Instagram owners Facebook have not taken any 活動/戦闘 against 31 accounts that sent 人種差別主義者 乱用 含むing monkey emojis to 吊りくさび Hamilton after his British Grand Prix 勝利,勝つ

  • 吊りくさび Hamilton received 人種差別主義者 乱用 online after winning British Grand Prix in 議論の的になる circumstances
  • Hamilton was 伴う/関わるd in a 衝突,墜落 with Max Verstappen in the first (競技場の)トラック一周 on Sunday, sending 競争相手 off the 跡をつける
  • After taking victory, British Mercedes driver was sent messages that 含むd gorilla and monkey emojis?
  • Hamilton has been a 支持する of racial equality and 増加するd 多様制, 含むing support for BLM movement
  • F1, FIA and Mercedes 非難するd?the 乱用 and 勧める social マスコミ companies to stamp out 乱用 at source
  • Facebook, which owns Instagram, 主張するs it filters comments but 'no 選び出す/独身 thing will 直す/買収する,八百長をする challenge 夜通し'?


Facebook, who are the owners of Instagram, have come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 after taking no 活動/戦闘 against 得点する/非難する/20s of accounts who 人種上 乱用d 吊りくさび Hamilton after his British Grand Prix 勝利,勝つ.

The 中心 for 反対するing 数字表示式の Hate had 跡をつけるd 31 accounts which had 乱用d the driver and 報告(する)/憶測ing them to the social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約.?

Hamilton?was 砲撃するd with monkey emojis and called a gorilla?after?winning the race in 議論の的になる fashion yesterday.

Mercedes has hinted that police should 調査/捜査する some of the vile 中傷するs 目的(とする)d at their 星/主役にする driver and called on social マスコミ companies to do more to stop 人種差別主義者 地位,任命するs before they go online - and の近くに the accounts of the 犯人s.

But the 中心 for 反対するing 数字表示式の Hate 明らかにする/漏らすd the 31 accounts it identified which had 乱用d Hamilton were still live.

Imran Ahmed, CEO of the CCDH said: 'It is beyond belief, after all the 約束s made in the last week by social マスコミ companies, that Instagram has failed to take any 活動/戦闘 against its 使用者s who have now 人種上 乱用d 吊りくさび Hamilton.

'By failing to 行為/法令/行動する on 人種差別主義 に向かって England players last week, Instagram have created a culture of impunity for 人種差別主義者s. 'It has 公然と 約束d to 問題/発行する (a)自動的な/(n)自動拳銃 lifetime 禁止(する)s when it has (疑いを)晴らす, irrefutable 証拠 of serious racial 憎悪.

'But from its 失敗 to identify monkey emojis as 人種差別主義者, to its flat-out 拒絶 to 問題/発行する lifetime 禁止(する)s to 人種差別主義者s, Instagram―and its parent company Facebook―have chosen to s ide with 人種差別主義者s over the 犠牲者s of racial 憎悪.?

'The values and 商売/仕事 model that underpin this powerful 産業 are broken beyond 修理. It's time for the 政府 to pass serious 法律制定 which will 軍隊 Big Tech to keep their 約束s and finally clean up their 壇・綱領・公約s.'?

Seven-time world 支持する/優勝者 Hamilton, 36, was 伴う/関わるd in a 衝突,墜落 that saw 選手権 leader and 競争相手 Max Verstappen plough his Red Bull into a 塀で囲む and out of the race at Silverstone.

Hamilton, who is a 声の 支持者 of the BLM movement is 主要な a (選挙などの)運動をする for more racing drivers from 黒人/ボイコット and 民族の 少数,小数派 groups, was 攻撃する,衝突する by a 10 second 刑罰,罰則 but went on to 勝利,勝つ the race and の近くに the gap in the 肩書を与える race to just eight points.???

に引き続いて the race, Sir 吊りくさび received a slew of 人種差別主義者 乱用 含むing monkey and gorilla emojis on Instagram - the 壇・綱領・公約 of choice for 人種差別主義者s who 乱用d?Bukayo Saka, Jadon Sancho and Marcus Rashford after their 刑罰,罰則 行方不明になるs in the Euro 2020 final this month.

