妊娠している Laura Anderson appears to take ANOTHER swipe at ex Gary Lucy with cryptic 地位,任命する ahead of giving birth

Laura Anderson?appears to have taken another swipe at her ex-boyfriend Gary Lucy in a new cryptic 地位,任命する.

The former Love Island 星/主役にする, 34, and the Hollyoaks actor, 41, 分裂(する) すぐに after they 発表するd their pregnancy in February and have said they are 決定するd to keep things civil for the sake of their child.

But on Wednesday, Laura took to her Instagram Stories to 株 a 引用する that seemed to take 目的(とする) at Gary.

It began: 'I'd say the best thing I have learned this year is to just let people be who they 自然に are.?

'No psychoanalyzing them, no overthinking my 活動/戦闘s, no asking what I could かもしれない do to keep them in my life.'

Hitting out: Laura Anderson appears to have taken another swipe at her ex-boyfriend Gary Lucy in a new cryptic post

Hitting out: Laura Anderson appears to have taken another swipe at her ex-boyfriend Gary Lucy in a new cryptic 地位,任命する

Ups and downs:?The former Love Island star, 34, and the Hollyoaks actor, 41, split shortly after they announced their pregnancy in February and have said they are determined to keep things civil for the sake of their child (pictured together in 2022)

Ups and 負かす/撃墜するs:?The former Love Island 星/主役にする, 34, and the Hollyoaks actor, 41, 分裂(する) すぐに after they 発表するd their pregnancy in February and have said they are 決定するd to keep things civil for the sake of their child (pictured together in 2022)

It 追加するd: 'How that person 答える/応じるs is 最終的に up to them. If that 原因(となる)s them to 出口 my life, I jus t let it happen.'

The 地位,任命する continued: 'I will never be in the 商売/仕事 of changing people.'

Captioning the 地位,任命する, Laura wrote: '広大な/多数の/重要な 計画(する)'.?

It comes after the reality 星/主役にする 明らかにする/漏らすd Gary?is still in 'two minds' about …に出席するing the birth of their child.

He 申し立てられた/疑わしい that the 推論する/理由 the couple had gone their separate ways was 予定 to the fact he wouldn't move to her native Scotland as he has four kids with his ex-wife Natasha Gray - something which Laura 否定するd.?

Now 28 weeks 妊娠している, Laura told 承認する!: 'He's 現在/一般に in two minds [about …に出席するing birth] so I've asked my mum 同様に, as you are 許すd two birthing partners.'

'There are a lot of emotions going around for everyone, so it's difficult. 存在 able to be civil from now until the birth and then after is the goal.'

Dig:?But on Wednesday, Laura took to her Instagram Stories to share a quote that seemed to take aim at Gary

Dig:?But on Wednesday, Laura took to her Instagram Stories to 株 a 引用する that seemed to take 目的(とする) at Gary

Last month, she appeared to 言及/関連 their 現在進行中の 演劇 with a brand new 地位,任命する, which 言及/関連d how to 扱う/治療する women.

The 引用する read: 'A woman becomes a reflection of how you 扱う/治療する her. If you don't like how she's 事実上の/代理 look at how you are 扱う/治療するing her.'

Her 雑談(する) with the 出版(物) comes after Laura excitedly 株d photos of her baby girl from her 4D ultrasound. The reality 星/主役にする 株d an up の近くに picture of her bundle of joy to her 1.5million Instagram 信奉者s 同様に.

She wrote: 'Swipe for a sleepy 4D bub. Thanks to @bumptobabyscotland for my amazing ざっと目を通す and heartbeat.

'Gayle and the team have created such a personalised and special experience every time I can't thank you enough. Ps she doesn't have my nose #gutted.'

The pair met on the famous TV show Celeb's Go dating in October last year but 分裂(する) in February 2023.

に引き続いて a whirlwind romance, the couple 発表するd that they were 推定する/予想するing a child together, but news 現れるd of the 分裂(する) すぐに after.

すぐに after their 分裂(する), Laura received a lot of hate on social マスコミ and told her 信奉者s?she would instan tly 封鎖する anyone who said anything 消極的な about her pregnancy, 追加するing that she is not a '犠牲者 even in my 攻撃を受けやすい 明言する/公表する'.

She wrote: 'If anyone 令状s anything 消極的な on my page re my pregnancy you will be 封鎖するd.

'Nobody on here except my friends and family knows the reality regarding the past few months of my life because I don't comment on 圧力(をかける) articles or give 詳細(に述べる)s of any other party.'