'I'm on antidepressants, I can't 適用する for a mortgage, yet I start for むちの跡s every week': 過密な住居 Gatland's Six Nations 星/主役にするs 明らかにする/漏らす their 悲惨な position as they consider STRIKING, leaving crunch 衝突/不一致 with England in serious 疑問

  • WRU and the country’s four 地域s have been unable to agree 予算上の 取引,協定
  • Players 直面する uncertain 未来s as they approach the end of their 契約s
  • Professional players in むちの跡s to 持つ/拘留する a crunch 会合 in the next week

むちの跡s players are considering the prospect of 前例のない strike 活動/戦闘 ahead of next 週末’s crunch 衝突/不一致 with England as contractual 大混乱 (海,煙などが)飲み込むs the country’s 国家の game.

Sportsmail can 明らかにする/漏らす the extent of the 最新の 危機 直面するing Welsh rugby ? one which as things stands, has left the Six Nations game with their biggest 競争相手s in 疑問.

In the next week, all professional players in むちの跡s ? 含むing those in 国家の 長,率いる coach 過密な住居 Gatland’s squad ? will 持つ/拘留する a crunch 会合 where a possible strike will be discussed.

This season, the Welsh Rugby Union and the country’s four 地域s have been locked in 会談 over a new 予算上の 取引,協定 for 近づいている (選挙などの)運動をするs, but no 公式の/役人 協定 has yet been 調印するd.

It has meant that 抱擁する numbers of players have not been able to put pen to paper on new 契約s, leaving their 未来s uncertain during the Six Nations and with the World Cup on the horizon.

Wales coach Warren Gatland faces more turmoil with his players embroiled in contract dispute

むちの跡s coach 過密な住居 Gatland 直面するs more 騒動 with his players embroiled in 契約 論争

The 衝撃 of that 不確定 has been 抱擁する, with one むちの跡s player turning to antidepressants and another having a mortgage 申し込む/申し出 turned 負かす/撃墜する because he is soon to be out of 契約.

‘I can’t believe I’m five months away from the end of my 契約 and eight months away from the World Cup and my 未来 isn’t 確かな yet,’ a むちの跡s Six Nations squad member, who has featured in both his team’s games in 2023 so far, told Sportsmail.?

‘I can’t 適用する for a mortgage and I’m on antidepressants. I’m also one big 傷害 away from not having a 職業 in July yet I’m starting for むちの跡s every week and the WRU is making tens of millions from international matches.’

On Tuesday, Cardiff and むちの跡s centre Uilisi Halaholo 地位,任命するd on Twitter: ‘Must be nice knowing you can still 供給する for your kids in about four months.

‘特に when you get 負傷させるd putting your 団体/死体 on the line for your club. Now you got いっそう少なく chance of trying to get a 契約 somewhere to 供給する for your family because of 傷害. Mental health is real. Stay strong.’

A 目だつ 人物/姿/数字 in the Welsh 地域の game said: ‘The 不確定 of not knowing if they have a 職業 for next season is having a 抱擁する 衝撃 on all the players in むちの跡s, not just the 国家の squad.

‘They have had enough. Everything is on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する, 含むing possible strike 活動/戦闘.

‘I’ve never known it this bad. The WRU say they want to keep the country’s best players in むちの跡s but they can’t under the 予算s that are 存在 discussed.’

Welsh rugby is no stranger to off-field 大混乱, but this season the WRU has had to を取り引きする a string of 主張 s about a 有毒な culture of sexism at the 治める/統治するing 団体/死体.

Sportsmail was the first to 明らかにする/漏らす the 主張s made by former WRU 従業員 Charlotte Wathan and her (人命などを)奪う,主張するs 激しく揺するd the game. Last month, former WRU 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある Steve Phillips 辞職するd over the 問題/発行する. The WRU has been working with the 地域s on a new 財政上の 一括 for the 未来, but with Nigel Walker now 暫定的な CEO, there is still 抱擁する 不確定 at the 最高の,を越す of the Welsh game.

No 協定 on 予算s is 切迫した. The likely result is a 集まり exodus of players.

‘I’ve got a 契約 next year but I’ve had enough. I want to get out now,’ a むちの跡s squad member said. ‘I’ve never seen it this bad. All the 不確定 isn’t 価値(がある) it just to play for むちの跡s.’

Another 追加するd: ‘I’m just glad I’m retiring in a few years. It’s a shambles ? the lunatics are running the 亡命.’