Today Mercedes, Hamilton's team, 解放(する)d a 共同の 声明 with 決まり文句/製法 One and the sport's 治める/統治するing 団体/死体, the FIA, 非難するing the 乱用, and piled more 圧力 on social マスコミ 巨大(な)s to take steps to filter comments, 禁止(する) 人種差別主義者s and help police punish them if necessary.

'決まり文句/製法 1, The FIA and Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 Team 非難する this behaviour in the strongest possible 条件', they said.

'These people have no place in our sport and we 勧める that those responsible should be held accountable for their 活動/戦闘s. 決まり文句/製法 1, the FIA, the drivers and the teams are working to build a more diverse and inclusive sport, and such 容認できない instances of online 乱用 must be 最高潮の場面d and 除去するd.'????

Facebook, which owns Instagram, 主張するs it is filtering comments b ut 主張するd 'no?選び出す/独身 thing will 直す/買収する,八百長をする this challenge 夜通し'.

A 広報担当者 said: 'In 新規加入 to our work to 除去する comments and accounts that 繰り返して break our 支配するs, there are safety features 利用できる, 含むing Comment Filters and Message 支配(する)/統制するs, which can mean no one has to see this type of 乱用. No 選び出す/独身 thing will 直す/買収する,八百長をする this challenge 夜通し but we're committed to the work to keep our community 安全な from 乱用.'??

Lewis Hamilton received racist abuse online following his victory at the British Grand Prix
The seven-time world champion was targeted on Instagram following his win at Silverstone

吊りくさび Hamilton received 人種差別主義者 乱用 online に引き続いて his victory at the British Grand Prix

Hamilton was abused after he was involved in a crash with Max Verstappen during the first lap, before he went on to win

Hamilton was 乱用d after he was 伴う/関わるd in a 衝突,墜落 with Max Verstappen during the first (競技場の)トラック一周, before he went on to 勝利,勝つ

Hamilton received racist messages on Instagram with one user using a gorilla emoji
Another message directed at Hamilton on Instagram included the use of monkey emojis

Hamilton received 人種差別主義者 messages on Instagram with one 使用者 using a gorilla emoji (left)

Today Formula One released a joint statement with the sport's governing body, the FIA, and Hamilton's team Mercedes-AMG Petronas condemning the abuse

Today 決まり文句/製法 One 解放(する)d a 共同の 声明 with the sport's 治める/統治するing 団体/死体, the FIA, and Hamilton's team Mercedes-AMG Petronas 非難するing the 乱用

Red Bull 長,指導者 Christian Horner ガス/煙s at 吊りくさび Hamilton for '容認できない' 運動ing that led to first-(競技場の)トラック一周 衝突,墜落 with Max Verstappen?

吊りくさび Hamilton was (刑事)被告 of 危険ing Max Verstappen's life in the 180mph 衝突/不一致 that 影を投げかけるd the Briton's victory at Silverstone on Sunday.

Verstappen, who was taken to hospital for checks, also called him 'disrespectful' and 'unsportsmanlike' after their 開始-(競技場の)トラック一周 衝突/不一致 in 前線 of 140,000 fans.

But Hamilton, 36, said he had nothing to apologise for after 削除するing the 赤字 to his Dutch 競争相手 to eight points in what is now the hottest 肩書を与える fight of the century.

?Asked if Hamilton's move at Copse corner could have killed his driver, Red Bull 長,指導者 Christian Horner said: 'Of course. His 活動/戦闘s have put in jeopardy another driver's safety and for me that is 容認できない.

'Every driver knows that a move at that corner ― one of the fastest in 決まり文句/製法 One ― is a 大規模な, 大規模な 危険.

'You don't put a wheel up the inside without there 存在 抱擁する consequences. We are lucky today that there wasn't someone 本気で 傷つける.

'What I am most angry about is the 欠如(する) of judgment, and the desperation in this move. It was never on.'


Hamilton is yet to comment on the 乱用 but last week 問題/発行するd a 地位,任命する after Marcus Rashford, Jordan Sancho and Bukayo Saka were 人種上 乱用d に引き続いて England's Euro 2020 final 敗北・負かす against Italy at Wembley.

