Alec Baldwin and wife Hilaria ROASTED over 決定/判定勝ち(する) to film reality show with jokes about her 偽の Spanish accent and him 'needing the money' まっただ中に Rust 狙撃 訴訟: 'Shouldn't this be on Telemundo?'

  • The actor, 66, and his wife-of-12-years, 40, 株d the news 経由で Instagram
  • He said, 'We're 招待するing you into our home to experience the ups and 負かす/撃墜するs'
  • The show will 首相 in 2025 and will 含む '非,不,無-stop love and laughter'

Alec Baldwin?and his wife Hilaria Baldwin?were 残酷に roasted online after 発表するing they are 開始する,打ち上げるing a reality show - as he 準備するs to go on 裁判,公判 for the 致命的な Rust 狙撃.

The series is 法案d as a way to give fans a glimpse into the couple's 'ups and 負かす/撃墜するs' while they raise their seven children, the eldest of whom is only 10 years old.

Their news was met with 普及した mockery as social マスコミ 使用者s joked that Alec, 66, agreed to the 事業/計画(する) ーするために bankroll his 合法的な 弁護.

Many 観察者/傍聴者s took 目的(とする) at Hilaria, 40, by bringing up the 悪名高い スキャンダル when it 現れるd in 2020 that she had 偽のd her Spanish 遺産.?

'You would think it would be on Telemundo no?' quipped one commenter on X, 以前は Twitter. 'When does, um...狙撃 begin,' wrote another.

Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria Baldwin were brutally roasted online after announcing they are launching a reality show

Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria Baldwin were 残酷に roasted online after 発表するing they are 開始する,打ち上げるing a reality show?

地位,任命するing a picture of John Travolta?spattered with 血 in 低俗雑誌 Fiction, one X 使用者 wisecracked: 'Alec comes home from filming his new indie western film.'

'Good. We 港/避難所't had enough of Hilaria's 偽の accent,' joked a social マスコミ 使用者 as another wondered: 'Does he need money for his 合法的な 法案s,' and still another asked: 'why didn't they just call it "WE NEED LEGAL FEES: The Show"?'

'Anything to make people forget about the 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者, I see,' an X 使用者 theorized as another exclaimed: 'Omg! No.'

'That sounds....Hilariaous....:),' an X 使用者 wrote, while another wondered: 'When he goes to 刑務所,拘置所 do the cameras follow him into the 独房 or do they have to wait outside,' and a third 予報するd: '離婚d by 2027.'

The show is 始める,決める to 首相 in 2025 on TLC and will follow the couple as they 'open up their lives for the first time and bring everyone in to join in the 非,不,無-stop love, laughter and 演劇,' per a 圧力(をかける) 解放(する).?

In a ビデオ 地位,任命するd to the movie 星/主役にする's account, he and Hilaria sat 味方する by 味方する as she told テレビ視聴者s that they had a big '告示' to 株.

Alec then joked that some fans may assume that they were 明らかにする/漏らすing that they were 推定する/予想するing another child, but 追加するd, 'Good god no.'?

The couple 株?Carmen, 10, Rafael, eight, Leonardo, seven, Romeo, six, Eduardo, three, Lucia, three, and Ilaria, 20 months.

Their news was met with widespread mockery as social media users joked that Alec, 66, agreed to the project in ord
er to bankroll his legal defense

Their news was met with 普及した mockery as social マスコミ 使用者s joked that Alec, 66, agreed to the 事業/計画(する) ーするために bankroll his 合法的な 弁護?

The series is billed as a way to give fans a glimpse into the couple's 'ups and downs' while they raise their seven children

The series is 法案d as a way to give fans a glimpse into the couple's 'ups and 負かす/撃墜するs' while they raise their seven children?

The news comes just weeks after it was revealed that Alec will go to trail for manslaughter over the 2021 death of cinematograph
er Halyna Hutchins (seen) on set of his movie Rust

The news comes just weeks after it was 明らかにする/漏らすd that Alec will go to 追跡する for 過失致死 over the 2021 death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins (seen) on 始める,決める of his movie Rust?

The show is set to premiere in 2025 and will follow the family as they 'open up their lives for the first time'

The show is 始める,決める to 首相 in 2025 and will follow the family as they 'open up their lives for the first time'

Hilaria then 主張するd that they were 'done having kids,' before 明らかにする/漏らすing, 'This is about our show.'

'We're 招待するing you into our home to experience the ups and 負かす/撃墜するs, the good and bad, the wild and the crazy,' Alec explained.?

After that, さまざまな clips that showed the couple's seven kids 原因(となる)ing 大混乱 in their New York City abode flashed across the 審査する.

'Home is the place we love to be most,' 追加するd the 星/主役にする.?

It ended with the family-of-nine all sitting together as they excitedly yelled in unison, 'We are the Baldwins and we're coming to TLC.'?

'God help you all,' Alec joked as some of his kids ran に向かって the camera 叫び声をあげるing at the 最高の,を越す of their 肺s.

