Apple 使用者s beware! Developers are giving away the 'most sophisticated Mac spyware ever' that could 許す hackers to 引き継ぎ/買収 装置s and 需要・要求する cash 身代金s

  • Computer 安全 研究員s at two separate companies made the 発見?
  • MacSpy 許すs 使用者s to 監視する systems and steal 極度の慎重さを要する (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状)?
  • MacRansom 持つ/拘留するs a system's data 人質 until a 身代金 is paid in Bitcoins?
  • They are 現在/一般に 存在 given away for 解放する/自由な by their creators on the dark web

Mac 使用者s are 存在 警告するd to be vigilant after two separate pieces of malware have 現れるd from the dark web.

The 道具s have been 特に developed to 許す would-be hackers to 引き継ぎ/買収 Apple's desktop and laptop machines, and even 身代金 their data.

They are 現在/一般に 存在 given away for 解放する/自由な by their creators, who are believed to be professional ソフトウェア engineers.

Scroll 負かす/撃墜する for ビデオ?

MacSpy (pictured) allows users to monitor an infected system, capture passwords and other sensitive details through the use of key stroke logging, screenshots and clipboard contents

MacSpy (pictured) 許すs 使用者s to 監視する an 感染させるd system, 逮捕(する) passwords and other 極度の慎重さを要する 詳細(に述べる)s through the use of 重要な 一打/打撃 logging, screenshots and clipboard contents


Computer 安全 研究員s from?外国人 丸天井 and?Fortinet have discovered two pieces of malware,?MacSpy and?MacRansom, which 的 Apple Mac systems.

MacSpy 許すs 使用者s to 監視する an 感染させるd system,?逮捕(する) passwords and other 極度の慎重さを要する 詳細(に述べる)s through the use of 重要な 一打/打撃 logging, screenshots and clipboard contents.

MacRansom 作品 in a 類似の manner to the WannaCry ソフトウェア that 疫病/悩ますd computer systems around the world, 含むing the NHS, last month.

It encrypts the contents of a 使用者's computer and 脅すs to 削除する all of the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) it 含む/封じ込めるs, unless a 身代金 of 0.25 Bitcoins, around £530 ($684), is paid.


MacSpy, which 述べるs itself as 'the most sophisticated Mac spyware ever', 許すs 使用者s to 逮捕(する) passwords and other 極度の慎重さを要する 詳細(に述べる)s through the use of 重要な 一打/打撃 logging and retrieving clipboard contents.

It can also 逮捕(する) recordings through the system's microphone and screenshots of desktop activity.?

It 約束s to be untraceable once 任命する/導入するd, by using the encrypted Tor 網状組織 to mask communications, 同様に as 存在 undetectable by 現在の anti-ウイルス ソフトウェア.

Computer 安全 会社/堅い 外国人 丸天井 first raised the alarm about the malicious code in a blog 地位,任命する on their website.

The second piece of malware, MacRansom, 作品 in a 類似の manner to the WannaCry ソフトウェア that 疫病/悩ますd computer systems around the world, 含むing the NHS, last month.

It encrypts the contents of a 使用者's computer and 脅すs to 削除する all of the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) it 含む/封じ込めるs, unless a 身代金 of 0.25 Bitcoins, around £530 ($684), is paid.?

A separate team of 研究員s at Fortinet?publicised the ソフトウェア, which is 利用できる 経由で the same dark web 場所/位置 as MacSpy.?

Most malware 的s Windows as they account for over 90 per cent of personal computers.

But as the 人気 of Apple's 装置s grows, more and more malware is likely to be produced to 偉業/利用する 安全 穴を開けるs in the Mac operating system.

Computer security researchers have discovered two pieces of malware which target Apple Mac systems. They are being given away ready-made on the dark web, meaning wannabe criminals need very little technical expertise to use them (stock image)

Computer 安全 研究員s have discovered two pieces of malware which 的 Apple Mac systems. They are 存在 given away ready-made on the dark web, meaning wannabe 犯罪のs need very little technical 専門的知識 to use them (在庫/株 image)

These two particular pieces of ソフトウェア are いっそう少なく sophisticated than much of the malware that goes after Windows systems.

But they are 存在 given away ready-made, meaning that wannabe 犯罪のs need very little technical 専門的知識 to use them.

令状ing on Fortinet, 安全 exper ts Rommel Joven and Wayne Chin Yick Low said: 'Many Mac OS 使用者s might assume that their computer is 免除された from things like ransomware attacks and think that their system is somehow essentially "安全な・保証する."

MacRansom (pictured) works in a similar manner to the WannaCry software that plagued computer systems around the world, including the NHS, last month

MacRansom (pictured) 作品 in a 類似の manner to the WannaCry ソフトウェア that 疫病/悩ますd computer systems around the world, 含むing the NHS, last month

'It is true that it's いっそう少なく likely for a Mac OS 使用者 to be attacked or 感染させるd by malware than a Windows 使用者, but this has nothing to do with the level of vulnerability in the operating system.

'It is not every day that we see new ransomware 特に 的ing Mac OS 壇・綱領・公約.?

'Even if it is far inferior from most 現在の ransomware 的ing Windows, it doesn't fail to encrypt 犠牲者's とじ込み/提出するs or 妨げる 接近 to important とじ込み/提出するs, その為に 原因(となる)ing real 損失.'


支援する in May,?a 大規模な ransomware ウイルス attack spread to the computer systems of hundreds of 私的な companies and public organisations across the globe.

The ソフトウェア locks computers and asks for a 数字表示式の 身代金 before 支配(する)/統制する is 安全に returned.

The hackers were asking for 支払い(額)s of around £230 ($300) in Bitcoin.?

Ransomware attacks are not new, but the 速度(を上げる) of the 最近の hackings has alarmed 安全 専門家s.

Back in May, a massive ransomware virus attack spread to the computer systems of hundreds of private companies and public organisations across the globe. The software locks computers and asks for a digital ransom before control is safely returned

支援する in May, a 大規模な ransomware ウイルス attack spread to the computer systems of hundreds of 私的な companies and public organisations across the glo be. The ソフトウェア locks computers and asks for a 数字表示式の 身代金 before 支配(する)/統制する is 安全に returned

In a few hours, the malware 感染させるd 犠牲者s in at least 74 countries, 含むing Russia, Turkey, Germany, Vietnam, and the Philippines and was thought to be spreading at a 率 of five million emails per hour.??

The 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセス was carried out as hospitals and doctors' 外科s in England were 軍隊d to turn away 患者s and 取り消す 任命s after the attack 手足を不自由にする/(物事を)損なうd the NHS.

Although cyber ゆすり,強要 事例/患者s have been rising for several years, they have to date 的d small- and 中央の-sized organisations.

But an attack on such a large 規模 has never been seen before.?

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