He wrote: 'The racial 乱用 on social マスコミ に向かって our players after yesterday's game is 容認できない. This sort of ignorance has to be stopped.

'寛容 and 尊敬(する)・点 for players of colour should not be 条件付きの. Our humanity should not be 条件付きの.'

Earlier in 2021, Hamilton was the first 受取人 of the Laureus 競技者 支持する of the Year award 予定 to his 関与 in the fight against 人種差別主義.?

The 36-year-old has frequently spoken about fighting 人種差別主義 and has 押し進めるd for 増加するd 多様制 in 決まり文句/製法 One.

Last year Hamilton 攻撃する,衝突する out at the 決まり文句/製法 One community over a 欠如(する) of racial 多様制 まっただ中に the George Floyd 抗議するs.

The seven-time world 支持する/優勝者 - - the only 黒人/ボイコット driver to ever race in the 競争 - said he felt 孤立するd in trying to 戦闘 racial 差別 in a 冒険的な discipline he 述べるd as 'white 支配するd'.?

In a 地位,任命する on Instagram, he said: 'I see those of you staying silent, some of you the biggest 星/主役にするs yet you stay in the 中央 of 不正.

'Not a 調印する from anybody in my 産業 which of course is a white 支配するd sport. I'm one of the only people of colour there yet I stand alone. I would have thought by now you would see why this happens and say something about it but you can't stand と一緒に us.

'Just know I know who you are and I see you.'

Last year, Hamilton 設立するd the Hamilton (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 with the 王室の 学院 of 工学, which is 試みる/企てるing to help more young people from 黒人/ボイコット backgrounds to be 雇うd in motorsport or in other 工学 部門s.?

と一緒に his anti-人種差別主義 (選挙などの)運動をするs, Hamilton is a 井戸/弁護士席 known social 行動主義者, 支持する/優勝者ing?流行の/上流の 原因(となる)s 含むing veganism.

But he has also in the past taken 批評 from lecturing the world on green 問題/発行するs, while making millions from a gas-guzzling sport which sees teams clock up more than 100,000 空気/公表する miles each season as they jet to 跡をつけるs across the world.

In 2019 he sold his £25million candy red 私的な jet to help 減ずる his 炭素 放出/発行s.?

Hamilton is now 価値(がある) some £250million with a home in the millionaires' 飛び領土 of Monaco, where his collection of shoes alone (期間が)わたるs two rooms.

Hamilton has frequently spoken about fighting racism and has pushed for more diversity in F1

Hamilton has frequently spoken about fighting 人種差別主義 and has 押し進めるd for more 多様制 in F1

Last year, Hamilton criticised the lack of racial diversity in his own sporting discipline on Instagram

Last year, Hamilton criticised the 欠如(する) of racial 多様制 in his own 冒険的な discipline on Instagram

He grew up in a small end of terrace home in Stevenage, and began his 投機・賭ける into motorsport at the tender age of just five, when his father bought him a remote controlled car.

Hamilton began karting in 1993 and quickly began winning races and cadet class 選手権s - becoming the youngest driver to 勝利,勝つ the British cadet karting 選手権 at the age of ten.

He got his break in 決まり文句/製法 One in 2007,? partnering two-time and defending World 支持する/優勝者 Fernando Alonso at McLaren - becoming the first and so far only 黒人/ボイコット driver to race in the 競争.

He finished 走者-up of the 選手権s in his debut season, losing by a point. The に引き続いて year he won by the same 利ざや. He has since scooped six 選手権s - and is 戦う/戦いing it out with Verstappen for a seventh.??

Hamilton has often talked about his background and experience in F1 - 含むing the racial 乱用 he 苦しむd even in karting as a young boy.

Hamilton's father, who had to remortgage his house and spend all his and his second wife's 貯金 just to get his son into karting for a year, was also the 犠牲者 of 乱用.?

While Hamilton has won plenty of 賞賛する for 株ing his experience, his comments have not always 刺激するd a 肯定的な reaction.

He upset 居住(者)s in his hometown of Stevenage by 説 it had been his dream to 'get out of the slums' while collecting a BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award in 2018.

