Leigh Griffiths takes pop at 'mad' 特別奇襲隊員s chairman Dave King by 説 gap between the Ibrox club and Celtic couldn't be any wider

  • Leigh Griffiths has 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at Dave King who believes Celtic aren't far ahead?
  • Brendan Rodgers' men finished 39 points ahead of 特別奇襲隊員s last season?
  • 'How much その上の away does he want us to be?' Griffiths said?

Leigh Griffiths has spectacularly 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at Dave King ? telling the 特別奇襲隊員s chairman he was 'mad' to 示唆する Celtic should be その上の ahead of the Ibrox club at this juncture.

にもかかわらず seeing Brendan Rodgers' men finish 39 points ahead of his 味方する on 大勝する to an undefeated Treble, King this week (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the Parkhead outfit hadn't made the most of his club's four years in the 'wilderness'.

But, speaking on the day Celtic 確認するd they would not be taking tickets for the 見込みのある 支持する/優勝者s League qualifier with Linfield in Belfast on July 14, Griffiths pointedly reminded King of the 湾 that separated the clubs last season ? and advised him to get his own house in order before worrying about anyone else.

Leigh Griffiths holds aloft the Scottish Premiership trophy at Celtic Park in May

Leigh Griffiths 持つ/拘留するs aloft the Scottish 首相の職 トロフィー at Celtic Park in May

'How much その上の away does he want us to be?' Griffiths said.

'Thirty nine points, two 5-1 gubbings - one at home and one away - beaten in a 半分-final of a Cup. Can you ask for a bigger 湾 than that?

'They finished third and were touted at the start of the season to 勝利,勝つ the league.

'Last season they had Joey Barton 説 he was going to be the best player in the league and he lasted a few months. Then he 消えるd 支援する 負かす/撃墜する the road.

'We just carried out our 商売/仕事 professionally and respectfully and at the end of the season we 得るd the rewards with a 国内の Treble and remaining unbeaten.

Rangers chairman Dave King has suggested Celtic aren't very far away from Rangers

特別奇襲隊員s chairman Dave King has 示唆するd Celtic aren't very far away from 特別奇襲隊員s

'If he thinks we should be その上の ahead then he's mad.'

Asked if King should be more 関心d with 演説(する)/住所ing his own team's shortcomings, Griffiths 追加するd: 'Instead of talking about us he should be concentrating on them.

'He's got a new 経営者/支配人 and he has his own mindset that he wants to bring in players and the chairman should be 焦点(を合わせる)ing on that rather than us. 焦点(を合わせる)ing on 橋(渡しをする)ing the gap between us and them.'

一方/合間, on Friday Celtic 確認するd they would not be taking up their 配分 of tickets for the likely trip to play Linfield in Belfast next month.

The Northern Irish 支持する/優勝者s will 直面する Rodgers' men ― if they first see off La Fiorita of San Marino.

With the 見込みのある game scheduled to take place in the same week as the 伝統的な Orange Order parades on July 12, the match has been an organisational 頭痛 for all parties who 結局 agreed a date of Friday, July 14.

Celtic were in line to receive up to 6,000 out of 18,000 tickets but on Friday 輪郭(を描く)d the 推論する/理由s why they have 選ぶd to turn the 配分 負かす/撃墜する.

A 声明 on the club website read: 'Earlier this week, Celtic were drawn against Linfield or La Fiorita of San Marino to open our UEFA 支持する/優勝者s League qualifying (選挙などの)運動をする, with the away 脚 予定 to be played first, on 11 or 12 July, and the home 脚 to be played at Celtic Park on 18 or 19 July.

'に引き続いて 安全 関心s raised by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), Celtic has taken part in discussions with Linfield and the PSNI over 最近の days.

'While there can be an 選択 to 逆転する the fixtures if both clubs agree, during discussions, Linfield made it (疑いを)晴らす they did not wish to 逆転する the tie and they 手配中の,お尋ね者 play their home 脚 first.

'In 新規加入, as is often the 事例/患者 in football, Celtic's football 管理/経営 team wished to play our away 脚 first so that we could 利益 from the advantage of playing the second 脚 at home in 前線 of our 支持者s at Celtic Park for this 決定的な European tie.

'に引き続いて the discussions, it was agreed の中で the clubs and PSNI and has now been 確認するd with UEFA that, should Linfield 進歩 to the second qualifying 一連の会議、交渉/完成する, Celtic's UEFA 支持する/優勝者s League match against Linfield will take place at Windsor Park on Friday, July 14, with a 5pm kick-off.

'No tickets will be 利用できる for Celtic 支持者s for the match. The safety and 安全 of all Celtic 支持者s travelling and …に出席するing matches is of 最高位の importance to the club.

'Should La Fiorita of San Marino qualify for the next 一連の会議、交渉/完成する, the first 脚 match would take place on 11 or 12 July.

'関わりなく 対立, Celtic's home 脚 of this qualifying 一連の会議、交渉/完成する will take place at Celtic Park on Wednesday, July 19, 2017, and 入ること/参加(者) to this first home European qualifier will once again be 含むd as part of the 2017/18 Season Ticket.

'If the tie against Linfield proceeds, it will not 影響する/感情 the friendly match between Celtic and Lyon at Celtic Park on 15 July ? more (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) on this match will follow as soon as possible.'?

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