When Prince William 手配中の,お尋ね者 to やめる university: The 王室の (機の)カム の近くに to walking away from St Andrews (where he met Kate) after one 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 - before 重要な 介入 changed his mind

Though he left with a degree and a girlfriend he would go on to marry, things could have gone very 異なって had Prince William 実行するd his 願望(する) to leave university.?

After he spent his gap year travelling, the then 19-year-old's time in higher education got off to a rocky start.?

William began 熟考する/考慮するing a degree in Art History at St Andrews in September 2001.

However by the end of his first 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 the Prince was having second thoughts.

王室の 専門家 Robert Lacey told in his 2020 調書をとる/予約する 戦う/戦い of Brothers how William only spent two of the 13 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語-time 週末s at the university and would often go home to London?or Highgrove.

The 19-year-old prince with his father Prince Charles during a visit to an education centre in Glasgow, shortly before he started university in 2001

The 19-year-old prince with his father Prince Charles during a visit to an education centre in Glasgow, の直前に he started university in 2001?

Prince William at St Andrews during the start of his degree after enjoying a gap year of travelling

Prince William at St Andrews during the start of his degree after enjoying a gap year of travelling

Charles and William greet crowds who have gathered to see him on his first day at St Andrews

Charles and William 迎える/歓迎する (人が)群がるs who have gathered to see him on his first day at St Andrews

When William first 表明するd 疑問s over his choice of course and 会・原則, his grandfather Prince Philip?答える/応じるd with: 'William needs to knuckle 負かす/撃墜する and not wimp out.'

The young prince confided in his father, now King Charles, who was then the Prince of むちの跡s, and told him how he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to leave the university and move どこかよそで.?

He 設立する life in the small Scottish town of St Andrews to be 静かな.

Mr Lacey 述べるd how the best part of his week was shopping at Tesco and playing sport on a Wednesday.

And for a prince who everyone 即時に recognised, navigating student life was a challenge.?

Though Charles 初めは agreed with his son, he changed his mind after speaking with his 私的な 長官 Sir Stephen Lamport, who also confided in 副 私的な 長官 示す Bolland.

Palace 補佐官s were 関心d the 状況/情勢 could 原因(となる) a 'personal 災害 for William' and that the Prince 'would have been seen as a quitter'.?

If William had not stayed at St Andrews, he may not have met Kate Middleton. Above: The couple on their graduation day

If William had not stayed at St Andrews, he may not have met Kate Middleton. Above: The couple on their 卒業 day

Charles had a heartfelt discussion with his son about him wanting to move. Above: Charles and William greeting crowds after arriving for his first day at St Andrews

Charles had a 深く心に感じた discussion with his son about him wanting to move. Above: Charles and William 迎える/歓迎するing (人が)群がるs after arriving for his first day at St Andrews

Prince William shakes hands with people outside of St Andrews University

Prince William shakes 手渡すs with people outside of St Andrews University?

There were also 関心s William's 出発 could have 原因(となる)d problems for St Andrews' image, 同様に as the politics behind a British 君主 かもしれない 存在 見解(をとる)d as snubbing a Scottish university.?

Palace 公式の/役人s had 以前 dealt with the 批評 that followed Prince Edward after he decided to leave the 王室の 海洋s part way through his training in 1987.?

Kensington Palace and St Andrews managed to instead 解決する the 問題/発行する by liaising with one another and agreeing for William to switch courses to 地理学 instead.??

Charles then spent the Christmas holiday having a 深く心に感じた discussion with William, who 結局 decided against the move too.??

William later said he felt he was 'daunted' rather than homesick.

He said at the time: 'My father was very understanding about it and realised I had the same problem he had probably had.

'We chatted a lot, and in the end we both realised - I definitely realised - that I had to come 支援する.

'I think it was the new surroundings. When I was with Raleigh International in Chile during my gap year, it was the same sort of thing. You're thrown into 完全に new 領土.

Kensington Palace and St Andrews agreed for William to switch courses to Geography instead

Kensington Palace and St Andrews agreed for William to switch courses to 地理学 instead

William later said he felt he was 'daunted' over the situation rather than homesick

William later said he felt he was 'daunted' over the 状況/情勢 rather than homesick

'I don't think I was homesick. I was more daunted.'?

主要な 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Andrew Neil, who was Lord Rector at St Andrews at the time, put the シナリオ 負かす/撃墜する to William having 'the blue', som ething that he said was a ありふれた problem with 'public school boys'.

The 決定/判定勝ち(する) to stay paid off, as it was at St Andrews that William met and fell in love with Kate Middleton.?

It was at a charity fashion show in St Andrews where William exclaimed, 'wow! Kate's hot', as his 未来 wife walked 負かす/撃墜する the catwalk in a see-through dress.?