火星 had an oxygen-rich atmosphere 'more than a billion years before Earth'

  • 激しく揺するs 診察するd by Nasa's Spirit Rover 示唆する oxygen 影響する/感情d 火星' surface four billion years ago, more than a billion years before Earth
  • Findings have 関わりあい/含蓄s for the 可能性 of past life on 火星
  • 'Oxidation makes 火星 the 'red 惑星' - it was wet, warm and rusty billions of years before Earth's atmosphere became oxygen rich'

火星 had an oxygen-rich atmosphere more than a billion years before the Earth, scientists believe.

An examination of meteorites and 激しく揺するs on the 惑星 示唆するs that oxygen was 影響する/感情ing the Martian surface four billion years ago.

On Earth, oxygen did not build up to appreciable 量s in the atmosphere for at least another 1,500 million years.

Spirit rover

By using the Spirit Rover to 診察する the meteorites and 激しく揺するs on 火星' surface, scientists were able to 決定する that oxygen was 影響する/感情ing the Martian surface four billion years ago, one billion years before Earth

Scientists compared Martian meteorites that have 衝突,墜落d の上に the Earth and data from 激しく揺するs 診察するd by the American space 機関 Nasa's Spirit rover.

Differences in their composition can best be explained by an 豊富 of oxygen 早期に in Martian history.

Spirit was 調査するing a very 古代の part of 火星 含む/封じ込めるing 激しく揺するs more than 3,700 million years old.

The 激しく揺するs 耐える the hallmarks of ea rly (危険などに)さらす to oxygen before 存在 '再生利用するd' - drawn into shallow 地域s of the 惑星's 内部の and then 噴出するd out in 火山の 爆発s.

火山の Martian meteorites, on the other 手渡す, 起こる/始まる from deeper within the 惑星 where they would be いっそう少なく 影響する/感情d by oxygen.

Martian meteorites travel to Earth after 存在 flung into space by 大規模な 爆発s or 衝撃s.

Surface of mars

Scientists compared Martian meteorites that have 衝突,墜落d の上に the Earth and data from 激しく揺するs on 火星

The new 研究, published in the 定期刊行物 Nature, has 関わりあい/含蓄s for the 可能性 of past life on 火星.

On 早期に Earth, the atmosphere was 徐々に filled with 解放する/自由な oxygen by 光合成ing microbes. Scientists call this the 広大な/多数の/重要な Oxygenation Event (GOE).

The link between o xygen and life on 火星 is いっそう少なく 確かな .

Oxygen could have been produced biologically, or by a 化学反応 in the atmosphere.

Lead scientist Professor Bernard 支持を得ようと努めるd, from Oxford University, said: 'The 関わりあい/含蓄 is that 火星 had an oxygen-rich atmosphere at a time, about 4,000 million years ago, 井戸/弁護士席 before the rise of atmospheric oxygen on Earth around 2,500 million years ago.

'As oxidation is what gives 火星 its 独特の colour, it is likely that the 'red 惑星' was wet, warm and rusty billions of years before Earth's atmosphere became oxygen rich.'

In May, scientists 明らかにする/漏らすd that they had recently discovered pebbles on 火星, showing that a stream has flowed on the 惑星 - and giving more 負わせる to the theory that it was once able to support life.


On 早期に Earth, the atmosphere was 徐々に filled with 解放する/自由な oxygen by 光合成ing microbes in a 過程 called the 広大な/多数の/重要な Oxygenation Event (GOE).

The 一連の会議、交渉/完成するd pebbles were 設立する by the team from Nasa's Curiosity rover 使節団 and published in 定期刊行物 Science. Pebbles are only formed when they are carried through water over long distances, によれば 研究員s.

It is the first time that 証拠 of 支えるd water flows on 火星 has been 暴露するd.

The 発見 of pebbles (機の)カム just before an 告示 eight days ago that powerful 証拠 that water good enough to drink had been 設立する by 適切な時期, one of Nasa’s 高齢化 rover 乗り物s.

証拠 of water of 火星 has been 示すd by a succession of 発見s on 火星 but until now they have all 示唆するd flows of sulphuric 酸性の. This is the first time water has been 設立する in a form that is likely to be drinkable.

The 発見 上げるs the chances that one of life’s most important building 封鎖するs was once 現在の? on the 惑星, and might even still be there.


開始する,打ち上げるd: 7 July 2003
Landed on 火星: 25 January 2004
Planned 使節団 length: 90 days
Actual 使節団 length: Nine years and counting
Status: Active
What has it 設立する?

The first 証拠 of drinkable or 中立の water was discovered on 火星 by 適切な時期 in June 2013.

Previous 仮定/引き受けることs had been that all liquid on 火星 was sulphuric 酸性の. The presence of water means that 火星 is 有能な of supporting some 肉親,親類d of life-form.


開始する,打ち上げるd: 26 November 2011
Landed on 火星: 6 August 2012
Planned 使節団 length: Two years
Actual 使節団 length: 不明確な/無期限の
Status: Active
What has it 設立する?

Curiosity streamed the first ever live ビデオ from the surface of 火星. And in May, Curiousity 暴露するd pebbles on the 惑星's surface, showing for the first time ever that a stream or a 支えるd water flow? 住むd the 惑星 の近くに to two billion years ago. As 一連の会議、交渉/完成するd pebbles are only formed after 存在 carried through water over long distances, the 証拠 of flowing water is indisputable.

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