  • A 地元の source said that both riders only needed two days in hospital?

A scooter rider had a lucky escape after pulling out in 前線 of another rider.

The 女性(の) biker was crossing a road in Nagercoil, part of Tamil Nadu 明言する/公表する in southern India, when the other rider slammed straight into her.?

Miraculously both only needed two days in hospital before 存在 発射する/解雇するd にもかかわらず the 衝突,墜落, によれば a 地元の source.

A female scooter rider was thrown from her bike in Nagercoil, part of Tamil Nadu state in southern India, after she was hit by another rider

A 女性(の) scooter rider was thrown from her bike in Nagercoil, part of Tamil Nadu 明言する/公表する in southern India, after she was 攻撃する,衝突する by another rider

The female rider in blue is hit by the other rider wearing black trousers
The force of the impact causes the motorbike to come off the ground as the woman is thrown to one side

The biker was 攻撃する,衝突する in the middle of the road, flinging her from her scooter

Shocking ビデオ shows the scooter rider look in both directions twice before pulling out の上に the road.

As she gets to the middle another driver, who is zipping 負かす/撃墜する the road, 激突するs straight into her 味方する 投げつけるing her from the scooter and into the hard tarmac ground.

The other rider's bike is 解除するd 完全に off the ground before 粉砕するing 負かす/撃墜する a short distance away.??

Shopping 捕らえる、獲得するs are also 爆発するd by the 軍隊, and fling their contents across the 主要道路.

The woman lies on the ground motionless, her scooter lying on 最高の,を越す of her, while the other rider gets up and つまずくs to the 味方する of the road clutching their 長,率いる.

Passersby, who have seen the 衝突,墜落, すぐに 急ぐ 今後 to help the pair.?

The woman is thrown from her scooter
As her shopping bags spill their contents across the road, the female scooter rider's bike lands on top of her

As she was flung off the scooter her shopping 捕らえる、獲得するs 爆発するd and 流出/こぼすd their contents across the road. The scooter then fell on 最高の,を越す of her

She had looked both ways before deciding to pull out into the road in Tamil Nadu state

She had looked both ways before deciding to pull out into the road in Tamil Nadu 明言する/公表する

Amazingly, にもかかわらず the shocking 衝突,墜落, she was 発射する/解雇するd from hospital after two days によれば a 地元の source.??

A 地元の source said: 'As soon as the bystanders saw the 事故 広げる 権利 in 前線 of their 注目する,もくろむs, they ran to their 救助(する).

'They ran に向かって the bikers as both of them lay 負傷させるd on the street.

'Both were 急ぐd to the nearby hospital and were 認める すぐに by the doctors.

'They were then 発射する/解雇するd after two days.'

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