'Alec and Hilaria Baldwin have been making headlines since they were married nearly 12 years ago,' reads a description of the 近づいている show.?

'In this TLC follow-doc series, Alec and Hilaria 招待する テレビ視聴者s into the home they 株 with their seven growing kids. For the first time, they're 開始 up their family lives and bringing everyone in to join in the 非,不,無-stop love, laughter and 演劇.'

In a video posted to the movie star's account, Alec explained, 'We're inviting you into our home to experience the ups and downs, the good and bad, the wild and the crazy'
'Home is the place we love to be most,' added the star

In a ビデオ 地位,任命するd to the movie 星/主役にする's account, Alec explained,?'We're 招待するing you into our home to experience the ups and 負かす/撃墜するs, the good and bad, the wild and the crazy'

After that, various clips that showed the couple's seven kids causing chaos in their New York City abode flashed across the screen

After that, さまざまな clips that showed the couple's seven kids 原因(となる)ing 大混乱 in their New York City abode flashed across the 審査する

It ended with the family-of-nine all sitting together as they excitedly yelled in unison, 'We are the Baldwins and we're coming to TLC'

It ended with the family-of-nine all sitting together as they excitedly yelled in unison, 'We are the Baldwins and we're coming to TLC'

The news comes just weeks after it was 明らかにする/漏らすd that Alec will go to 追跡する for 過失致死 over the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, as?a 裁判官 否定するd a 動議 to 解任する the 事例/患者.

Alec?pleaded not 有罪の?and the 裁判,公判 is 始める,決める for July. If 罪人/有罪を宣告するd, he 直面するs up to 18 months in 刑務所,拘置所.?

In a 声明 に引き続いて the 裁判官's 決定/判定勝ち(する), his 弁護士/代理人/検事s said, 'We look 今後 to our day in 法廷,裁判所.'?

On October 21, 2021, just over two weeks after filming got 進行中で, Halyna - a Ukrainian cinematographer?who had worked on more than 30 feature films - was tragically 発射 and killed on 始める,決める of Rust, after she was 攻撃する,衝突する in the chest by a 弾丸 解雇する/砲火/射撃d from a '支え(る) firearm' that Alec was 持つ/拘留するing while rehearsing for a scene.?

によれば an affidavit, assistant director David Halls had taken the 武器 off of a cart 十分な of 支え(る)s and 手渡すd it to Alec, telling him it was a '冷淡な gun,' which meant it didn't have any real 弾丸s in it.?

However, he told 捜査官/調査官s that armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed had opened the gun for him to 検査/視察する before he gave it to Alec, but that he only remembered checking three out of five of the 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs.?

While Alec (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that he did not 'pull the 誘発する/引き起こす,' the 連邦検察局 later 支配するd that it was ありそうもない that the gun 解雇する/砲火/射撃d on its own after を受けるing a 一連の 実験(する)s.?

Even so, the actor told?ABC in December 2021 that he was not 責任がある what happened.

'Someone put a live 弾丸 in a gun, a 弾丸 that wasn't even supposed to be on the 所有物/資産/財産,' he said.?

Alec (seen on set of Rust) has his trial is set for July. If convicted, he faces up to 18 months in prison

Alec (seen on 始める,決める of Rust) has his 裁判,公判 is 始める,決める for July. If 罪人/有罪を宣告するd, he 直面するs up to 18 months in 刑務所,拘置所

Halyna (seen on set with Alec) was tragically shot and killed in October 2021 after she was hit in the chest by a bullet fired from a 'prop firearm' that Alec was holding

Halyna (seen on 始める,決める with Alec) was tragically 発射 and killed in October 2021 after she was 攻撃する,衝突する in the chest by a 弾丸 解雇する/砲火/射撃d from a '支え(る) firearm' that Alec was 持つ/拘留するing?

'Someone is ?責任がある what happened, and I can't say who that is, but I know it's not me.

'I don't know what happened on that 始める,決める. I don't know how that 弾丸 arrived in that gun. I don't know.?

'But I'm all for doing anything that will take us to a place where this is いっそう少なく likely to happen again.'

In January, more than two years after the 悲劇, it was 明らかにする/漏らすd that Alec had been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with involuntary 過失致死 by a New Mexico 大陪審.?

検察官,検事s 新たにするd the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 that were 初めは とじ込み/提出するd and then 解任するd in April 2023, after receiving a new 分析 of the gun - which 結論するd that 'the 誘発する/引き起こす had to be pulled or depressed 十分に to 解放(する) the fully cocked or 撤回するd 大打撃を与える of the 証拠 revolver.'

Rust armorer?H annah was?設立する 有罪の of involuntary 過失致死 on March 6, as the 陪審/陪審員団 支配するd that she?negligently 許すd a live 弾丸 to get into the gun that Alec had used to accidentally shoot Halyna.

Alec and Hilaria started dating in 2011 and 結婚する in 2012. They have since welcomed seven children together.

She also became the step-mom to his daughter Ireland Baldwin, who he 株 with his first wife Kim Basinger.?