Australia Day reveller chokes to death on a LAMINGTON at an all-you-can-eat 競争 in a packed pub

  • A woman in her 60s has choked to death during a lamington eating 競争?
  • The woman was taking part in the contest as part of Australia Day festivities?
  • A 証言,証人/目撃する said 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 staff and paramedics tried CPR for over half an hour
  • Do you know the woman? Email

An Australia Day reveller has died after choking on a lamington.

The woman, in her 60s, was taking part in an eating 競争 at The Beach House Hotel in Hervey Bay, Queensland, when 悲劇 struck at about 2pm.???

A pub-goer who 証言,証人/目撃するd the 出来事/事件 said it was a 'very sad day' for the community.?

A reveller has died after she choked to death on a lamington during an Australia Day lamington eating contest in Queensland (lamingtons used for the competition are pictured)

A reveller has died after she choked to death on a lamington during an Australia Day lamington eating contest in Queensland (lamingtons used for the 競争 are pictured)

A video taken during 2017 at the same venue in shows people trying to eat as many lamingtons as possible

A ビデオ taken during a 類似の 競争 at the same 発生地 in 2017 showed people 速く trying to eat as many lamingtons possible

'Sadly a lady died during the lamington eating 競争,' she wrote on Facebook.?

'This lady shovelled the lamington into her mouth with no 抑制... 吸い込むd the coconut and 逮捕(する)d.??

'The pub was very quick to 答える/応じる with CPR, and the 救急車 激しく揺するd up... working on her for over half an hour. It didn't look good.'?

Another 証言,証人/目撃する told The 特使 Mail she was filming the 競争 for her friend when the 出来事/事件 広げるd.?

'I was filming and just as my friend finished I noticed she was dribbling so I rang 000 as she fell to the ground. I was talking to 000 until they arrived,' she said.??

The 証言,証人/目撃する said a 経営者/支配人 and a 安全 worked on the woman until paramedics arrived.?

The pub had been advertising the event for a few days, and posted this on its Facebook page
The pub had been advertising the event for a few days, and posted this on its Facebook page

The pub had been advertising the event for a few days, and 地位,任命するd this on its Facebook page

'They put a sheet up around her and worked on her for at least another half an hour,' she said.

'They shocked her a few times and were still doing CPR as they took her out about 30 to 40 minutes later.'

A third 証言,証人/目撃する, Michelle Iffland, said the woman was happy and smiling before the 出来事/事件.?

'One of the saddest things I have ever 証言,証人/目撃するd,' she wrote.

'I'm so sad 権利 now. One minute she was happy the next she was gone.'

Queensland 救急車 Service told Daily Mail Australia the woman had a seizure before choking on the lamington, 原因(となる)ing her to stop breathing.?

She died at Hervey Bay Hospital.??

Daily Mail Australia 接触するd the hotel but it 拒絶する/低下するd to comment.

The hotel's 年次の Australia Day festivities also 含むd a pie eating 競争, a thong-throwing contest and prizes for 存在 best-dressed.

The 競争s were in 合同 with the 地元の 最高の,を越す of the Bay パン屋, which could not be reached for comment.????

The woman, aged in her 60s, was taking part in the lamington eating contest at The Beach Hous
e Hotel in Hervey Bay (pictured) on Sunday afternoon

The woman, 老年の in her 60s, was taking part in the lamington eating contest at The Beach House Hotel in Hervey Bay (pictured) on Sunday afternoon

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