A Welsh 実験(する) player now based in England said: ‘I never want to come 支援する and play in むちの跡s. I’ve learnt so much where I am. I’m valued and I’m really enjoying my rugby. I feel so sorry for the boys in the むちの跡s (軍の)野営地,陣営. They are 絶えず 強調する/ストレスd discussing the 契約ing problem.

‘The WRU has 血 on its 手渡すs if any of the boys get 負傷させるd. They are 説 the 地域s are too 脅すd to say anything as the WRU might stop their 支払い(額)s and 引き裂く this 取引,協定 up.

‘It’s the worst they’ve ever known it.’

Sportsmail has learned that as part of 現在進行中の discussions, all players in むちの跡s are 存在 申し込む/申し出d 直す/買収する,八百長をするd variable 契約s which would 伴う/関わる a basic 年次の 支払い(額) and be topped up with 特別手当s. Under the 提案s, players would be banded into five tiers with the 大多数 収入 sums of between £30,000 and £100,000-a-year.

All professional players in Wales will hold a crunch meeting in the next few days

All professional players in むちの跡s will 持つ/拘留する a crunch 会合 in the next few days

The highest basic salary a player can earn would be £278,000. 特別手当s and international 外見 料金s would be on 最高の,を越す, but that is still far いっそう少なく than the circa £400,000-a-year 取引,協定s 現在/一般に enjoyed by むちの跡s’ 最高の,を越す players and is dwarfed by the money on 申し込む/申し出 in フラン and Japan and to a lesser extent, England.

It is understood that むちの跡s’ players were only made aware of the 直す/買収する,八百長をするd variable 契約 提案s on January 23 and on the eve of their Six Nations opener with Ireland. The Welsh Rugby Players’ 協会 explained the 提案 to 地域の players last week.

While it would be 平易な to make the cheap joke that むちの跡s’ 星/主役にするs have looked like they’ve been on strike for two weeks already after 苦しむing Six Nations hammerings by Ireland and Scotland, the 状況/情勢 is no laughing 事柄. The emotional (死傷者)数 contractual 不確定 has had on the players in Welsh rugby is very real and cannot be underestimated.

Sportsmail understands the 状況/情勢 has been the talk of むちの跡s’ Six Nations (軍の)野営地,陣営 and has become a 重要な distraction.

It is also important to 公式文書,認める the 状況/情勢 doesn’t just 影響する/感情 Gatland’s squad, but every player in the country and those hardest 攻撃する,衝突する won’t be the country’s エリート.

‘The middle-of-the-road guys are f*****,’ a source said. ‘The game can’t afford them.’

A 地域の player, who is yet to play international rugby, said: ‘I’ve never felt so 強調する/ストレスd in my life.

‘My wife is really worried and so are my parents. I play for my 地域 most weeks but I may have to sell my house and downsize. All the boys feel the same.

‘We are in 完全にする limbo and don’t know if we will have 職業s in July.’

We were also 知らせるd by one teary-注目する,もくろむd player that he has had to put his house up for sale and move 支援する in with his parents because he can no longer afford the 支払い(額)s on his 所有物/資産/財産.


£20million: The 量 貸付金d by the WRU from the Welsh 政府 and given to the four 地域s to 生き残る the Covid-19 pandemic.

£5m: The 量 each 地域 has to 返す, with an 利益/興味 率 of 10 per cent per 年.

£200,000 - £400,000: The 最高の,を越す salaries 現在/一般に 存在 earned by むちの跡s’ 最高の,を越す 実験(する) 星/主役にするs.

£700,000 - £1m: The 最高の,を越す salaries 現在/一般に 存在 earned by England and フラン’s best players.

£278,000: The 最高の,を越す basic salary able to be earned by a Welsh-based 実験(する) player under new 提案s.

£30,000 - £100,000: The sums likely to be earned by Welsh 地域の players moving 今後 .

£4.5m: The rough 年次の playing 予算s for each 地域 in the 未来.


The 現在の 財政上の 苦境 of Welsh rugby can be 時代遅れの 支援する to the pandemic, when the WRU took a £20million 貸付金 from the Welsh 政府. The money was 手渡すd out to the 地域s and without it, they would not have 生き残るd. But each of Dragons, Cardiff, Ospreys and Scarlets have to 返す their £5m 株 over 20 years with an 年次の 利益/興味 of 10 per cent.

Moving 今後s, it looks likely each 地域 will be operating on an 年次の playing 予算 of circa £4.5m. The result will be smaller playing squads and 給料 and a likely 無(不)能 to compete with Europe’s best 味方するs, which is already the 現在の status quo.

