Lucrative advert 取引,協定s? They're not 厳密に encouraged! Adam Thomas is (刑事)被告 of 収入 tens of thousands of 続けざまに猛撃するs from advertising 取引,協定s while 存在 調印するd up to the BBC show

厳密に 星/主役にする Adam Thomas has been (刑事)被告 of 収入 tens of thousands of 続けざまに猛撃するs from advertising 取引,協定s while 存在 調印するd up to the prime-time BBC show.

The actor, 35, is 現在/一般に plugging four companies - three of which he appears to have started 是認するing only since agreeing to 参加する the 競争.

BBC 支配するs 明言する/公表する that 星/主役にするs should not 捜し出す to capitalise on their fame while appearing on its programmes, but bosses have agreed that they can 促進する brands on social マスコミ if the 取引,協定s already 存在する.

Mr Thomas' adverts for Sky, Morrisons and Birds 注目する,もくろむ, which could be 価値(がある) between £5,000 and £20,000 each, started to appear in 最近の weeks - since he was 発表するd as a 厳密に Come Dancing contestant.

A spokeswoman for Mr Thomas last night said he had been approached and engaged in conversations with the 会社/堅いs before he was 明らかにする/漏らすd as a 厳密に 星/主役にする on August 8, but did not 否定する the 取引,協定s were 調印するd afterwards.

In the past couple of weeks, Mr Thomas, who also 星/主役にするs on BBC dr ama Waterloo Road, 勧めるd his one million Instagram 信奉者s to join Sky 動きやすい and to 選ぶ for Birds 注目する,もくろむ 製品s.

Adam Thomas and Luba Mushtuk are pictuerd during the live show on Saturday for BBC1's Strictly Come Dancing

Adam Thomas and Luba Mushtuk are pictuerd during the live show on Saturday for BBC1's 厳密に Come Dancing

Strictly star Adam Thomas has been accused of earning tens of thousands of pounds from advertising deals while being signed up to the prime-time BBC show

厳密に 星/主役にする Adam Thomas has been (刑事)被告 of 収入 tens of thousands of 続けざまに猛撃するs from advertising 取引,協定s while 存在 調印するd up to the prime- time BBC show?

One 地位,任命する read: 'With Birds 注目する,もくろむ, teatimes are covered. It's perfect for when the kids come through the door after a long day at school and you want something you know they're going to love #広告.'

Previous 厳密に contestants were furious when they were 教えるd not to 安全な・保証する paid social マスコミ 共同s while they were still 成し遂げるing on the dance 床に打ち倒す.

One, who asked not to be 指名するd, told The Mail on Sunday: 'It's very 失望させるing. When we are on the show we are inundated with lucrative 申し込む/申し出s from brands, but we have to ask the BBC who 簡単に just say no.'

But a BBC 広報担当者 said: 'Celebrity contestants taking part in 厳密に can continue with 商業の かかわり合いs as long as they do not associate the programme or the BBC to their 商業の activities.'

Last week there were 恐れるs Mr Thomas would 行方不明になる out on the first week of the show 予定 to 傷害. The former Emmerdale 星/主役にする was spotted wearing an uncomfortable-looking wrist support, 示唆するing he had 苦しむd a painful 緊張する.

Appearing on Thursday's BBC Breakfast show with dance partner Luba Mushtuk, the actor 明らかにする/漏らすd he 戦う/戦いs with rheumatoid arthritis and that it 限界s his ability on the dance 床に打ち倒す.