Lyft 従業員s 'brag' about 接近ing 使用者s' 私的な data, 含むing porn 星/主役にするs, actresses, and 示す Zuckerberg - and have used the app to SPY on their exes, shocking 報告(する)/憶測 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs

  • 漏れるd 文書s show 従業員 complained that 顧客 data was 乱用d
  • 従業員s looked at trip data from 示す Zuckerberg, porn 星/主役にするs, ex-girlfriends
  • Lyft is 調査/捜査するing the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs, though it hasn't received any 公式の/役人 (民事の)告訴s
  • 匿名の/不明の (民事の)告訴 said the 秘かに調査するing had 'gone 不変の for far too long'

It looks like Uber isn't the only ride-あられ/賞賛するing startup that's susceptible to スキャンダル.

Lyft is 調査/捜査するing an 匿名の/不明の (民事の)告訴 that its 従業員s were 秘かに調査するing on 顧客's 私的な trip data.?

The (人命などを)奪う,主張する, which was 報告(する)/憶測d Thursday by an 匿名の/不明の tipster on workplace app Blind, 申し立てられた/疑わしい that 従業員s were able to 跡をつける rides and look up 接触する (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) for 明確な/細部 people, (許可,名誉などを)与えるing to The (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).?

The tipster said 従業員s would 絶えず brag about 跡をつけるing Facebook 長,指導者 示す Zuckerberg's activity on the Lyft app.?

They'd also look up trip data for ex-girlfriends, porn 星/主役にするs and high-profile actresses, often without any consequences.

Lyft confirmed that it's investigating claims that employees abused customer trip data, specifically for Mark Zuckerberg, porn stars, ex-girlfriends and high-profile actresses

Lyft 確認するd that it's 調査/捜査するing (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that 従業員s 乱用d 顧客 trip data, 特に for 示す Zuckerberg, porn 星/主役にするs, ex-girlfriends and high-profile actresses

'I've heard at least one 従業員 brag about having Zuck's phone number from using our data,' the 匿名の/不明の (民事の)告訴 said, referring to 示す Zuckerberg.?

'Another 従業員 has bragged about collecting the info of Hollywood actresses and porn 星/主役にするs,' the person said.?

使用者s can only 地位,任命する 不明な on the Blind 雑談(する) app, so there's no way to すぐに 立証する the author's 身元 or whether the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs were authentic.

Still, Lyft 確認するd that it ーするつもりであるs to look into the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.

'持続するing the 信用 of 乗客s and drivers is 根底となる to Lyft,' a Lyft spokesperson told The (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).?

 a screenshot of the complaint filed by a tipster on Blind, an anonymous workplace chat app. The report alleges that staff had unfettered access to user data

Pictured, a screenshot of the (民事の)告訴 とじ込み/提出するd by a tipster on Blind, an 匿名の/不明の workplace 雑談(する) app. The 報告(する)/憶測 主張するs that staff had unfettered 接近 to 使用者 data

'The 明確な/細部 主張s in this 地位,任命する would be a 違反 of Lyft's 政策s and a 原因(となる) for termination, and have not been raised with our 合法的な or (n)役員/(a)執行力のある teams.

'We are 行為/行うing an 調査 into the 事柄,' the 会社/堅い 追加するd.??

An 匿名の/不明の source that used to work with Lyft told?TechCrunch that the Blind 地位,任命する mirrored his or her experiences with the company.?

The source said スタッフの一員s had nearly 制限のない 接近 to Lyft's backend data, 含むing feedback and 選ぶ up and 減少(する) off 調整するs.?

'Hell yes. I definitely looked at my friends' rider history and looked at what drivers said about them,' the source told TechCrunch.

'I never got in trouble,' they 追加するd.??

Lyft isn't the first ride-株ing 会社/堅い to come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 over 関心s of 接近 to 私的な 顧客 data.?

Uber has struggled to clean up its image の中で 消費者s after its 'God 見解(をとる)' 道具 was discovered in 2014.?

'God 見解(をとる)' would 許す スタッフの一員s to 見解(をとる) the 場所 of Uber 乗り物s and 顧客s who had requested a car.?

Some スタッフの一員s 乱用d the 道具 by 跡をつけるing the 場所 of 政治家,政治屋s, actresses, ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends.????


Lyft is the 最新の ride-株ing app to 直面する 激しい scrutiny surrounding 乱用 of 顧客 data?

A (民事の)告訴 was とじ込み/提出するd on an 匿名の/不明の workplace 雑談(する) app, Blind, that 申し立てられた/疑わしい スタッフの一員s are 秘かに調査するing on 顧客 data

Both Uber and Lyft have been called into question over whether their staffers spy on customer information like trip data

Both Uber and Lyft have been called into question over whether their スタッフの一員s 秘かに調査する on 顧客 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) like trip data

The 従業員s may have been looking at trip (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) for 示す Zuckerberg, ex-girlfriends, porn 星/主役にするs and high-profile actresses?

In the 地位,任命する, the 匿名の/不明の tipster said they've 証言,証人/目撃するd スタッフの一員s 秘かに調査するing on 顧客 data 'for far too long'

'I can't stand to watch this any longer and this 地位,任命する is made in the hope that this will shame people into taking corrective 活動/戦闘,' the 地位,任命する said?

Lyft said it will 調査/捜査する the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs as it looks to 保存する 消費者 信用

競争相手 ride-あられ/賞賛するing 会社/堅い Uber has also come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 for surveilling 使用者 data

In 2014, it was discovered that Uber used a 隠しだてする 道具 called 'God 見解(をとる)'?

'God 見解(をとる)' would let 従業員s 秘かに調査する on 顧客 data from 政治家,政治屋s, ex-girlfriends and celebrities

Uber must now 従う with privacy audits for the next 19 years

Pictured, a screenshot of Uber's 'God view' tool that it used to spy on drivers and riders. A 2014 report alleged that the company used it to look at trip data from politicians, exes and actresses

Pictured, a screenshot of Uber's 'God 見解(をとる)' 道具 that it used to 秘かに調査する on drivers and riders. A 2014 報告(する)/憶測 申し立てられた/疑わしい that the company used it to look at trip data from 政治家,政治屋s, exes and actresses


The New York 司法長官's office ended up 調査/捜査するing Uber's use of 'God 見解(をとる)' and 結局 settled with the company.?

Uber must now 従う with privacy audits for the next 19 years.?

The 戦闘の準備を整えた ride-あられ/賞賛するing 会社/堅い has also been 回復するing from a string of other 論争s throughout the past few years.?

Former CEO Travis Kalanick was 軍隊d to 辞職する from Uber after an 広範囲にわたる 調査 結論するd that 性の いやがらせ was はびこる at the company, in 新規加入 to other 問題/発行するs.

Up until this 匿名の/不明の (民事の)告訴, Lyft has 大部分は been able to 避ける any major 論争s.?????

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