With Welsh 地域の 上級の squad numbers likely to 減少(する) to the 中央の-thirties from in the 地域 of 50 現在/一般に and 直す/買収する,八百長をするd variable 契約 最高の,を越す-ups 始める,決める to 含む 勝利,勝つ and 外見 料金 特別手当s, there are 重要な player 福利事業 関心s about the new 提案s.

‘The squads are going to be so small. We are really worried about 福利事業 and also players playing when they are 負傷させるd to try and 確実にする they get paid,’ a 地域の player said. ‘We’re struggling to 勝利,勝つ games now let alone when the 予算s are 減ずるd by another 30 per cent.

‘At any point you 普通は have 10 or so players out 負傷させるd so it means 学院 players will have to be thrown in when they might not be ready and international players will have to return sooner than they would 普通は.’

Another said: ‘I’m 存在 asked to play international rugby and (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 world-class teams but at the same time I’m one 傷害 away from not 存在 able to 支払う/賃金 my 法案s in July.

‘If there’s no money then the people at the 最高の,を越す need to take 削減(する)s 同様に. Why is it always the players that are 攻撃する,衝突する?’

むちの跡s’ best players have already been 的d by richer clubs abroad as unc ertainty 統治するs. Josh Adams has admirers at Lyon, while Liam Williams is of 利益/興味 to Japanese teams.

重要な numbers of Gatland’s 現在の squad, 同様に as those at the 地域s, are out of 契約 and it is understood Leigh Halfpenny and Rhys Patchell are 始める,決める to move on from the Scarlets because they can’t afford them. 負傷させるd lock Will Rowlands has already やめる Welsh rugby for a lucrative move to Racing 92.

The 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) goes on and on.

The WRU’s 議論の的になる 60 cap 支配する means that only players with that number of 外見s or more can play 国内の rugby outside of むちの跡s and also 代表する Gatland’s 国家の 味方する.

There is a growing feeling の中で Welsh-based players that 支配する will have to be 廃止するd given the 欠如(する) of 選択s 利用できる to them in their 母国.

A 減ずるd salary cap in England and tight 支配するs on the number of 非,不,無-French players in the TOP14 mean a move abroad isn’t as 平易な now as it once was. But large 列s of Welsh-based players are unsurprisingly still looking at moves どこかよそで with no 固める/コンクリート 申し込む/申し出s on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する at home.

Sportsmail has also learned that under new 協定 提案s, a 地域 can be 罰金d by the WRU if they let someone who is in Gatland’s 36-man player of 国家の 利益/興味 group move on. The WRU will now come under 増加するing 圧力 to 解決する the player 不確定.

Earlier this month, Malcom 塀で囲む ? chairman of Welsh rugby’s professional rugby board ? 確認するd there had been 言葉の 協定 over a new six-year 予算 取引,協定.

‘調印 the 長,率いるs of 条件 協定 has enabled our professional 味方するs to begin 契約 交渉s with players on a 条件付きの basis,’ 塀で囲む said.

‘Whilst 延期するs in reaching 協定 have been 残念な it has been vitally impor tant to get the 詳細(に述べる) 権利 in the best 利益/興味s of the whole game in むちの跡s.’

Welsh-based players are indeed able to discuss 可能性のある 取引,協定s with their 地域s as things stand, but it is 現在/一般に impossible for the parties to 公式に agree a 契約 and put pen to paper.

The 可能性 of the players striking and the England game 存在 put in 疑問 would be 考えられない for the WRU given the millions of 歳入 they 生成する by 持つ/拘留するing a match at Principality Stadium.

Chairman Ieuan Evans held talks with WRPA chief executive Gareth Lewis last week

Chairman Ieuan Evans held 会談 with WRPA 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある Gareth 吊りくさび last week

Chairman Ieuan Evans last week met with WRPA 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある Gareth 吊りくさび to discuss a possible 協定, but 非,不,無 has arrived as yet. There has been a 重要な kickback against the 直す/買収する,八百長をするd variable 契約s 提案 from the players, who have seen their value 減ずるd 意味ありげに.

It looks ありそうもない a 決意/決議 will be reached this month.

‘Even if they keep the 60 cap 支配する, I would leave tomorrow if they would let me. They need to get rid of that 支配する now,’ said one player. ‘The WRU had a turnover of £94.3m in 2022. Why can’t they 減ずる the cost base by 10 per cent and 基金 the 地域s adequately for the 未来?

‘They need to prioritise where they spend their money or there will be no game.’