The leader of Stevenage Borough 会議 at the time said it was 'disappointing' and people felt 'very 感情を害する/違反するd'.?

He later apologised, 説: 'I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to take a second to send a message to people 支援する in the UK, but also to people in Stevenage where I grew up.?

'It's somewhere I'm incredibly proud of coming from and still love to this day.'?

吊りくさび Hamilton 公約するs to continue to race 'hard but 公正に/かなり' after 競争相手 Max Verstappen (刑事)被告 him of 存在 'dangerous, disrespectful and unsportsmanlike' に引き続いて 190mph 開始 (競技場の)トラック一周 衝突,墜落 at Silverstone?

吊りくさび Hamilton said he will continue to race 'hard but 公正に/かなり' after Max Verstappen (刑事)被告 the Briton of 存在 dangerous, disrespectful and unsportsmanlike に引き続いて their 190mph 衝突/不一致 at the British Grand Prix.

Verstappen was 解放(する)d from hospital at 10pm on Sunday night, seven hours after his high-速度(を上げる) 衝突,墜落 with Hamilton on the 開始 (競技場の)トラック一周 of the Silverstone race.

Hamilton was dealt a 10-second 刑罰,罰則 for the 事故.

But he 回復するd from fourth to pass Ferrari's Charles Leclerc for victory with two (競技場の)トラック一周s remaining, 削除するing the 選手権 赤字 to Verstappen from 33 points to just eight.

に引き続いて the 衝突,墜落, Verstappen was taken in an am bulance to the on-跡をつける 医療の centre and then to Coventry Hospital, 40 miles outside of Silverstone, for その上の checks and a CT ざっと目を通す.

Hamilton was dealt a 10-second penalty for the accident but went on to win British Grand Prix

?Hamilton was dealt a 10-second 刑罰,罰則 for the 事故 but went on to 勝利,勝つ British Grand Prix

His Red Bull team 確認するd he was given the all-(疑いを)晴らす to leave 'without any major 傷害s' late on Sunday night.

Earlier, Verstappen tweeted: 'Glad I'm 承認する. Very disappointed with 存在 taken out like this. The 刑罰,罰則 given does not help us and doesn't do 司法(官) to the dangerous move 吊りくさび made on 跡をつける.

'Watching the 祝賀s while still in hospital is disrespectful and unsportsmanlike behaviour but we move on.'

Hamilton 答える/応じるd by 説: 'Today is a 思い出の品 of the dangers in this sport. I send my best wishes to Max who is an incredible competitor. I'm glad to hear he is 承認する.

'I will always race hard but always 公正に/かなり. My team showed grit and perseverance out there. It's a dream to 勝利,勝つ in 前線 of my home (人が)群がる.'

Hamilton also said he has nothing to apologise for after Christian Horner said he put Verstappen's life in danger.

Horner said: 'His 活動/戦闘s have left in jeopardy another driver's safety and for me that is 容認できない.

'Every grand prix driver knows that a move at that corner - one of the fastest in 決まり文句/製法 One - is a 大規模な, 大規模な 危険.

Red Bull chief?Christian Horner said Hamilton put Verstappen's life in danger at Silverstone

Red Bull 長,指導者?Christian Horner said Hamilton put Verstappen's life in danger at Silverstone

'You don't put a wheel up the inside without there 存在 抱擁する consequences. We are just lucky today that there wasn't someone 本気で 傷つける.

'What I am most angry about is just the 欠如(する) of 裁判/判断, and the desperation in this move. It was never on.

'吊りくさび is a world 支持する/優勝者 that has won seven 肩書を与えるs. It is an amateur's mistake and a desperate mistake. Max is 乱打するd and bruised. It is the biggest 事故 of his career.'

But Hamilton said: 'I don't really have anything to say to Christian. The 勝利,勝つ doesn't 料金 l hollow.

'I don't think I am in a position to have to apologise for anything. We are out there racing.

'I don't agree with the stewards but I take my 刑罰,罰則 on the chin and get on with my 職業. I am not going to whine about it.

'Everyone is going to have a different opinion and I don't really care what people think so I just do what I do and I am really 感謝する for today.'





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